US Navy to get faggot ship

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk
>The Navy is set to name a ship after the gay rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a Congressional notification obtained by USNI News.
>The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). The ship would be the second of the John Lewis-class oilers being built by General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego, Calif.

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That seems like an appropriate name for a vessel full of seamen

What a disgrace. Milk was a perverted deviant that molested underage boys. Obama(a faggot himself) has also given him a postage stamp.

You will also have the:
USS Lucy Stone: women’s right activist
USS Sojourner Truth:abolitionist and women’s rights activist

Truly a modern navy spreading progressivism all around the world.


We should get a ship named after each member of the village people, especially the ones who originally sang in the navy.

>kind of ship in charge of pumping other ships full of fuel named after a faggot
Stimulates my meme

Jesus christ, why are they cucking the military like this?

>oiler class
>pumps warm fuel deep into the caverns of other ships
man, thats pretty gay tbqh.

It's funny because all they're doing is shooting themselves in the foot when the civil war comes.

destroyers and seahawks...

They're really milking this gay stuff huh

USS Lactose Intolerant

Many fellow Americans here are upset about things like this.

For myself, I'm happy when I see these things. The weaker the US military becomes, the easier it will be to defeat in battle.

Look to the 2nd revolution.

>mfw I was felt up in a school bathroom by one of the football team

>mfw he tried to kiss me but I punched him in the dick and ran

>mfw he spread the rumor that I was gay after that

>mfw he joined the navy immediately after college

>today he tried to add me on Facebook

He may have been a cock-gobbler, but he was a Navy vet....wait. No difference.


It's an oiler. Because of course

It's a bit complex. Pic related.

i'd be far more concerned if it was named after an argentinian

Sup Forums hates Harvey Milk now? the fuck

Catholics will be pleased.


What gay thing do we bitch about next week?

Harvey Milk was a pederast. He fucked young boys 13-17 years old. It is known. Google that shit.

He was literally a jew. Nothing Catholic about that.


Well they are honouring it, aren't they? This is obviously something the mere thought of which would have horrified Americans of previous generations -- naming a Navy ship after a boy-buggerer whose only notable achievement was getting shot.

It's an "oiler" too apparently.
Sounds pretty gay.....


Navy's been suckin dick and saving life and liberty before your shitty family created you

The Navy has always been gay as fuck.

Can you imagine the poor bastards that have to serve on the official fag ship?

Have their secrets been found out? Is the name going to convert them

rum, buggery, and the lash.


Nah, I'm just imagining the bantz they're inevitably going to get from the other Navy bois and Marines in port.

I don't know why everyone's got their panties in a knot. It IS the American navy after all.

WW3 has to come now. Put American sjw and globalist dear from spreading.

I might even have to side with China because American culture is poisonous

>you and hundreds of other males in their prime alone on a steel vessel hundreds of miles away from nearest land
It's natural that they're inclined to be gay.

Regular troops can just rape some girls from the nearest village in a country they occupy and air force guys do not have enough space to even jerk off comfortably.

Usns means civilian basically. Owned by the navy, but staffed by civilians.

Harvey Milk's official biography talks about him fucking underage drug addict runaways? What the fuck???

You can't bantz other people's navies unless your country has one as well.

ayy lmao has putin said anything about this yet?

>Americans face when

This is the future YOU chose.

USS Milk

Followed by USS Butter and USS Cheese

Sounds appropriate

Followed by the ARM Quesadilla

Oy vey!

Should of been a submarine, 80 men go down, 40 couples come up.

Sailors will avoid getting assigned to that ship like pozd fags avoid decency.

As a Navy veteran, I am very happy they are naming a ship after Harvey Milk. The movie about him was very good as well.

>navy veteran

There's a surprise.

good one?

>implying exotic ar-15 variants can stand a chance

Didn't that fucking thing nearly sink immediately after leaving port?

>first they're clappifats
>then clappilards
>then Clappitards
>then larditards
>now la-di-dahs

Real manly nation you have there 'gentlemen'

>good one?

That's what you ask all the boys.

You're shit at insulting people, you should stop embarrassing yourself.

>fag ship

Sounds about right.

if you're not sporting a star spangled banner you have no fucking say
> navy equivalent to somali pirates
> navy consists of fishing boats and peashooters
same as philippines if not worse
>literally nonexistant navy
>same as canada
>would still lose any war games against chile
If you don't have at least ONE nuclear vessel i wouldn't talk shit

now why are you making up shit?

could be worse, Obama could have named a ship after a muslim.

You know it will happen, eventually: USS Muhammad Jihad

chase bugs in hell, faggot.

Wasn't Milk anti military?

>mfw I just got hired by the sealift command
>mfw I could be put on the 'gay' ship

Kill me


Hell doesn't exist, and you're a faggot for believing in it =].

Sup Forums is what happens when people with no self awareness stumble on this board, thinking we call each other faggots because we're really like gays and not just because we're edgy faggots.

>giving a shit what the Marines think
They're basically entitled babies desperate to be catered to despite being worse at their job than the army.

If we kill you we can't laugh at how fragile you are that you need your life to be a hugbox

Who cares? The navy is gay as hell, anyways.

Maybe that's the point, like with gender neutral bathrooms. Put gay people on that ship and send it somewhere on a "mission" so normal people don't have to do deal with their bullshit.

Shit like this makes me want to fucking purge our politicians. Fuck this shit

why should i care if you won't use it to protect europeans from white genocide?

Obama gave him a commemorative postage stamp too.