What happened here user? I was hyped after the first two episodes, but this is clearly the weakest season so far, and not by a narrow margin.
What happened here user? I was hyped after the first two episodes, but this is clearly the weakest season so far...
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still one of the best things on the toob right now....
>s1 and 2
>download and watch episode as soon as able
>download and watch in a few days if I can be bothered
>clearly the weakest season so far, and not by a narrow margin
It's only arguably the weakest and if it is it's only slightly worse than the other seasons.
I like season 3 more than season 1 fight me
I saw the first episode the day after it came out but haven't been bothered to watch any since, will probably save them until it's finished.What's the general verdict, is it watchable?
definitely the weakest. it feels aimless. doesn't shift smoothly between plotlines. the dialogue is stilted in many parts. there's some great acting, but it doesn't carry the show
i think part of it has to do with the fact that the last season was so good that it was hard to follow up. s2 was legitimately some of the best tv i've ever seen
Shit taste. Season 3 is already better than the previous two.
I think it's at least equal in quality, maybe even a little bit better than s2
When does todays episode start?
It's certainly watchable. The first two episodes are awesome but it has still fallen off. I still think that this season is good though.
the flash back to the 70's episode is where they lost me. What a huge waste of time.
It's better than season 2 but nowhere near as good as season 1
season 2 is on my top 5 television must-sees. absolute television kino
Varga is by far the most compelling villain so far.
The LA episode was pure distilled kino.
Lopez is best waifu.
>The LA episode was pure distilled kino.
I mean if it was some sort of short film I can see why people would like it, but it has nothing to do with the rest of the series. it was out of place
they tried to cram in too much and the plot line doesn't seem cohesive. i like varga, the stussies are ok too, but mew and the chinese and russian goons feel out of place, the female cop is boring and the sci-fi story, LA trip and 70s writer flashbacks can fuck right off
Season 2 is the single best season of television ever produced.
I just don't really care about the characters in this one
Hawley got hot and started developing other shows. They need to do a True Detective and take a hiatus until he can write every episode of a new season.
it's not elder god tier like The Sopranos but it's definitely god tier
TD's coming back?
who knows? it may play a part in the future episodes.....
Like the Reagan flashbacks from s2?
They still need to address the East Germany scene
Yup. I guess they did recently bring in the Deadwood dude to help though. Still, they should give Hawley some time to truly craft a great season.
where are you in the live threads?
i feel like im the only one who ever says this kind of shit while faggots like "ThatOneBro" lap that bullshit up into their mouths
seriously fuck that faggot "ThatOneBro"
you just described my entire life
dude, you know that was Yuri, right?
oh neat i'll be looking forward to td s3 then. hawley probably won't go for s4 though, he's doing some other show atm and i wonder if by the time he wraps up with that he'll be tired of fargo. kinda feel he's running out of ideas already
Is there a reason why the writers made this guy as a complete bulimic.
I don't really understand the hate? I've thoroughly enjoyed season 3 and the last 2 episodes have been as good as anything in seasons 1 and 2.
Yeah, and I would much rather have more Legion than more Fargo at this point.
do you actually like legion?
Yup. Deal.
Legion is trash
Don't care whatcha think, I digs it and that's all that matters.
because, aside from other issues, episode 3 just throws the flow of the season off completely. also imo too many strands, they try to stretch themselves too thin over too much area.
with you? id rether not
legion is trash, no wonder fargo has had such a drop in quality
the same target audience
It's about as weak as season 2. Neither has reached season 1 quality. And I hate the fucking grey filter they're using now
Well, you're the devil so obviously you can't be trusted on your opinion, Great Deceiver.
Well I didn't much care for episode 3 either but the flow has been fine since then and things are going to be a lot more compressed from here on out, all the strands are connecting and will be coming to a head soon.
you are so fucking childish and retarded
no wonder you like legion
you are starting to see the light user
This entire season has been literally 8.9/10 until it all fell apart in the last episode.
Probably the worst episode of the entire series.
How has the average age of this board managed to hover around 16 for over a decadem
what was wrong with the last one?
what's gonna happen tonight since burgle turned her squad car around?
We're 6 episodes in and this is a list of things that happened
>Obi-Two wants a fucking stamp or some shit from Obi-One
>Obi-One borrowed some money and becomes a business partner with the guy he borrowed money from, also this is illegal somehow, extremely exciting stuff amirite
>Arnold Rothstein forced to drink piss
>an entire episode was wasted in a flashback with some gay cartoon backstory
What happened in the last episode, Obi-One accidentally killing Obi-Two should have happened at the start of the season
shes going to find dude trying to dispose his own brothers body after the murder
or some whacky shit is going to happen where she almost saw them hiding the murder
this show sucks
she's going to ray's house again, gonna find his body. might run into varga goons cleaning up too possibly
nope, emmit called varga so now it's gonna be chinaman and possibly varga cleaning up the body. emmit's on for a meeting with sy about the old lady buying up the company
dude what.ever. this show is garbage
i honestly couldnt be asked to care anymore
Nothing happened until the really anticlimactic and ridiculous death of ____Ray____. Just very unsatisfying, and didn't excite me for the next episode.
What? No way. Ray has been an amazing character. He shouldn't have been killed off at all.
This season is fucking garbage. I guess Hawley wanted to go with the themes of coincidence, mistaken identity and accidents. Unfortunately, these are synonymous with bad writing. It's just random shit happening.
Furthermore, it probably has the weakest characters of all three seasons, particularly on the side of law enforcement.
You ain't worth the effort
Kill off the other one then because something should have happened to get a plot going, this season has fucking nothing going on
mew is shit ewan is shit varg is good rest are mediocre to shit
I'll agree with that. No real stakes to anything.
I think when S3 is finished, it will be a more satisdying watch. Seasons are paced like movies, you can't judge the whole thing based on the first 6 episodes
He's working on adapting Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle" for TV.
Get Hype.
ok guys lets meet back up at the live thread and talk shit the whole time
maybe we can squeeze some entertainment out of this that way
..all I know is Nikki Swango is smoking hot
do you know if the livestream has subtitles?
I'm in....
Season 1 was KINO every single episode. Season 2 had ebb and flow. Season 3 had a good start and then stuttered to a halt.
The only two entertaining characters are Varga and Feltz, the plot offers no thrills, no mysteries (except for maybe Varga), and Ray was a better character than Emmit and he's dead now.
I like Hawley, but this is somewhat disappointing.
>mfw the "You're trapped" scene in the trailer is from a different take to the one actually in the show
Why the fuck it was perfect
He said live thread not stream
How new are you?
I was honestly hoping they killed her, and Ray will just break bad and fuck them all up, ultimately uniting with his brother against a common aggressor, but...
>they didn't rape her
>they didn't even touch her face
I don't fight the mentally disabled.
By implying that season 2 was better than 1, your opinion is dismissed.
I like it, but it is the weakest for sure.
By a narrow though, I must disagree my fellow user.
My niggas
What's the deal with this Stussy/Stasi connection? In the first scene some guy got framed by the DDR police, so I assume the case of mistaken identity will come up again when the other twin gets framed by Varga for some shit his brother did. Am I right?
>pushes framed stamp towards you
>7inch shard of glass somehow lodged 5 inches inside Ray's neck
>Ray takes the shard off
>implying it would matter, its glass
mfw hollywood thinks a shard of glass can perforate the neck that easily, particularly in that location and taking it off would make any difference, blood would be gushing out the second he punctured the artery
mfw they thought this death makes any sense
>coincidence, mistaken identity and accidents
This is nothing new to Fargo
9 or 10
Too smart viewer here. Spoilers ahead.
Varga will OBVIOUSLY take the money and run (he is invisible after all) when shit really hits the fan leaving Emmit to deal with the fallout. Emmit's only description of Varga is a british man with bad teeth, while there's no direct connection to the opening the way Varga is framing the narrative will put Emmit in a similar situation as the german from episode one. We are not here to tell stories, we're here to tell the truth.
To add to this keep in mind that we never directly saw Varga dispose of the evidence, that could come back to bit Emmit in the ass too.
varga is an regional fixer for a bigger network, maybe the kansas city mafia or similar. That's how he was able to secure that $25million business loan for Emmit, that's why he and his crew rolled into town in a semi - that's their mobile "branch office". It doesn't make sense for him to cut and run with the money, as that would piss off his employer, and just doesn't make sense for what the goals of a large crime syndicate would be
..so will Emmett's wife still buy the Ray in a wig video? I'm thinking it looked pretty staged...but women's rage is a whole different non rational thing...
>implying the larger syndicate actually exists and Varga isn't just pulling an elaborate ruse
then explain to me how varga, someone who hasn't demonstrated to have any political influence of any sort, was able to get a $25 million dollar loan from a government agency. He's a worker bee, the hive is elsewhere. Notice how he works with his two coworkers as equals. they're workers for a bigger group
bring back nigga Mike as his boss.....
Anyone have a stream for tonights ep?
get basic cable
its not even like its on "special deluxe real nigger roll call big baller status package" cable
its on basic cable
This one is good. Two was shit.
no youre wrong
this one is shit too
I honestly just enjoy oni Wan, 2bh.
i also can't remember season 2
Varga ordered them not to leave clothing visible bruises because it supports the narrative that she got tired of Ray beating her and killed him.
season 2 was kino except for the end
this season has been shit since episode 1
Im in college and only have a roku
The only good thing about season 1 was Martin Freeman. Malvo was a cringy edgelord and fuck whoever likes that character.
Season 2 was "dude quirky 70s lmao!".
Season 3 is pure kino. Has nice believable villains, good main cast who are not too incompetent but also not too competent like Molly in s1 and Lou in s2.
By far the best season.
I said this shit at episode 2, at least there are more people agreeing now that this season fucking sucks in comparison to the others
this guy is still right though, and thats where the thread should end, because there is barely anything to discuss about the show except for mew waifufags circle jerking
even nora is getting annoying, I like her as an actor but this whole shtick of "I'm a woman, everyone seems to think I'm weak and dumb, *rolls eyes grimace face* I know better than you and I'm a super cop who finds details, like my dads fantasy choose your own adventure hentai novels."
just wait to torrent i guess
its not like your going to be missing out on anything important, its just this shit show
:( the show is good and the livethreads are fun baby
Pleb. It goes S1 > S3 >>>>>>>>S2