Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do...

Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do ? I was hanging out with some friends at the Bahnhofsviertel near the Frankfurt train station when I got separated from my buddies and decided to go home, suddenly 3-4 immigrants come jump on me and one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife(they are illegal here) and tells me in broken english/german " Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher", I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes. I am fucking terrified, should I call the police ?

>Bahnhofsviertel near the Frankfurt train station

dude, that indeed is the best place to be in FFM...

Yea you should call the police. Call them right away, and follow up on it in the morning or tormorrow.

The Police won't help you Hans.

Shit man just take it as a lesson and move on.

>You should of bent over and let them ficki ficki


The Jews really have a good hold on Germany

So progressive, so diverse

call your local media news source

don't call the cops you'll be arrested for racism for being scared of immigrants hans

move here.

If you call the police they might arrest you for not sucking the cultural enrichers off.

This is actually a possibility

>he didn't pull out a zip bag of poo and pee pee and toss its contents over the niggers

accept the enrichment

>"Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher"


How am I supposed to fight 3-4 guys when they had fucking butterfly knifes(which I mentioned before are very illegal in Germany) ?


Hallo ich bin auch Flüchtlinge und ich muss ficki mit einer Deutsche Frau

Hast du ficki für mich? Ich brauche auch Geld

Danke Deutschcuck :^)

>he walks around unarmed
>he isn't ready to kill the shitskins with his own knife or baton
>he gets robbed
Sad! But now you know what kind of items to invest in. And what kind of party to vote for in the next elections. And you now have a personal experience that you can bring up to justify your hatred against brown shitskins in Germany.

I'm trying to recruit people for a German gang that targets only shitskins and robs them (as revenge for their collective theft of German money and lives). Are you willing to join and show these shitskins whose country this is?

Why do Germans always post shit in German and presume we understand what the fuck it is they're saying?

but honestly i just think germans totally deserve what they get for voting merkel

Call the police or go to the police station, get the cops off their asses.

You made the right first decision by posting here.

What has this to do with butterfly knifes? They are shit for fighting but sandnigger love them because they are illegal.
But srsly just call the police and tell them what happened

I mean in his defense that is some really simplistic German and should be understandable

Wish you had a gun yet?

>be american


Lord Kek enables happenings, He does not diffuse or prevent them

If anything that ziplock bag would bring out the alohasnackbar in the 'refugees' like cats with catnip

At least you didn't get raped.

>someone would lie on the internet

they said
>gib monys or we'll fuck you
its not that hard to understand

>>he walks around unarmed
>>he isn't ready to kill the shitskins with his own knife or baton
>>he gets robbed
>Sad! But now you know what kind of items to invest in. And what kind of party to vote for in the next elections. And you now have a personal experience that you can bring up to justify your hatred against brown shitskins in Germany.
>I'm trying to recruit people for a German gang that targets only shitskins and robs them (as revenge for their collective theft of German money and lives). Are you willing to join and show these shitskins whose country this is?

Not thanks man, I don't want to engage in criminal or gang activity, I generally don't want any stress by the police or other authorities.

happened to my sis' ex, he beat up the thieves and testified cops he had been attacked by 2 Hawaks (wogs), police was irate...(sis too complained about his racism)

Ruf die scheiß Polizei an... Was ist mit dir verkehrt Junge?

1. Start lifting
2. Get a Weapon
3. Vote AfD

[This user has been arrested for: Hate Speech]

Yeah great, there would be 3 rapeugee's armed with a gun and Hans's wallet now.

>Someone getting robbed by shitskins in a bad neighborhood in Germany? THAT MUST BE A LIE

Thats a common thing now

fucking pussy

wish I had screenshots of all those fags posting on /k/ about how governments will never turn against their people because it's [THE CURRENT YEAR] and you dont need guns anymore

Mann einige deutsche sind homos, wie OP.

I mean in general. We get German posting linking to entire articles or videos in German and acting as if all of Sup Forums can understand.

The police won't do anything for him, they are cucked by merkel

You should cancel your cards though


Time to take up a martial art user. Even against 4 armed immigrants, you can at least attempt to defend yourself. You should call the police but they may send you off to tolerance camp.

Yes, call the police. Try remember what they look like for the report. Better off going to a police station to file the report. Also, see if where you were had CCTV, that'll help the cops

are you sure it wasn't three males named David?

stop being racist OP

lol, get a weapon. Who cares if they're illegal, criminals don't all you're doing by disarming yourself is making yourself a target. You could call the police, they won't do anything, I mean how are they going to find 4 random shitskins that will all say they were fucking a goat together at the same time instead of robbing your unarmed self.

I bet you still don't think you should have a gun do you?

Need to carry a dundee knife mate

Just dress appropriately to conceal, maybe a jumper or suitcoat would hide well

They wont screw with ya with one of these

>Mann einige deutsche sind homos, wie OP.

Sagte der degenerierte Kiffer

I don't give a shit you Chinese leaf, these shitskins are increasingly pissing me of. They are dumb violent subhumans and it's time to answer their violence with ours. We are like sheep to the slaughter now because everyone has been raised to be a massive feminine loser who would rather spread his ass cheeks than defend themselves. It's pathetic and it has to stop.

So I want to start a CRIMINAL GANG with other Germans and I want to ROB SHITSKINS, ok?

Cuckstralia, no. Criminals in our country aren't so brazen because they're afraid of getting shot by police or concealed carry. They only attack old women alone in the park.

Take up boxing and carry a knife

just go to Angry Joe's july 4th celebration video.
for some reason his eurocuck fans got all huffy and puffy because he was shooting spooky rifles.

It's easy for the police to track down crims like this as long as they have a report quickly, they have patrols and cameras active and these cunt's are travelling.

>living in FFM

You deserve everything.

>give the immigrants your money at knife point
>give the immigrants your money through taxes
They were going to get your cash either way, fritzcuck.

What the fuck are you complaining about?

I smell bullshit. How about call your buddies instead of posting on an Sup Forums?

The men of your nation need to organize and patrol your streets in massive, white male, groups. You better carry weapons of some sort, like tear gas.


Buy a handgun and conceal it.

If Germany is no-handgunz, get that shit smugled from Serbia.

lol @ recruiting Germans for a gang...

The police will not protect you.

Call the Sturmabteilung


>an Sup Forums

Yeah I want this, but all of these pussies ITT are scared

Germany is lost man. Just move already. The migrants will continue to force their seed amongst your women and beat the men out.

I'm sorry my brothers in Germany. I raise a glass to you as remembrance for your once greatness. You will be missed.

Faggot, you deserved to be robbed

What a fucking bitch you couldn't have at least kept your wallet and ran away from them?

How unfit are you exactly??? You fat fucking diabetus ass worthless cunt. You DESERVED it.

Why the fuck aren't you carrying a weapon of your own anyways??? Do you have any idea how easy it is to carry around a baton? If you buy jeans with deep pockets you can just slip it in there.

Baton > Knife

You deserved this. You know the police are worthless and won't help you, infact they might arrest you when you mention the perpetrators ethnicity.

Eat shit faggot. Man up for next time.

>every German is a feminine cuck like yourself
Nice anti German propaganda you fucking neckbeard

Maybe that's the problem, maybe he's posting here because he's sad he didn't get raped.
>Th-there's c-condoms in my wallet A-Achmed. I-I won't tell anybody I promise.
>Bends over. Spreads cheeks.
>Thinks of Merkel
>This is what she would want.
>A-Achmed? Ficki ficki?
>Where'd you go?

Germany yes

too bad you couldnt be home to just shoot the intruders.
gg fagget

Aren't muslims against faggots? Is it just projection?

this is how German buddies look like - they would resent his racism...

>german getting other germans to fuck shit together
This will not end well.

Unless you genocide the mudslimes. That'd be gr8!

>living in germany
>not staying in the hinterlands

Call the cops
The sooner the better.
After about an hour it's unlikely they get caught unless dumb luck by the cops.

DO NOT call the police, they will file this as a rape and put those of similar ethnicity to your robbers in harm's way. It's terrible what has happened, but rememeber #notAllTanGermans

You don't fight you fucking deutschecuck, you run somewhere public. It isn't cowardly to run from 4 niggers with knives, but it is cowardly to hand over your wallet before doing so.

Why would a German not immediately tell the police?

Report to the police, write a letter (or a email) and ask Merkel to refund your money. Send it to media, political parties that might be sympathetic towards expelling the camel fuckers.

When police doesn't do anything and the media picks up the story sue the police.

Worth a try although I doubt anything will happen.

>German ran away from immigrants

I'm reporting YOU for hate crime fucker.


You are one based Hans. I'd be down if I was a German. Remove kebab, fire bomb mosques, attack burkas

>Nice anti German propaganda you fucking neckbeard

since when is it my fault Germans are this weak and pathetic? And you better help to create a civil patrol rather than a band of robbers

OP, here and I am fucking terrified. I my ID was in the wallet which includes my home address and I am now scared that these migrants will find where I live and try to assault me again, what the fuck do I do ?

It's their home now, much like Germany.

You should be carrying a zip gun or a blade of your own, you are already in a giant prison known as Germany so what difference does it make going to a new cell if you get caught at least you would have removed a shitskin.

Polizei man!!!

Yeah, just let the rapefugees steal your wallet and fuck you in the ass. Have you no pride cuck?

Why didn't you shoot them with your ccw? Oh wait..

Call the police

Looks like it's time to oil up.

Enjoy your cultural enrichment, friend!

You have new roomies.

have you called the cops? won't achieve anything but at least drives up the stats - too much goes unreported these days, making politicians jubilant...
And you indeed must learn to fight and get some basic equipment.


>they are illegal here

Yes user when you are the victim of a crime you are supposed to call the police.

It's been 4,5 hours since I got robbed, will the police even consider this case ?

He means the knives moron

Look more closely at the thread I'm pretty sure this guy is just baiting.

Oh well, had me for a second there.
