what is your single issue that can INSTANTLY sway your vote?
Mine is women's rights (they shouldn't have any. Make guardianship is the true path to happiness and harmony)
what is your single issue that can INSTANTLY sway your vote?
Mine is women's rights (they shouldn't have any. Make guardianship is the true path to happiness and harmony)
Other urls found in this thread:
>Make guardianship
Was that supposed to be "male"? It's not grammatically correct as is.
I don't vote, i belong to various groups Ibelieve shouldn't be allowed to vote. But if I did vote I wouldn't vote for any candidate who didn't support legalizing the good kind of incest.
Vehemently anti female judges
No woman should ever judge a man
I'm a shit tier Tranny Pornstar.
I just wanna keep making money off thirsty faggots.
Ima vote for trump.
>disenfranchise half the population
*tips fedora*
Which Canadian party sympathizes with your viewpoint?
nothing else really matters
There isn't one. And anyone for whom there is should not be allowed anywhere near a voting booth. Your vote is about as informed as hers.
I keep them and get more freedom or you dont get my vote.
while by far not the only issue i care about it is certainly the most important.
Mine is making america great again.
that actually kinda makes sense. laws can only go so far if you have an armed populace
Mine is military spending/defence.
syrian refugees
take them in and i don't vote for them
Immigration policy.
Ivanka never had a nose like that, even when she was young.
Fuck off CIDF.
None, but he probably votes for Christian Heritage.
>caring if they ban guns
I would rather live a brief and glorious life as a free man than a long and taxes, regulated, life as a slave.
I hope they ban guns, then i will be morally justified to 1776.
Was a Bernie supporter
Now a Trump supporter
Immigration obviously.
The genetic stock is the most important trait of a nation. Neglecting it will wreck everything else.
The environment. Without it we have nothing and everything else wouldn't matter. Without a healthy world there won't be any life. We must protect it from global climate shifts
If you're for open borders, you won't get my vote, full stop.
The fuck are you on about
Firearms rights and the Second Amendment. Free speech and the First Amendment.
Immigration of course
Also, my mom can't vote for her due to her abortion position. Feels good man.
What group fag
That photo is retarded. Literally the only difference is less puppyfat, which probably just happened with age.
Immigration. Killing everyone who doesn't say immigration and removing all the cucks from Sup Forums would also get you my vote.
PA fag here. Gunfag too.
With this AWB shit passing in Mass, I'm not taking any chances with more anti-gun Libshit spreading down here.
Also, Johnson threw away my vote with that flintlock in the garbage.
Obviously, I prefer candidates that are anti-TPP.
That stance alone won Trump my vote (everything else is just icing on the cake). No other big candidate is anti-TPP.
>they shouldn't have any
Next time explain this in the OP so someone doesn't have to waste their time asking you to.
Im with this guy.
strenthening our military.
Obama destroyed it and no one cares because he booted out all the cold blooded killers and made it summer camps with guns for new recruits.
Saving the white race and western civilization
Anyone who stops Syrian Refugees
Stops more Mexicans
Shits on SJW's
Removes Kebab
Kebab/Nigger fertility and White infertility is the single greatest crisis of our time.
Mine is whether the media likes the candidate or not. If they are willing to lie for him/her, I'll vote for whoever opposes them.
The media won't do its job against anyone they favor. #MakeAmericaAccountableAgain
ahoy vetbrotein shake.
Gun ownership. I want more, or at least maintain what we have.
Mine is making america great again.
Not a single issue voter but anyone who wants to restrict the 2nd amendment whatsoever loses my vote
I don't know if I'm a single issue voter but support for police officers, military and veterans can pretty much make it or break it for me.
Guns. I'll never vote for anyone who supports any increase in gun control, ever.
There's other stuff too, but nothing trumps gun rights.
Immigration and demographics.
2A or constitutional rights in general
I'm not a single issue voter. However, the second amendment keeps the shitbags of society from having a monopoly on violence. To keep the USA from making a final plunge into the third world we can't let the dregs of society gain the upper hand.
Shit. I don't know. I want a world where a gay married couple can defend their gmo pot plants with their select fire weapons, while one works either a green American Manufacturing job, all the while they don't have to worry about medical bills or student loans.
Who do I vote for to get that?
thats retarded. its one thing to be willing to die for your beliefs, its another o throw it away needlessly.
Taxes and laws are no in and of themselves evil, humans have always sought order and Taxes help with that order.
while America does need very heavy changes as such things have gotten out of hand, it is not outright the problem in that these things exist, only how far they have gone and the corruption they now hold.
and if the government is already of such a bad position that you wish to rebel, and are yet so willing to do so needlessly, then you would've already done it.
i have my guns and will not be disarmed, for they are the tool in which my other liberties can be protected, and while i wish to never have to and nor should any sane man, i will use them on my fellow man and government if such a time comes that i can do so without it being a waste of my life.
blind anger and want of rebellion is nothing but anarchism and blind violence, one must know when and what ones life is truly worth risking it for, and that no man can win a war alone. fools who would so easily want to throw chaos on their fellows lives for no other reason then to enact violence without reason are just as much the enemy as the government they say,and is, corrupt.
Drink bleach
Gary Johnson. Well, closest thing to it anyway.
Johnson or Trump
That's just a bad picture of Ivanka. She's always been a QT.
>disenfranchise 80% of the population
fixed that for you
ah thank you based burger
My single issue is making america great again
The unemployed, the uninformed, non-land owners. None of those groups should be allowed to vote.
Incest is the purest form of love. It's a travesty that it's illegal for a man to express his love for his young daughter sexually.
Gun freedom is usually the make or break deal for me, and I don't even own any firearms.
I voted for dude weed lmao just for weed..
>still no weed
Private prisons. Can't vote for anyone who supports them. I don't give a shit about prisoner rights and all that but giving a government that has become beholden to crony corporatism an incentive to invent new excuses for imprisonment of good citizens is a recipe for disaster.
>common sense gun control
Come on guys, it's just common sense.
Immigration, but I'm not sure if even that could sway me to vote for a globalist.