Can we word filter "shill" to "person I don't agree with"?
Half the shitposts on this board is faggots calling each other shills.
Can we word filter "shill" to "person I don't agree with"?
Half the shitposts on this board is faggots calling each other shills.
Shill thread
thanks for proving my point leaf
thanks for proving my point shill
you never had one faggot
you can't even come up with a decent argument besides calling people you don't agree with a shill. Its pretty pathetic and just as bad as an SJW shouting down conservatives as racist hateful bigots.
Fuck off shill. If you don't agree with our opinions, you can fuck off to some other website, (like Reddit or Kikebook.)
There is a ton of Hill shills right now though.
Get rid of the shills and you won't see it happen as much.
wrong board faggot
Start a thread there for this.
OP is a newfaggot
>another shill try to make an honest penny off of shilling
listen, shill, I'm gonna make this easy for all you shills to understand. shills are not welcome here.
Aww, da poow wittle shiww had his feewings huwt! You poow wittle guy, youw jus twying to make some money. We shud awgue wit u bettuwh
Sure are a lot of shills in here
this board would be much better if it wasn't /r/ the donald tier
shouting out SHILL at everything you don't agree with while bumping the thread makes you look like a deluded fool.
Do you not get a paycheque if someone calls you out?
I knew that used to be a rule with older marketing companies. If you got outted, you didn't get any of the money from the number of posts you made/replies you got.
Calling you a shill must be hurting your bottom dollar.
I'm sorry, shill, but you need a real job.
what the fuck is a paycheque?
No can do shilly
No one here goes on plebbit so how about I give you a spoon so you can eat my asshole?
>be shill
>get called out in every thread
>sweating intensifies
>b-but not everyone is a shill, pls respond
the shills (like you) are a disgrace to real shitposters, because real shitposters know how to blend in, shills dont know how the language works here and its ridiculously easy to point them out.
>be shill shitposter
>get called out on my autism
>just keep spamming SHILL until it goes away
thanks for bumping my thread btw. looking at a big paycheck so far
>shills dont know how the language works here and its ridiculously easy to point them out.
You mean like the /cfg/ posters who call image macros memes?
>thanks for bumping my thread btw
do you realize there is a way to post without bumping the thread? i hope your boss doesnt find out, he would probably cut your pay in half.
naw we get paid by reply count
I can hook you up with a position if you want Hans .50 cents a post
There are better ways to make Sup Forums your safe space, and you'll never figure it out.