When asked if trump has a chance

when asked if trump has a chance.

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Looks like the forced laugh my little girl makes when I ask her if her big sister made her mad.

Would ya look at that, a leaf.


Link vid


Literally a leaf.

> when a 'merican outs themselves as 100% weeb

fuck off muhammad, trump is coming to gas your kind after hes done with USA


she laughs when she has to lie. it's one of her tells.

thanks leaf.


what ever helps you sleep at night, the polls say otherwise however


>When leaves think nigger reaction gifs are humorous

> he masturbates to cartoon porn!

The Trump coalition, everyone.

>voting for satan herself

> when you realise he thinks trump likes weebs

>he doesn't masturbate to cartoon porn

What are you, some kind of fag?




You're not very good at this are you?

Pay peanuts, get monkeys.

How will Trump ever recover?

I dunno apparently he got pretty salty about hillary saying he gets his panties in a bunch over twitter

They laughed at Nixon and Agnew too, but it didn't help them.

>making fun of a weeaboo on an anime image board
It checks out

Kek she really is the devil in the flesh.

Doesn't your leader have a bull to prep ?

It's simple, we get Bernie on the ballot

>when people say Trump doesn't have a chance

>mfw watching a BBC or CNN news story earlier that basically said america is doomed if Trump wins and that her DNC with a bunch of celebrities and showboating was better than trump's dull and gloomy RNC.

i fucking hate this world and it's inhabitants i truly don't care anymore

What's this from??


It's from Stranger Things.

Is anything being done in regards to voting machine fraud? This all feels pointless if Hillary can just rig it in her favour.

is anything being down in regards to half the world's media being run by jews with a malicious agenda?


I can't believe a leaf would make a shit thread like this...it's so uncharacteristic of leafs. What. Is. Going. On. Peoples?

There are petitions to change it to a paper ballot.

>a bunch of celebrities and showboating
That's exactly what the RNC was, or did you miss the thrilling speech by fucking Scott Baio?

i did


Oh, well you should know that the RNC thinks Charles in Charge is an important voice in today's political climate.

dont know what the fuck that news story was on about then, must be because trump is le meany so it's all doom and gloom.

It's probably because the RNC was all about how shitty things are and how only Trump can save the world.

was this last august? she's not laughing anymore

trump mentioned the problem in his ama. so we do know that he is at least aware of it. i have confidence in his competence to handle things

fucking satan incarnate

>"Maybe I can intimidate Trump if I pretend to laugh..."

didn't he answer like 4 questions in that ama?


Because I'm a woman, trump has no chance

We came, we saw, he died


Now she's just cackling.

She has the thing on her tongue there too, doesn't she?

one way or the other

it is your choice

if you want trump you win you better actually get your ass off the internet and do something.

Having a /pol circle jerk about how great trump is doesn't win elections. Getting your ass out going door to door does.

i kinda liked that series

>Going door to door at 10pm
>Doing the same shit that berners did to inadvertently piss off would be voters

looks like Boku no Pico to me.

...and the DNC thinks Michael Browns mom and a criminal fugitive alien have something to add