one of these threads
One of these threads
OP post best post
>I hate the mountains.
>I hate the rolling hills.
>I hate the flowers.
>I hate the daffodils.
I don't know why people seem to dislike upstate NY. It has 10 times more wilderness than VT or NH. Nothing but rolling hills and trees. Gods green earth
And we take care of our roads.
What's wrong with Hawaii?
the towns are too liberal for their own good.
you have zero evidence to support that.
>bernie sanders' revenge
Go fuck yourself, Florida-hater. We went 99/99 for Trump and our wildlife is so intense that vacationers die here. We gave the country George Zimmerman, we made Jeb and Marco just relevant enough to create a shitload of memes out of their failures, and we manage to stay so uncucked despite being constantly invaded by swarms of Puerto Ricans and Cubans. We'll survive Zika and then we're coming for your canned goods, faggot.
>hating strong island
most of the people outside of the city are based, and the island is 1950s tier segregated
Why coastal california? Have you ever been to inland cali? It's a fucking shit hole.
Am I seeing a pattern?
>disliking south Texas more then the rest of Texas
Go be a nigger someplace else
Funny, since a lot of those red parts are responsible for most of our GDP. See pic related.
>Hating VA
y tho
As a Mainer, seconded.
Texas conservatives make me gag, California Commie Liberals make me want to die, and New York is basically Urban bumfuckistan.
Niggers drag our IQ down. The real anomaly is that Texans have 5 more points than Mississippi when they're a minority-majority state, but then again illegals might not count for this pic.
Shhh, shhh, let OP think he's edgy and fits in by hating high population democrat areas for no reason.
I think Mexicans in TX are largely mixed. So their IQs are going to be higher. Also I think they are just sleepy not retarded.
>being this new
I dont know man Ive been here all summer I think I got a hold on how retarded this place is
Unlike you faggots I've been to most of these states. My map rules all.
There is literally nothing wrong with Pennsylvania.
Nah, the ones who are more whitish are generally writing "non-Hispanic white" on their census forms.
What's wrong with Dixie?
>Ive been here all summer
I think that got trolled. Summerfags are 8 years short of an oldfag.
Can't handle the WaWa, cuck?
Our Beloved Dixie is truly home to some dark, dark filth. One cannot blame the common folk for wanting our majestic south cleansed, yet, must that masterstroke involve thousands of years of glowing, radioactive afterburn?
The fuck is strong island?
>The fuck is strong island?
Long Island dumbass
NORTH Florida here, can you please not judge us based on the southern FL degenerates
we 100% redpilled here.
Bullshit. The spics here can barely speak their own language, much less English. I've seen numerous time where they have to fucking use their fingers to do simple math like 3+4.
95.5 is way too fucking high. Fuck this state.
This is the closest I have ever agreed with a map. Only a couple states I would change, and only by one level.
well put Mainer, and country music sucks
t. bay stater
>Nuking Long Island
For what purpose?
yeah op ended the thread
Worst Midwest state other than illinois
if it weren't for me, Idaho would be under 100.
Only if you only go to Madison or Milwaukee, otherwise it's just a bunch of comfy, small farming towns
>Implying Michigan isn't a worst state
Butt hurt Detroitnigger go home
>nuke our coasts so we can't can't use ports
BREAKING: US GDP goes negative
We'd be more than happy to be rid of you cancerous pieces of shit
when trump wins
>tfw live in NY but 5 miles from Vermont
i'd make the south provinces with no voting rights, fuck dixie land.
rate me
I've lived in CA, HI, TX, VA, FL, NY, CT all for at least 1 year. Been to most of the others.
>hating based south
gtfo pacific north west faggot
The south is the only reason Trump might win and free the country from an endless cycle of corrupt politicians which in turn actively work to destabilize the entire world.
Did you walk into a special ed class? I know a couple of (legal) 1st generation immigrants and they aren't literal five year olds.