Hillary Clinton on America's Gun Problem

>"I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. We may have our disagreements on gun safety regulations, but we should all be able to agree on a few things. If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked. You shouldn’t be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show. And yes, if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America."

>"More than 33, 000 Americans are killed by guns each year. It's time to act. As President, I'll take on the gun lobby and fight for commonsense reforms to keep guns away from terrorists, domestic abusers, and other violent criminals - including comprehensive background checks and closing loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands."

WTF I love Hillary now

Other urls found in this thread:

ss13.moe/politics/Clinton Delegate Explains How Democrats Will Ban All Guns.mp4

>I don't want to take your guns
>Except for the ones I want to take

most of those gun crimes are niggers
hillary should ship all the niggers back to africa if she wants to solve gun crime issues




>most of those gun crimes are niggers
I actually agree with this.

There is heaps of gun violence on black and black crime... I find it ironic and hilarious that Black Lives Matter people do not at all bring up the problem of blacks constantly killing each other as well as living in poor environments, abusing drugs nonstop.

Suddenly it is the police for defending themselves when someone is running at them with a gun or a wrench or something (and he happens to be black).

Also did you hear about that Black Trump supporter who got shot in a cafe I think for having a debate with someone? Oh irony at its finest

remove blacks and it looks like other countries etc sage

Kek you must be joking

It's been 150 years and they're still whining about slavery. Any other population would have moved on and made something out of themselves.

Arent these Trump's ideas?

>It's been 150 years and they're still whining about slavery.
And yet who has made parts of Africa a better living place with healthy water? Whites

Call me when you've taken suicide out of your numbers

no he wanted people at some night club shooting to all be attached with guns.

Not a good idea at all. Can you imagine being a cop and witnessing almost everyone shooting at another? Who is the good and bad guy

It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

You won't reign there, though.

no fly list has no due process. the idea of restricting people's access to their 2nd amendment right on the basis of being on the NFL is unconstitutional.

if you want to do that, go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment first.

You know if we didn't have blacks, we would have the same gun crime as some countries which have banned guns.

> FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun

This is something people agree with. HOWEVER, the process proposed by the Democrats the last time any legislative action came to did not allow for Due Process under the law. THAT is the problem people have.

>evade criminal background checks by buying online

Completely Wrong.

>or at a gun show

Depends on who you're dealing with. If it's a private seller, they have a right since the firearm is their personal property. Said private seller is committing a felony if they KNOWINGLY sell to someone who could not pass a background check. That's why often private sellers require a Bill of sale with a signature and printed name saying "I AM NOT PROHIBITED FROM OWNING THIS FIREARM." If you're dealing with a gun store that is at the show, they still have to perform a background check.

OH not to mention most criminals don't use the "Gun Show Loophole" anyway....

>if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America

Again, the Complaint is Due Process. There is current no Due Process to get put on the No-Fly List.

>More than 33, 000 Americans are killed by guns each year

Broken down, about 21,000 were Suicides and 11,000 are Assault/Homicides, the rest (about 1k) are lawful use of force, police action, or accidents (about 505) according to the CDC in 2013 (cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr64/nvsr64_02.pdf table 10)

Gun control doesn't lower suicides. It lowers suicide by gun, but not suicides overall. Other methods are taken, look at Japan and Australia.
There isn't much you can do about Police Action or Accidents. People will continue to be stupid
And if you look at homicides, people have already said it. About 80% of that according to the FBI is Gang Related violence or black-on-black crime.

So if you want to really lower gun deaths, maybe take a look at the mental healthcare system and maybe look at what works and doesn't work for the black communities (years of Democrat rule and we still have places that are major slums), not if legal gun owners can have certain features or not (BTW only ~100 of those 11k homicides were with "assault rifles")

> commonsense reforms to keep guns away from terrorists, domestic abusers, and other violent criminals

Already illegal for those people to own firearms Hilldawg.

>comprehensive background checks

Only way that is enforceable is through a registration of all firearms. Which, as evidenced by Washington state where people disobeyed RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAPITAL by handing their rifle to someone else, would require enormous oversight and spending to implement, much less continually enforce.

Just... I fucking hate these talking points they throw out. This exact some conversation is had time, and time, and fucking time again after the latest "ebil white male shoots black babies muh feels im crying on tv ban all guns" and you can watch as Gun Controllers have to continually rephrase where the Gun Owners have to repeat these over and over.

I wish politics wasn't such a shitshow I'd love to get involved further.


Based on her statement, she doesn't believe in the 2nd amendment. Any type of gun is a weapon of war. Why not just come right out and say you want to repeal the 2nd amendment. It's all just pandering. She's trying to get the black vote, from the mothers of slain dindus. She's trying to get the white middle class vote, from white people who are afraid of gun-wielding dindus. Flood the streets with guns and let people kill each other for a while. It'll eventually slow down because people don't want to die. Hillary for prison 2016

That gun deaths that includes suicides. Losers would off themselves without guns. Almost half of those 33000 are suicides

>I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets
I take it the cops and SWAT and all the federal bureaus who operate on American soil will be armed only with handguns should Hilary win then?

>n-n-no that's different

>Gun deaths, not violent deaths, not weapon assaults.

Skewed graph is skewed

>the rest (about 1k) are lawful use of force, police action, or accidents (about 505) according to the CDC in 2013

Please note that the real number of defensive gun uses each year is thoght to range anywhere from 100k to 1 mil each year. The stat as reported by FBI and CDC is only justified homicide and only 1% of LE agencies are thought to report it.

Straya baiting paid Shillary Shills into this thread, Good Job Straya, keep up the good work.

honestly I just throw that 1k in there so people can't be like "buh, buh, buh, it doesn't add up to 33k! ur stat r wrong!"

That would be something nice to have, recording of defensive gun uses by some federal agency

they have 2nd amendment senpai, i dont like guns but its part of their culture

Actually he was supportive of universal background checks before he became a NRA hardliner.
>Trump was a liberal before he became a conservative
>Clinton was a neo-lib before she became a 'progressive'

I only support Trump because he's an outsider and the political donor class absolutely fear and loathe him.

What a load of fucking horseshit. No, he didn't say that, nobody said that.

Your talking point is a figment of your imagination.

Sweden tier comment, mate.



Pretty rare

all the guns niggers use to kill each other are illegal weapons anyway. when they can prevent everyone of those chimpanzees from having an illegal weapon (they cant), then ill listen to a thing they have to say

>That would be something nice to have, recording of defensive gun uses by some federal agency

Yeah, but if they did that it wouldn't fit the narrative. Read "More Guns Less Crime" by John Lott or any of the books by Gary Kleck.

ss13.moe/politics/Clinton Delegate Explains How Democrats Will Ban All Guns.mp4
Thanks for correcting the record, also check out these sixes

rare fag

There is a remarkably strong correlation....

>WTF I love Hillary now

Faggots usually do. Use the right information next time. (Pic related)


you would lover Hillary

you want us to be just as cucked as you