How do you watch your media, Sup Forums? I pirate everything and watch one on my dual monitors...

How do you watch your media, Sup Forums? I pirate everything and watch one on my dual monitors. If its capeshit I browse the internet or do something else while its playing. If its worth watching, I shut off my other monitor and focus on the kino.

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kate is pure

blu-ray and VHS desu. I torrent stuff a lot as well but something about watching films on physical media feels more...fulfilling? I think maybe because I have a lot of physical stuff I haven't watched yet that when I tell myself I'm going to watch something I torrented that evening, there's this voice telling me "Y'know, you *did* pay £15 for the Thief blu-ray the other week. You really just gonna let that sit there and gather dust?" so then I just resolve to watch what I own. Which sucks because I know I could do with watching torrented stuff more often to be sure what I'm watching is good before I pay money for a copy of it.

I'm glad that degenerate whore jumped.

>white men look like this now

Watch from streaming sites on my tablet.

>being so bad at video games you let her jump

>tfw no ruskie cosplay gf

People who browse the internet or do anything else while watching a movie should be fucking LYNCHED.

I don't watch movies with other people anymore because everyone is fucking ADHD. Can't sit for 90 minutes without fiddling your phone. Oh you got a group message or a picture of someone's lunch WELL THAT SURE IS INFORMATION THAT IS GOING TO BE TOTALLY OUT OF DATE IF YOU WAIT 45 MINUTES TO SEE IT BETTER FUCKING INTERRUPT THE MOVIE TO DIG OUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING DEGENERATE ADD STIMULUS ADDICTED RETARD

>watching movies


>Discussing film theory with my friends last night, a Camusian hipster named Donald and an undergrad Dali enthusiast named Pete
>Light my seventeenth cigarette of the conversation as Donald and I attempt to steer the conversation away from Bergman and Tarkovsky into someplace a little more refined
>Accidentally mention that I thought the cinematographic framing of a certain shot was interesting to the metanarrative
>Realise my mistake just as it exits my lips in a puff of miasmatic smoke
>Donald inhales his cigar and starts choking
>Pete throws up into his cognac
>'You... You actually watched... A film?' Donald manages to eke out
>'What the hell do you think this is?' stammers Pete, 'some sort of analytic structuralist convention?'
>Donald coughs up his cigar into Pete's Cognac and vomit
>It erupts into flames [Pete subsists entirely on torn up pages of Sartre and Barthes]
>By the flickering, ephemeral light I watch my contemporaries exit stage left
>I am left alone as the flames die
>tfw no elite bourgeois friendos

oh and I torrent or go to the theatre. don't own a TV or any device capable of playing discs. I go to the kino almost once a week though.

not all the time, but I tend watch old movies in 480p most of the time
I have an old 4x3 monitor that I can plug to watch them

Well said



it is confirmed she's a girl (female)

torrent everything
have sickrage+transmission setup on my nas to auto search/download/extract/organize my tv shows

i dont really watch movies anymore because theyre all fucking shit

I want to hold a cute trap's hand and watch her get all flustered!


is that a male (girl)

it's a girl stupid fucks

>Pirate everything
>drag it onto a 128GB thumb drive
>plug it into my 7 year old 40" Samsung
>sit down on the couch
>smoke bowl
>consume kino

I bet you didn't even pick up her phone call at the diner.

Can I get a basic gesalt on this beauty?

>male (girl)



Laserdisc and Blu-ray for physical media

Pirating/Plex for digital.

I don't pay for TV. I use an antenna for my basic channels.

Traps are females though user! Cute girls that are for hugging and headpats!

In order of preference:

>VoD (Google Play, Netflix, etc.)



why would i

Barron Trump

No you autist pls I want to jerk off to her

Some fucking russian whore attention seeking bitch that sucks 200 nigger dicks each day who I hope dies.

You knew she was going through a hard time and didn't have any friends. Chloe can wait two minutes.


i wanted to pull kates aajama bottoms down and prone bone her and cum between her buttcheeks or """""accidentally"""" put the head of my pp in her butthole when i cum and pull her towards me to push it more inside.

Wow, some fucking russian whore attention seeking bitch that sucks 200 nigger dicks each day who I hope dies looks like that?

Alexandra Gaier

cinema is dead

The Hunger.