Is this kino?
Is this kino?
Last ten minutes felt excessive and childish. Had a good thing going up until that point, although the Mulholland Dr. influences really started to become overbearing in the third act. Gorgeous visuals, performances, suspense and interesting character study of the protagonist regardless. 7/10.
Starts fine, gets irredeemably dumb as it goes on.
#3 kino of 2016 according to French critics
I'm French and french critics are shit.
Maghrebi pls
So, just like the critics in America.
My favorite movie from last year.
Shut up Muhammad
it's better than Mulholland Dr
Elle is the only true kino actress. She had two movies this year at Cannes, and she'll probably be back next year with Melanie Laurent's Galveston.
I think the opposite, the first hour feels so dragged and slow, but then last 20 minutes it's when the action kicks in.
>better than Mulholland Dr
>real lolita shit
What did he mean by this?
>Last ten minutes felt excessive and childish
think of it as an epilogue
Only because the camera loves Jena Malone.
yeah way to drive home the metaphor to its most literal extreme. bravo refn.
would've ended the film on the shot of her menstruating on the floor tbqh. let the viewer figure the rest out in their head.
Like underage poop trafficking.
sorry pleb
hello r/television and welcome to Sup Forums! :)
where neon demon on the timeline assuming this is the same universe which is obvious.
thought it was literal
>ywn succ neon demons neck
why is she so literally perfect, bros?
i really wanted to like it but it was shit. elle was the
This dresa is far too much bros. Literally the ultimate lewd
*elle was the only redeeming factor.
Visually yes, but it's a shitty movie in every other aspect.
Basically most critics from everywhere are shit.
Based Keanu dropping truth about whores.
what are the best elle lewds from this?
wtf is up with her eyes
I hope it's better than the book.
Show me a totally symmetrical face and I'll show you a cheesy, boring, daytime tv face without much real beauty.
>not getting Refnkino
No. It's boring and stupid
>ywn be sandwiched between them
what's the point of living guys?
Supposedly Walter Goggins is attached, so it has a chance
i dont know, but that poster sure is holy shit
>ywn be millimeters away from her skin, never touching it but absorbing its fumes as they evaporate into the air
why even go on?
>ywn be millimeters away from her butthole, never touching it but absorbing its fumes as they evaporate into the air
that scene was pure heat tbqh pham
>ywn be millimeters away from his magic towel, never touching it but absorbing its fumes as they evaporate into the air
The movie is in post-production. Ben Foster is playing the lead.
Well fuck. Ben Foster has been killing it lately, so that's a good choice too
here's a pic of him in character
Why did everyone love foot face?
elle is such a fucking uggo
Hannah pls
>sandwiched between them
>she would push you both off
it is
It is, but not in the way you'd expect.
>tired: omg corruption and narcissism and the evils in the modeling world!!1! poor models!! beauty standards are evil!
>wired: This is a pedo wet dream fanfic of what bluepill normies think the modeling world is like, expressed in a film with consenting actresses because something like this would never happen IRL without the FBI getting involved. The ending is tragic because it's supposed to make you either feel sorry for Jesse getting torn apart by bloodthirsty whores or make you, as a flawed person, feel good that she was finally torn down off her narcissistic high, but not without those characters meeting their demise as well for committing a terrible act. None of the pedophile men suffer since again, it was made as a pedo fantasy to slip past the radar because in the narrative pedophiles are an unstoppable, inescapable evil that can only be persuaded or momentarily pushed aside.
tl;dr pedos exist and fap to shit like Neon Demon because it's not real CP. Also gee, I wonder why (((French critics))) liked this movie so much.
Really makes u think.
Muhammed is the one who liked the film here.