Find a flaw
Too much blue. Gas them already
hasn't nevada been SPIC'D really hard lately? I think trump has better chances in great lake states like penny or wisconsin
>other than NH, OH, and FL being the wrong color...
I don't see Colorado going red. Even the cucked parts, (Pueblo, Boulder and most of Denver,) are Bernouts that hate Clinton. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if CO went Johnson this year.
*going blue
Do people really think trump can hold Nevada?
I think Trump will take PA as well.
Lots of working class whites in Michigan, my dude. We may turn red this year
lots of muzzies and mexicans too though
trump can take michigan
Not enough to override the white vote (if they come out in Nov.). Outside of Detroit/Ann Arbor, it's mostly white. Northern Michigan is as red as the South.
You really think Michigan is going red after the Flint water crisis?
>NH red
>ohio and florida both red
Sorry, not happening. I can see VA being red, but OH and NH are going blue.
This is the most likely outcome
Iowa is blue.
What does tha have to do with anything? Anyone who thought Republicans were to blame are voting Democrat anyways. People outside of shitholes like Detroit, Flint and Pontiac understand that Democratic policies have destroyed those cities. Some wouldn't even mind if they burned themselves down. Old school union will vote Hillary but there's enough division within Democrat ranks here for Trump to win. Just watch.
>New Hampshire
>tfw Northeast will never be red
I never understood why Massachusetts is always blue. I get that Boston is Ivy League central, I just figured there's enough Irish catholics to make up for it.
>even on the heavy pro-Trump board he is just barely even able to squeak a win in predictions
this isn't a good sign
As a native Ohian, Ohio seems to always let me down in elections. I think Michigan and/or Pennsylvania are more likely to go Trump.
Delusional as shit. Might as well fill in NY red too while you're at it.
It's always close. And it always comes down to only a handful of states - all of which seem to be getting more blue as time goes on due to leftist immigration policies and bad republican leadership over the years.
If MI is red, NH, NV, IA, hell, even CT will be red as well. Not to mention Ohio. MI flipping would require a hell of a wave in support for Trump and all those other states would flip before that. Maybe even OR, but I think it's par for course with MI.
VA will be red this year.
Nah, fellow Ohiobro, we got our shit together this year. The Trump rally was explosive in blue ass Toledo, so you can bet the rest of the state goes red this year
same as mine but replace michigan with hawaii and nevada
Sorry guys
> literally 80% of the actual map is red
>Votes are 50/50
Why is this allowed
Shills pls go
rednecks are too stupid to breed and minorities make babies like cockroaches after their anchor babies grow up
Extremely unlikely, but possible. Would need a high Latin turnout for Trump, and a Romney esque white college educated coalition for Trump. Having said that, PA would mostly likely be red as well int his scenario, as well as NH, and possibly a district in Maine.
This is close to what the map would look like in a major Republican wave, brought forth with a large turnout of white voters, low and highly educated, along with a significant percent of them voting Republican. The only thing wrong is MN being Red. Minnesota turning Red would happen after NY/CA turn Red. They are a notoriously liberal state, a lot like a white version of DC.
Possible if there is low turn-out for college educated workers, along with low minority turnout. Basically the Bush coalition with a few moves toward the Dems due to Trump's supposed Mexican bashing.
Again, possible. If clinton wins over a large percent of white, college educated adults, maintains minority numbers Obama got in '12, and had more of a shift towards her in the Latin vote, it's entirely possible.
Only one way to settle this.
Ohio fag here.
Kasich is going to fuck up Ohio.
God Damn faggotry.
i live in new hampshire. i havent seen a hillary sign. only trump signs. its dope.
What the fuck do Democratic policies have to do with giving a whole bunch of people lead poisoning and then lying about it?
trump would win.
VA is going red. Dickhead
This. He's basically told his state not to vote for Trump, and they love him there.
Nebraska's 3-2 red, Hillary wins.
Should also mention, in the event of a tie, congress decides the president and vice president. Congress is republican, and would elect Trump and Pence.
>voting power determined by land mass
>disregarding the fact that 1/3rd of the actual map is god damn uninhabited federal land
>and the fact that that's a retarded idea in the first god damn place
Because you're god damned retarded, that's why.
Polling aggregates. AZ is blue and NV is red because of shitty polls. Switch those and that's the result if the election were today.
The polls show Trump with a nice lead in Nevada.
Wisconsin is full of pseudo-canadian white guilt bitches. No chance.
>Check out Madison where we hate racism and have no minorities it's such a nice city no republicans allowed tho stop the hateful rhetoric
Fuck Wisconsin. And Minnesota.
Any poll within the MoE isn't really valid. You should consider them neck and neck for that purpose.
A poll, taken literally immediately after the RNC
I'd expect FL and NC to both be red. Polling should show that soon.
Could you even comprehend the levels of butthurt that would ensue if this happened?
more like its pretty hard to grow crops and harvest basic resources when a bunch of niggers are living in densely populated areas.
They got lead poisoning because of decisions made by Democrats in two cities.
The point was that it obviously won't go blue red, it will be red blue, red red, or blue blue.
I'm expecting red blue.
What makes you say so? Why not both likely red?
>They got lead poisoning because of decisions made by Democrats in two cities.
A Republican governor in Lansing and his Republican appointee in Flint aren't 2 Democrats, though they are in 2 cities.
Hopefully they put job applications on all the voting machines in the cities . That will garuentee Pa goes red.
Sadly, this is possible. I don't like 'now' casts because there are a lot of variable that aren't covered.
1) Voting day matters. People know the date, and many make plans to be able to vote, or vote early if they can't that day. Now casts can't accurately account for the change in date.
2) Now casts at this point, so soon after the conventions will be heavily skewed one way or another.
3) There isn't a history of campaigning as the official ticket for the party. We need to see the candidates out on the trail not vying for the nomination, but vying for the election itself.
4) Third party impact. Third party candidates haven't all been officially chosen.
5) Debates. These are highly important at swaying undecided or iffy voters, and can cause game-changing swings debate by debate.
If Hillary withdraws from the race and no other Dem stands, it's possible. Even then, I'm willing to bet Johnson or Stein would take a state or two.
>Why not both likely red?
Because I'm expecting Trump to do worse than Romney.
This is the only correct answer
Watching american movies and culture I can understand why the east coast and cali is democrat. But what's up with WA,OR,WA,CO,NM,MN and VA?
Virgina is the south isn't it? That should be 100% red. Based on the way those states are portrayed in movies I thought they'd be republican.
So in all honesty who will win Hillary or Trump?
There's another one from back in May that shows a similar result, done by Gravis. They also have Trump up 5 points in Nevada.
The last election swayed by debates was the 1980 Republican primary.
Not saying it can't happen, but it probably won't.
I think you're wrong about that. 3rd term penalty will hurt Hillary. At the very very least, Trump should win Romney + Florida.
>believing trump will win
wew lad
Wisconsin is red outside commie Madison and dindu Milwaukee
Could easily turn red
Hey what if this actually happens because hillary rigged it this way and then calls out voter fraud
Except Gravis is a right leaning poll. And that other poll was immediately after Trump locked the nomination and was in the middle of another bounce.
Rasmussen isn't left or right leaning, they just have historically shit accuracy in general. Literally all over the god damn place.
Context is your friend.
Realistic prediction
>Minnesota turning Red would happen after NY/CA turn Red. They are a notoriously liberal state, a lot like a white version of DC.
No. Minnesota was 45% Romney in 2012. California was 37.1%. CA has more non-whites this year and will have massively increased spic turnout.
If trump does not accomplish this, he is not really alpha.
>3rd term penalty will hurt Hillary.
Obama is relatively popular. He's literally Reagan tier at the moment. And Reagan was succeeded by a Republican.
Admittedly Romney was dealing with a 3rd term penalty himself, sorta, so that might skew the data, but Trump's campaign is a clusterfuck. I'll revise my thinking if polls start to shift outside of obvious explainable and brief bounces.
Same as OM
Northern Virginia is southern Washington D.C.
Yeah but he's unpopular there with republicans to begin with, and it went blue last election.
You're right that Obama's approval rating is much higher than it should be and that the third term penalty may be lighter than usual. I suppose it's still too far out. After the post-debate polls come out, we will know who has won.
yeah fucking right
Trump's leading Iowa right now, probably the only swing state he'll win. Plus its 91% white.
As for Georgia:
Atlanta and the blacks will be rallied to get out the vote.
White evangelicucks will stay home because Trump isn't pro-life enough.
Winning an election without Ohio
Whites come out to vote in much larger proportional percentages than any other ethnic group in the country.
NC struck down their voter id laws. This puts NC as a high Hillary battleground too.
>every poll you cite is inaccurate
Whatever you say friend. The two polls taken that have Trump in the lead, have the lowest margin or error and the highest sample sizes.
Meanwhile, the only poll that has Clinton winning Nevada has both the smallest sample size and the largest margin or error.
Regardless, it's the only data we have out of Nevada right now. And, it's showing Trump with the lead.
Virginia has been invaded by liberal federal workers for thirty years now, slowing changing a reliably conservative state into a battleground state. North VA, which are the suburbs for DC (which is known to vote 80% dem), has flipped the state.
I can agree with that, but we won't know until the debates are done and over. And forget the first Carter/Reagan debate with the 'There he goes again.' line. Even the '84 election debate swayed the public to an even greater Reagan victory with the 'I wont let my opponents age.' quip. Trump has come up with some killer one-liners in the primaries, and he could do it again on the main debate stage.
Extremely high minority turn-out. Talking Obama levels for blacks, and a big push of Latin voters. NC would be blue before GA/MO turns blue as well. It would be a worse version of the '08 election basically.
R-Money did extremely well with college educated whites. If Trump can match or exceed that success, I'll give that MN would go before CA/NY. It'll be interesting to see the final breakdown of the vote by race, age, gender, etc. when this is all said and done.
tried my best
Explains so much.
>White evangelicucks will stay home because Trump isn't pro-life enough.
His VP is. And on the other side they have Hillary. I think they'll be coming out.
The Romney campaign basically resigned themselves to a loss with the post convention polling.
If the Dems bounce back to a 5 point lead and hold it for a few weeks, I'm calling it short of another scandal or 3.
A president doesn't have to win Ohio, but they essentially do have to win either OH or FL. It could literally play out like OPs pic, but I think PA will go for Trump.
>yfw Trump loses FL but wins
Can't wait for November tears
That's an awful map. Did you guess to fill it out?
It would be like me saying London's boroughs all voted Conservative and the countryside of England decided to vote for the SNP.
You are right, I should have made NC blue. That makes it even worse, 378 Hillary, 160 Trump.
>every poll you cite is inaccurate
Actually, Gravis has an issue with accuracy. Rasmussen's is with precision.
That is unbelievably fucking devious, except nobody would believe that a candidate would be stupid enough to rig it to that extent. If that happened they would assume gross error instead of rigging, and probably call for another vote. I would tilt it for Tump by a lesser margin, but still outside the margin of error by a little bit. Then people could believe that he rigged it.