Are native American people the most cucked of the history?
This triggers Amerindians
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They are still there and we don't.
before you go around calling them cucks, keep in mind your men forgone fucking white women for this
haha that is pretty triggering
Don't what?
this must be a parody or a joke
Do you not look like this?
I don't think they really honestly care anymore one way or another
>"they [abbos] look like the third guy on that evolution chart"-Patrice O'Neal
Shit image quality, can barely see the feet. Gg try again cuck
Spaniards are more prideful and clever than they are smart or productive.
I do not care, I hope that they had a great time there
>Are native American people the most cucked of the history?
yeah. we pretty much genocided them. like if you go to a reservation you are actually going to be hard pressed to find a full blood native there. most are down to like 1/4 native.
....but Spain got kicked out. You're thinking of the American Indians. The Mexican Indians fought both the Spaniards and French
That'd be the Australian Aboriginals who have to live with the knowledge that the only generation that grew up to amount to anything was the stolen one.
not triggered 2bh
just a pair of qts enjoying vacations
Based Cristobal Colon did nothing wrong
if he didn't completely rekt the indios I would not have running water or electricity to shitpost on Sup Forums
Nah, fella. They are actually good looking by abo standards haha.
> throws up
/thread desu
why are they holding their flag in front of the pyramids black pharaohs built?
By the faces alone they look like men
Indios are pretty much just like niggers anyways
>getting cucked out of relevancy in history because of a storm
not so fast manolo
the push our shit out of there
I just realized races exist
I have been waiting a year for this thread and I am disappointed.
Ayyyyyy...... !
if only you fucking retards killed off the natives instead of fucking them
I've met a few. They are out there.
Only in the Midwest are injuns not full blooded.
I still have no idea what you mean.
Race mixing law was a mistake
1600 years without autorita over even one square meter in the territory you "conquered" congrats you are the biggest cuck in this discussion
that they get their independence from us
>be retard spaniard
>do not kill all the natives and give the land to our poor/the willing
>breed natives
>give the mixed niggers the land
>get kicked out eventually after 300 years when your country gets invaded'
>had no progression towards your own people
>still manage to be richer than those niggers
The nature of Spanish colonization made that kind of impossible. The vast majority of Spanish in the New World were men, and men will find things to fuck. If Spanish colonization was centered less around obtaining wealth and new Catholics for the mother country and more around creating a new home for Spanish people (like how British colonization worked in the Thirteen Colonies) there probably wouldn't be a mulatto race of Latinos.
I'd say europe in the 21st century has them beat.
Never heard that one. Too true.
>Are native American people the most cucked of the history?
I'd say Europeans are, specifically the French and German.
Spaniards brought women.
Greed, and Capitalism vs National Socialism, USA was National Socialist as was Australia,NZ,Canada etc.. the rest were without racial consciousness or with poor racial consciousness.
In the nowaday history yes but soon it will be us. At least native americans had the excuse to be weak as shit. We are stronk and yet we let the niggers and the arabs fucking our wifes and daughters.
You had Germans for kings.
If only John of Asturias didn't die.
So mexico can be like argentina? All the corruption in mexico is caused by light skinned mexicans.
The degradation of the racial consciousness coincides with the destruction of the future, order, traditions, and culture.
German-Spaniards were the strongest kings.
Because darker ones are too stupid to be corrupt
Yeah but you re a cuck too ameribro.
The spanish were betas f a m
Gold doesn't produce anything, it only has worth to the demand.
>fucked all your women
You have an ancestor where a Spaniard fucked your mother.
Yeah Carlos II was the greatest king in Spanish history.
Fuck no, they brought unnecessary baggage to the Spanish realm.
The uneducated poor are the ones that let them be corrupt.
At the rate they're going Kangz will soon claim they built those too.
What achievements have they claimed so far?
Kangz of Egypt, Chinese civilization, some parts of Europe. Am I missing any?
Mexico, my dude, my son. Our genes run thru you, just accept it, and learn how to speak proper castilian for the love of god.
Oh so when white people are corrupt its browns people fault too. The corruption in Mexico has alot to do with nepotism ie white people handing over power to family/friends that are also white without merit. How can you be so dumb?
Carlos II still had the Empire, Bourbons lost to the French because they were French agents.
White people don't have corruption as seen in Mexico in any White country.
They already do.
Look up Olmec black connection.
>natives have nigger lips, nigger noses, and chink eyes
>niggers: we wuz Aztek and shitz
The revolutionaries in Latin America were mostly of spanish blood.
Sephardics* who were Anti-European.
>Some part of Europe
>Just accept it
SeeDon't insult your great great great grand father
Not to such a degree as the British did. Conquistadors were gonna conquer, and a conquering horde of men only brings the bulk its women in after it has subdued the opposition's men and cucked them.
>tfw you have native american blood
Just fucking kill me now... thanks stupid race mixing ancestors...
>t. burger, phd in economics
Gold (As any other kind of money) can be invested to increase production of "real" (Things that people actually need, not representations of value) things. The fact is that the spaniards mostly wasted it in superficial activities instead of improving their own country (e.g. industries) with it.
Are you serious? Youre blaming the victims instead of the perp? The people do complain but you know what happens? If you make enough noise they kill you. Then idiots like you blame the dead foe being too brown.
Fuck native Americans. I'm from the US and have been forced to live in this incan hellhole for a year. I've been all over African and Asia, and I consider indigenous Americans the most gutter tier people I've ever encountered. Never seen an Abo though, so there's that
Inflation from silver my boy
Yeah they're pretty cucked, native Canadians try to kill themselves and are drunks a lot of the time
We also lost a lot of it in the sea because we where fucking retarded
At least you're not a nigger
Argentina and spain. Almost all mexican government officials are white spanish decedents and theyre corrupt.
spain doesn't have nearly what you see in Latin America, and Argentina is not a white country.
And Centrists
if i am honest with Mexico, we have a tendency of having a corrupt government
The only constant in corruption is the amount of non Europeans.
A shit-ton of it also went to the British, French, and Dutch. The golden age of piracy happened because they were all hiring privateers to attack Spanish galleons.
Russians only have around 30% or so European blood with the rest being of their surroundings, this allows the Jew to exploit them as their racial consciousness is low.
That's not a white people problem, it's Latin problem.
Pay attention, Islamists.
This is you in 200 years.
>tfw you're the whitest aryan in Edomex
everybody in America has a mixture of something, only the new European arrivals are white still, but as soon as they fuck a Wisconsin gringo he'll slip some injun or nigger in them.
you made your bed when you decided to infest our shores.
you want that Chorotega D don't ya
low racial consciousness 100% means a poor society.
This is very true, and a consequence of the anglos now dominating the world is this not being a very well known fact...
Based and dubs of truth
>tfw Colon is in my family tree
Close enough to a dindu, I have brown eyes because of the native american background. Makes me want to gouge my eyes out...
Am really seeing litteral cardboard walls?