Reminder if you vote for Drumpf (aka Trump) you are voting for racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and anti-disabled. It's 2016 AD. There is no reason you shouldn't vote for the first women president in 2016 AD.
Reminder if you vote for Drumpf (aka Trump) you are voting for racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia...
He can be a fucking hippie for all I care, as long as he makes it okay to kick out mussies from Christian countries
build it
kill all manlets
You can't even vote.
>racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia
Those are bad character traits?
Prove it's bait without memes.
lel.. Anyone can vote in the US. They don't check IDs
not an argument, weak bait
>They don't check IDs
That's not how it works faggot. My state doesn't have that ID shit, but I have to show up to my local voting percent and have to sign my name.
>not an argument, weak bait
Everything trump stands for is bigotry.
oh wow, sign your name. I'll bet it's the same name on your mail box.
>racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and anti-disabled
Sounds good! Wish it were actually true.
>still no arguments
> still weak baits
> i don't think you know what bigotry is, protip its not everything that you disagree with
reminder to sage these threads and torment the op while saging
Why should someone be given a position because of their gender. Gender has fuck all to do with qualifications
Fuck the queers and fuck the muzzies, you keep giving me reasons to vote for him!!!
>oh wow, sign your name.
The point is if you don't belong in the percent because you didn't register to vote there you will go to JAIL faggot.
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot that is getting paid to shill for Hillary.
>Gender has fuck all to do with qualifications
Trump will ban abortion, which is anti-women.
Don't you mean 2016 CE?
Don't want to use religious terms in the modern secular 2016 CE.
>Sounds good! Wish it were actually true.
This is Trump's platform.
Correct The Record is here Sup Forums
Be on your best behavior.
>Correct The Record
And how much do Koch Industries pay you?