Spring City, TN. 24 hours.
Spring City, TN. 24 hours
Other urls found in this thread:
taking a chance here
Posting just in case OP shoots up a school
Posting to be part of history
I know what OP is referring to - just came back from the TOR forum
It will be big, here's a hint...
No! Don't do it!
(Shoutout to CNN just in case.)
Letting the FBI know now
Explain user pls
I wanna be in the screencap!!!!
If you're planning on doing bad shit to innocent people then just kill yourself.
You have my attention.
nice dubs but you're a fag. happenings are bitchin
fucking pussy
I'm a Knox County deputy. Man I hope no one makes an explicit threats towards any location in Spring City which would give me an obligation to print this all out and an excuse to trot on down to the fusion center where there's a really really QT redhead fed who I'd get to talk to.
So please, no one make any threats or anything.
Is that you, Review Brah?
Kys fgt
>also inb4 404
Let's just say it's a long overdue mental breakdown...
Um hope you enjoy getting v&
Saw a thread a few hours ago about someone promising a happening "tomorrow" and it didn't seem like the typical meme bait foreshadowing
Just a reminder future cnn pol is a board of peace
FBI tip?
FBI Tipped
goodspeed my friend
>tfw have saved his deleted breakdown video
A canadian user cataloged his mental downfall
>No niggers hanging from those pines
oh its nothing.
This is scary. )^:
but kek wills it check'd and kek'd.
Kind of looks like a bizarro world version of me. That's not unsettling at all.
Put me in the screenshot when OP shoots up a school.
Reported to fbi not even memeing
>Spring City, TN
I'm two hours from there.
What did he mean by this?
first for nothing will happen and OP is a roleplaying faggot
dude seriously gtfo lol
Also: Sup Forums will finally be brought into the nation wide spotlight after his rampage is finished.
*tips fbi* m'shooter
Your dubs are fag too desu
Kek wills it, we are a board of peace
Nothing will happen.
CNN is a bunch of fucking cucks.
Thought it said Spring Hill and I got a little excited.
Nothing you do in TN would matter anyway since we're such a shithole unless you wanted to do something to Memphrica and get guns and whites banned
Faggot will finally clear out his backyard like meemaw told him to
did he kill himself or something?
TN resident here. What am I looking at?
>Worst Korea
You're just jealous m8
Review Brah is king
the jews can't use reviewbrah!
another dank Sup Forums fantasy thread oh boy (^:
posting here to hopefully not be part of history
Here you go CNN
Are you that McMinn country user who keeps binging on TimTams and meth and tries to outshitpost strayans?
Also guys, I see that none of you have made any material threats towards anything, which would give me cause to print this thread out and go to the fusion center. Hurry up and make a material threat, they close at midnight EST. Hop on some wifi and say that you're gonna shoot up a chinese restaurant or set trees on fire or something, c'mon.
And yes, I'm going to filter out my own posts so the QT there can't see me talking about her.
Anderson county here, ready for happening. Good luck, knoxbro.
I swear it's like half of East TN is on Sup Forums.
taking a chance
I doubt anything will happen.
Knox/pol/ is a real thing. Remember when we rekt the Hookah Hookup? They learned that having employees threaten to egg Trump rallies = baaaaaaaaad.
He was always an outcast.
I actually ran into him at a supermarket once very briefly. I was walking into the store as he was heading towards the exit with a bag full of monster. He was dressed in an unusually oversized suit and was stopped by a black security guard who probably thought he was shoplifting. However, instead of consenting to any search, review brah just pointed at the bag of monster and repeatedly said "it's all there". He just kept fucking saying it, each time getting a little more aggressive. The security guard finally let him go. When I left the store I saw that he was still in the parking lot, but now he was just mumbling "1488" over and over again while sobbing a bit
Really weird
Op is the babe Ruth of terrorism
Rocky Top checking in
It's not like there's shit else to do in East TN but crash UT parties, do meth, and watch NASCAR in Bristol.
What compels you dipshits to even make fake threads like this? It can only end in problems for yourself
I'm in a bordering state.
If I wasn't going to a family reunion I'd go there and see what happens.
I heard he was honing his dart skills so he could quote "stick a dirty nigger right in between the eyes"
Somebody notify the authorities in the US.
Some of you guys are alt-Right.
Don't you mean CIA?
Hey I doubt it
That place sounds very comfy
He seems fine?
I got you covered mang.
Kek is with you, brotha.
Nice role playing you saggy handed fucking smurf.
School isnt even started most places
You think being a schizo paranoid autist is """"fine"""" to you?
The kid broke down and cried for a good 3 minutes ranting about the red pill.
937 here
please put me in the screenshot
Don't bring that shit to Knoxville or near Costco. Thanks
Middle TN user here. Make the Volunteer State famous again.
ETN is mega comfy. It's the last remaining location where citizens got together, pillaged a national guard armory, and threw dynamite pipe bombs at the corrupt politicians who rigged a local election, and after they held fair elections at gunpoint, they let the crooked polichickens go outside city limits to open up a used car dealership, instead of typical european cycles of revenge killings.
Also, if just one of you would threaten to relive that, I would get to print out and file this thread with the fusion center. It might actually get analyzed. Someone might have to explain who "reviewbrah" is and what a "spurdo" is.
C'mon guys. Get behind seven boxxies and post some threats so I can go work towards putting white buns in that ginger oven.
It's time to pop off the race war, boys
>tfw review holocaust
He's finally going to judge who is white when he goes out in the streets and reviews innocent folk
Anything above a 7 is White, anyone below will get a dart between the eyes.
We should've gotten worried when he started adding hardcore Christian rock to his music playlist.
Sure thing.
doesn't know how to eat a fucking chicken wing
CNN he was a good boy until he was corrupted by the memes we need meme control now
Crossville, TN native here. What's happening friend?
>Tapco slot brake on that AK
>some of you clappilards are all right, listen don't go near trees tomorrow shits going down
Arkansas friend?
OP is gonna jack off in his Dads handkerchief
Another Elliott Rodgers?
Comfy in that no one really expects shit of you. I guess you could get a STEM and work at Eastman or something and make a decent living not being a yokel or Gatlinburg wageslave.
>Reviewbrah says that people were gangstalking him
>this thread
leave him alone, he dindu nuffin
The signs were there...
Got you covered here to mang.
CNN we need meme control see how this once good boy was corrupted by them. Did you know you can buy memes easier than alcohol in Walmart?