>get married
>be married for 30 years
>this happens
Get married
> Mark Schnizlein
>Mark deeded 50% of the interest of that property to you with the understanding you two were in love
Mark is fucking stupid
He fucked himself. He divorced her. He was out. He was free. Why in the fuck would he run back into a burning house?
You know, one of the few comforting thoughts a man can trust after a breakup, which of course is impossible to see without putting everything you have into it from a character perspective (assuming you have it in you), is that you're free. No more of her bullshit, stupidity, craziness, pettiness, poor judgment, tedium, etc. You're out - you are free of all of that. It's a check men never cash.
What's that expression Tony Soprano used? "You have a ham under your arm but complain there's nothing to eat" or something like that.
Fucking mark the idiot
If you think you're fucked now, just wait until I get done suing you for my ruined neck.
Women can kill and poontangs expensive
Every time.
you dont know how to rotate images?
for fuck sakes.
too awkward angle, didnt read.
>get married
Why are you so useless?
thank you aussie bro
OP is a stupid nigger
Who cares about some rich jew
Jeez chuck E cheeze
Sounds like what my mother did to her last lover. Said he got out easy, should have squeezed him dry. And she complains I don't marry.
He should have never put her name on the deed. She may very well be able to keep that home now, especially if AZ is a no-fault, divorce state.
Think about it for a second, apart from muh traditional ceremony, marriage is nothing more than another way for women to make money from their vagina. There is no reason a woman should get any of a man's assets. marriage is literal prostitution.
I rate this thread Jew/10.
Its all spelled out in proper order.
"Mark has fucking had enough"
"Mark is getting his shit back"
I don't think any judge is going to side against him, these are big numbers and major things like passports.
Judges award things in civil court that are spelled out in much less clear terms.
i'm sorry i lost my house and passports in a boating accident
a tragic houseboating accident I'm sure user
your guns are in the fins of patriot catfish now
>you were still legally responsible for them so you are still financially liable
You got married, you brought this upon yourself.
>as you know
Bad exposition t b h would flunk out of creative writing class
>If we do not hear back from you by Friday, November 14,2014
>pic is sideways
not gonna bother
Isn't it the woman who is being fucked here? That seems out of the norm.
Too bad god is dead lol. Society is in a slow rot and it will only get worse as the nuclear family disappears.
This is so fucking fake. What fucking lawyer refers to their client by the first name, and sends a letter without using stationary.
Probably the only kind you can afford when your wife takes all your money
What lawyer speaks like this?