The most hypocrite country in the world.
United States of America, where you can;
>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
>Where soldiers are sent to poor countries to do nothing, but jerk off, wave their guns around and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
>Where a former Reality Show Celebrity can run for Presidente
>Where someone who is being investigated by the FBI can run for President
>Where you get your dick mutilated even though you not Jewish or Muslim
>Where cops shoot people for being black
>Where you can smoke weed in public places but not a cigarret
>Where there are more McDonald restaurants than Libraries
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where heath care is a privilege and guns are a right
>Where paying to have sex is a crime, unless you film it
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
>Where walls are made of cardboard and then they complain when a storm brings everything down
Is this FREEDOM?