Why don't we just convert to Islam? We could be blatantly redpilled and be immune to criticism. We could just establish our own mosques, and we wouldn't even have to interact with actual Muslims.
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sounds legit
can I get lolis for a goat in our version?
Muslims can get away with pedophilia. Next question.
If I bang a boypussi I will be considered a faggot?
Calling Muslims faggots is a hate crime.
We'd probably just get in a fight with the Wahhabi's.
praying is gay
How come some British hool hasn't slit this fat pig fucker's throat by now?
Let's jew it out, convert to islam, say all current forms of islam are not the true way of allah to justify holy war on them, win and convert back to christianity.
So, if I convert to Islam I can bang boypussies and get away with it?
That wont work because even if the whole world converts to islam the retarded gulf arabs would say they are more muslim then the others and start killing anyone the disagree with because they arent really muslim
The European Union will provide you with rape classes to teach you how it's done.
Iranian Muslims are actually ok with traps so long as the traps become culturally female and cant transition back. They have a history of this going back hundreds of years.
just uncuck christianity, no one here wants to wear robes or bend over every day with your ass towards san francisco.
Shut up nig
Nice, I'm a #MuslimMissile now
btw nigger
typical nigger
No no guys guys! We have to go beyond full circle! The Saudis are haram pigs for praying at set times, we are in an ascended state of mind and worship Allah 24/7!
Holy fuck this could be amazing. You can literally justify anything with enough mental gymnastics.
Pretty much
Muslims are all racist as fuck to each other anyway
Because it is my right to have freedom of religion no matter what the cost.
White supremacy is very compatible with Islam.
no nigger. your a liberal who deep down inside knows that you dont win even if you get your faggy way but no we wont do it. because obamas faggot ass would have justification to actually crack down on his opposition
besides the liberals will change their stance just like they did with the war on terror as soon as their opposition supports muslims
No, the question is:
Can I get Arab lolis?
>We could be blatantly redpilled and be immune to criticism. We could just establish our own mosques, and we wouldn't even have to interact with actual Muslims.
So, Nation of Islam essentially
Go swim in acid. Mijo.
Not an argument, tho.
Leave kids alone perv
If I convert to Islam and then move to Germany, does Germany's new "No Means No" legislation suddenly apply to me?
Because that would suck big time of true!
being redpilled is different from being evil-pilled.
I think they would see that through that lol
I do like the idea of just building mosques though and not explaining why, would be funny. they could like mosques from the exterior but inside would be all the egyptian kek bullshit
Muslims favorite activity is attacking other sects of muslims.
Europe would still be fucked.
Can't wait for that Tunisia mudslime to show up. Islam is a religion for the inbred and mentally retarded. Not suitable for any human with an iq over 100
Nice try Mohammed
I fucking hate Copper Cab
I only watch pics of little girls.
what's wrong with that?
I am good friends with some afghani, only gay if you're the one getting fucked.
It is against the law. Plus every little child has a mother and father. Most I know would inflict harm upon anyone who casts defilement upon a family in that fashion. People will kill you if you fuck with their children. Remeber that.
This pic is ilegal?
I guess Instagram has to be shouted down for child exploitation.
That's the easy way out.
>and we wouldn't even have to interact with actual Muslims.
Islam is rife with sectarian conflict, so if Sup Forums users do try to create their own sect, some other Muslims will get butthurt and behead everyone.
Your thinking is illegal. Don't click on this guys pics. Fuck you.
I'm not weak enough so that criticism bothers me
What a disgusting idea you race traitor
What is actually so bad with Sharia (law of "Straightness" ) ?
> forbids usury (great (((bankster))) interest)
> forbids moral degeneracy
> forbids drugs
> forbids gambling (also a great source of (((...))) wealth)
> mandatory good deeds
I really understand, why (((media))) so much hate Sharia and teached you the same...
But why a conservative European would disgust it ?
Did I miss something?
(Yes, probably there is a big gap between theory and practice...)
> Try not to attack me ad-hominem... Arguments, please...?
>Thought crimes
Islam is Sup Forums's favorite religion
>No need to worry about women being degenerate
>No need to worry about your women marrying people you don't like. Your whole community has your back
>No crime because there's the death penalty and worser crimes
>Muslims will always be conservative
>Marry as many wives as you want
>No degeneracy permitted by community (i know how much Sup Forums hates degeneracy)
>Jew bias is consistent with Sup Forums
>Patriarchy still in play
Not sure why Sup Forums hates muslims when they have almost all of their exact face-values
Unless they're muslim
Then it's all like
>how much for lil girl?
>two goats?
>fine, two goats and a sheep but if not virgin I demand refund
You're pretty much guaranteed a refund since an uncle have already been there done that.
I'm not religious, I don't want to be associated with a religion, and I don't generally feel comfortable lying about what I believe.
Let's form a mosque in the South and recruit KKK members to lynch niggers for breaking Sharia!
Unfortunately it doesnt work like that. Ismal is taught by some faggots that are like bishops or something. If you dont agree with their translation you are basically as bad as a white person. I'm sure some moderate mudslime is hanging around here and could explain the true arts of fucking little boys and goats.
It look good on paper, but once the neo-crusades happen, it'll be your head on a pike.
Islam would mean having to circumcise your Canadian penis
The Jewish media would call us a "renegade sect" and line other Muslims up to disavow. We'd then be set up in a sting like other Muslims who didn't play ball.
Better to be yourself and organize on race as the Jews do.
I don't want to cut off my dick.
Cause they're dumb arab cock sucking faggots who reject the true savior, Jesus Christ. Plus I don't want to be on a terror watchlist.
This, allahu akbar
Pre crime dammit. Keep your thoughts to yourself
>All these crypto-Muslims trying to convert people to Islam
Nice try Moe. Go back to the sandbox where you belong.
It's hilarious to think about, but would never gain momentum unfortunately.
>trading one brown mudshit kike religion for another
you know europeans used to have their own religion right
Yup, that's why their life is shit. Violation of their own people. You reep what you sow.
But that's what I do.
Pretty good life t.b.h
Islam is for arabs. Whites would be second class citizens who are viewed as a defeated people to be plundered.
Supposed to tag you on that one there bud
Kys shlomo
Christfag reporting
Matthew 10:33
I'm out.
Mmm... really makes you think... huh??
oh shit im a #muslim now
All great stuff, but they aren't white, so I'll pass.
Well i hope you tip well bitch
Arabs are not majority of muslim
>forbids usury
Usury in the classic sense means any interest at all. No interest = no banks = entire economy goes to shit. You wouldn't be able to get any loan whatsoever.
>forbids drugs
Also forbids alcohol, and drugs are often used medicinally (e.g. morphine as a temporary painkiller)
>mandatory good deeds
Mandatory good deed is an oxymoron. You can't be good if it's forced. By that logic, welfare programs are a good deed.
>forbids gambling
Define "gambling". Every time I get in a car, that's a gamble. I might crash, but if I don't then I win. It could also be interpreted to disallow investment.
All true, but Islam is still too niggerish. We need a white Islam, and preferably an American Islam. Like Mormonism, only different.
Fucking disgusting, get out of Sup Forums
Yeah this. Theres more East Asian Muslims than Arab Muslims. Indo bros are chill af.
I think European converts are viewed as second tier Muslims, and not really treated as equals.
m8 Islam is not about race
Now you're getting it op
Only normies oppose islam or try to save western 'civilization'
>Kike religion
Also, Muhammad didn't turn the other cheek he killed sons of bitches
Sort of like minorities in America then.
How about we add some stuff to make it cooler and ignore the parts we don't like? Although to be honest, we only hate Islam because we aren't muslim- most of it can stay the same. We should probably get rid of the porn ban though. That's a nigger thing to have.
your reddit is showing
No, banning porn is adaptive and pro-civ. Just incorporating a porn ban into the text doesn't mean you, personally, have to stop jerking it. Basic hypocrisy.
That's because whites actually did the conquering of their lands in the early 20th century. There's a thing called history, user. The present didn't begin today. Things led up to them. And having foriegn occupancy in your land (Britain), is going have weird connotations of race relations when one is in power and the other obviously isn't.
Don't you see white Islamist that actually have high positions within ISIS?
Arabs don't hate white people. They hate western culture, which is propagated by mostly white people. If you speak arabic, but have an american accent, it might be alittle difficult. But if you're white with an actual arabian sounding arabic accent, you'l be accepted.
If islam is for arabs, then christianity is for jews. Whites kinda sorta high-jacked it.
You all know Islam will win, right? And they are superior morally and culturally.
The west promotes the most deviant and perverse lifestyle it possibly can and attacks anyone who opposes.
Islam is the future. You will fight it but not kinetically. Your kids will tolerate it and your grandkids will pray to mecca and recognize Allah as the one true God and Mohammad as His prophet.
Your epidermis is showing...
What if I reap what you sow?
>Islam is the future.
Never has there been a greater death knell for an ideology than this.
If any nonshitposting Islamists are hanging out and looking forward to this, I suggest that, even in a total victory scenario, you consider how we will subvert your own religion with our superior memetics until it means basically what we want it to. And it propagates back to you and your dumb rock.
Then you are a theif, and thieves always get what is coming to them.