ITT: We redpill shills


Other urls found in this thread:


>The richest niggers (probably really mostly mulattoes) are as smart as the poorest Whites



i mean wtf i hate nazis now



Wow, really makes you think.


This shit propaganda image is supposed to be "redpilled"? Hey, can I be a republicunt too? I sure can say Benghazi 1500 times!

Do you ever question how many contradictions there are in your ideology?

I don't believe what you think I believe, you fucking low-IQ subhuman hick.

By the way, "Obamacare" was crafted by republishits. But now they don't like it because a democrat president was in office when it passed. Democrats are corrupt, but republicans literally never tell the truth about anything.

There's no need to be so upset, seek unrustlement.


How about not shilling up my main board and I won't, you paid liar sack of shit.

Nice source

You seem frustrated.

I remember someone saying that the abo on the bottom is one of the few based abos who wants her race to get their act together. Is this true?

It says Benghazi once as a list of her failures and again as a symbol of her. Don't exaggerate, it reflects badly on you.



We really need to bring back the death penalty for homosexuality.


The nose on that abo is insane. Goes from eye to eye.

No, stop right there, cunt. Republicants have been screaming their shrill little heads off about Benghazi for years now. Literally every single time they make any argument, it includes BENGHAZI! at least once.

You dream my dear boy


>Repubs don't pass Obongocare
>But they're at fault for it

>People who are corrupt aren't liars
>They tell the truth, things like Trump being a racist and I know that's true because like he said like Mexicans and he wants to build a wall and junk. So yeah, GO HILLARY!

>Republishits craft Obamacare
>Now they hate it because democrats passed it, even though it's their plan

I really wish the brits could speak English.

All you lot have to do is filter out the words Hillary and Shill with the chan filter and all the shit disappears

Stop giving the twerps attention. That's what they want you to do

Ignore them and they will disappear

There is no death, there is only darkness and silence.

>you can't criticize $hillary for crimes I choose to ignore!




A fairy-tale character on all accounts.

That isn't a redpill that's just common sense.

we wuz shit. get out of here kike worshipper. look at your mutilated cock and feel bad.


>...I sure can say Boston Bombings 1500 times!
>...I sure can say Hiroshima 1500 times!
>...I sure can say Holocaust 6,000,000 times!

Trivializing a crime with buzzwords and sarcasm is not an argument.