>trump is winning in the polls
>trump is losing in the polls
>obvious shill polls fuck hillary trump is going to win come november
>polls don't matter anyway l-look at brexit
why is Sup Forums so delusional and pathetic?
>trump is winning in the polls
>trump is losing in the polls
>obvious shill polls fuck hillary trump is going to win come november
>polls don't matter anyway l-look at brexit
why is Sup Forums so delusional and pathetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
The polls are rigged for the dems faggot, so when hillary is losing that is something big
This, really.
It's no secret how the media is trying to stop him. They ran everything they could and he is still moving forward. From a left libertarian, I am tired of the left. Trump has earned my vote. May he win in November.
>why is Sup Forums so delusional and pathetic?
and you havent seen the "i have no friends" threads, shits hilarious
well did you ever get over rubio not winning or jeb not wining? you sound butt hurt. do you still think the iowa caucus will save your liberal dreams? the media wouldnt shut up about it and it didnt change anything
This. If the polls say Trump is up by 4pts then he is actually ahead by 8-12pts. Shillary just had 1/2 of the Delegates walk out on her. And her response is to make Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the woman who fucked over Bernie, the head of her campaign. Shillary is a political relic who thinks the MSM still wields the same influence as it did 20,30,50+ years ago. And so she can do whatever the fuck she wants and still get away with it.
But there has been a seismic shift in the Information landscape and this stupid old cunt doesn't realize she's sinking in the quicksand.
>he hasn't realised that Trump is playing a masterstroke by getting rightwing hugboxes like """"here"""" to do his "shilling" for him for free on social meeja....
if the polls are rigged then why would they show trump winning?
Literally -
>muh polls aren't going MY way
>they must be rigged.
Fucking cousin fuckers, the lot of ya!
>checks flag
/sage/ dingo b8 threads.
Why are you a fucking leaf?
As mentioned already, the polls skew left so throughout this race you can probably add a couple points to Trump, though maybe even more now that they're changing the polling method to benefit Clinton.
Either way, though, when considering all 4 candidates Trump still leads
Why polls are taking so long? I remember that right after DNC there were poll discussions in the media. It's dead silence right now.
> As mentioned already, the polls skew left so throughout this race you can probably add a couple points to Trump
In the last election the opposite was true, they skewed right.
Romney was ahead in many of the polls, final poll average was a tie and Obama won by 3 points.
And the worst polls last election were the ones like Rasmussen that currently show Trump leading. They are the same ones that had Romney leading.
Rasmussen has Clinton leading currently. But this election is not like the 2012 race, it's much closer to the Brexit vote. You have the entire establishment openly hostile toward one candidate, and we've already seen polling methods set up to give Clinton an edge. Combine that with the underpolling of conservatives we've seen and the reluctance of many "shy" Trump supporters to answer affirmatively for him, and you've got all the ingredients for the polls getting BTFO just like they did with Brexit, and for the same reasons.
The truth is that the numbers right now, if you go by the polling average, are basically the same as they were a year ago.
August 2015: Clinton leads by a couple points
August 2016: Clinton leads by a couple points
The reality of U.S. politics is that not that many people change their minds. You are either a lib or a conservative, and all the back and forth is basically meaningless. And that's advantage for the Dems, who have a larger voting base and have won the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 elections.
every establishment in the US is leftist, so when something shows a conservative bias, you know it's legit and probably understated.
Trumps internal polling, which he spends A LOT of money on, has him winning the election easily. This will never be shown in leftist polls.
election day is going to blow the minds of the world.
> Rasmussen has Clinton leading currently.
Well honestly Rasmussen is all over the place. A couple weeks ago they had Trump leading by 7 when everyone else showed Clinton ahead. They are a joke at this point.
> Combine that with the underpolling of conservatives we've seen and the reluctance of many "shy" Trump supporters to answer affirmatively for him
Remains to be seen. There was not any underpolling of Trump in the primaries. The polls for the most part accurately predicted his results, same as any other candidate.
throw out all conventional and past knowledge and experience.
this election is not the same. at all.
maybe similar to 1980, and thats it.
Newfag white supremacists memed Trump on here until they got a consensus of groupthink so anyone who disagrees with them is a shill and anyone who doesn't like Trump "Has to go back".
The dude will literally set America back 40 years with his ideas on trade and foreign policy.
>The dude will literally set America back 40 years with his ideas on trade and foreign policy.
That's the idea. Our current trade and foreign policy is a fucking joke.