why millennials hate Shkreli?
Why millennials hate Shkreli?
he looks like a jew and his name sounds like shekel-y
Huffington Post told them he upped the price of a pill that cures AIDS. That was a lie, as HuffPo is wont to do, but millennial leftists aren't really concerned with facts
because they dont do research and will believe whatever CNN tells them.
chinchan used to be good
surveillance camera artist is probably the biggest autist on youtube
Wait...Surveillance Camera Autist is Martin Shkreli?
It makes sense now.
Link to vid?
gabidalidsm id ebil >:DD
Joel is based
Makes fun of dumb human scum
dregs need to be shamed more often
Millennials are simple. They watch a short video on Facebook containing a couple of highlighted words and bang, they immediately believe in it.
I know because I'm a millennial and my bluepilled friends also are. It's sad really.
Don't ever post a picture of that fuckwit again
>only millenials hate shkreli
is this that guy from /r9k/?
Thats not shkreli OP.
Pic is shkreli.
He tried to ripoff insurance companies in the US, but corporate amuricah used media to cause hysteria.
Besides, people who use anti-toxoplasmosis drugs are going to die anyway.
Media misinformation
I love Shkreli, he don't give a fuck about nuffin
they hate when they know their actions wont have the consequences dealt with by someone else
>He tried to ripoff insurance companies in the US
fucking finally. insurance companies are inherently evil
>posts pic of that autist
Boomers hate him far more
I hate him because he bought the only wutang album that was never released to the public and didnt leak the mp3s.
>Shame on a nigga
so is shkreli a good guy?
Having watched him on his streams calmly answer peoples questions with respect, meaning, and genuine interest, I came to think he's a rather good guy
Hmm good pic, good insight.
He trolled all the rap-faggots still listening to WuTang living like they're still in the 90s golden era.
This move is what made me realize he is a hilarious troll