So apparently this is the true scale of the US as compared to Scandinavia. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
The true scale
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off back to your cuck shed
According to my retarded brain, this retarded thing is true..
A lot of bigots ITT
>responding to paid zionist forum sliders
Why are blacks so obsessed with Africa's size? Is it a phallic symbol?
for you
>earth inside africa
africa is on earth, is the person who made this retarded?
Are you autistic, jens?
lol is this b8?
>not zooming out
>africa is on earth
That's what your white-centric "educational system" would have you believe.
Sweden and Finland compared to USA, for real.
lol car keys aren't that big
Norway in USA
>Mercator map
Most European countries are around the same size as the larger states in the US.
Africa really is huge, but it is mostly undeveloped wasteland, like Siberia. Which is also a really large piece of nothing.
no mate you need to read a fucking book you've been lied to all your life
it's diminished size on maps is symptomatic of the systemic oppression of minorities and persons of color and so on in the globalized world economy.
Really long
guys, when you argue with these flags, remember.
This is who you are talking to:
>pic VERY related
/slim/ countries should get ITT, paging
No fuck off brits, you created Israel you take those fucks in
tripfag kike shill
get back in the oven
>american statelets
7/10 that shit on America is brown.
Then there is the Germans who want to be brown.
the holocaust never happened, remember?
Norweigans hate this
That's funny cuz I read that the interior of Australia is unpopulated.
So is most of the USA. Meanwhile in Europe every shred of land outside the Alps has people trying to live.
If it's all about population why aren't you falling to your knees and begging to kiss the feet of Vietnam etc?
Not true. Only the islands are overpopulated. Most of Scandinavia is unpopulated.
Everyone knows that Scandinavia is smaller than the Vatican city. Who cares about such an irrelevant piece of land?
Okay. This made me grin.
Mercator is the only nonfaggoty projection
Please go back to lurking
long chile is long
>South America on planet Earth is smaller than the South American continent.
This one is actually true tho
Is odense the city with the strange circular neighborhoods?
It's clearly Mexico you fool.
I took a bus from Oslo to Trondheim in seven hours.
Fuck off Sven.
Don't think so, could be Brondby.
Check coordinates 55.636769, 12.398507
Thats it, thank you Denmark guy for being here when I needed that question answered promptly.
>5 AM
it's what I'm here for :(
>South America is Mexico
>San Bernadino County
>Car keys
This pic is full of kek
Why dont mods delete these stupid threads. This is beyond /x/ tier, its just retarded.
Top kek
actually, christian
but here, have a (((((you))))))
fucking niggers
Eh... size alone wont help you that much.
Soon (pic. related).
The East Coast and West Coast are both densely populated, and together are larger than the areas of Europe with equal population density
Mate Europe has like 200million more people in a similar sized region. Still nothing compared to China but honestly what is?
Fuck off you literal retard. Interior America is best America. More shit than abos in ausfailia
looks like a dick and balls
Where did you get your PhD user?
I quited in the sixth grade and now I am trying to get my ged. This new geography will surely help me graduate with honors. Thanks!!!!!!!!
Notice how everyone is putting Sweden in the USA? They are basically telling you to get fucked.
>all of Ireland
Worse Finland continues to be retarded
>Sup Forums tier /thread on Sup Forums
I left that god forsaken trap land to rescue my sanity.
what happened to THE HAPPENINGS?
danish bait is really working out
spoiler: what makes the USA a great place to live is the fact so much of it IS NOT densely populated.
The reason why Europe and China both kind of suck for housing/home buying/privacy/human rights is because the are so densely populated.
Sure, the densely populated regions of the US are totalitarian hell holes too, but if you live in fucking rural Iowa you really never see what is happening in New York City or Southern Cali.
you're going to sink the rest of the world? this is some james bond retardu shit. fuck off kevin costner
You have to go back.
Ask 100 people in our country about sweden. 90% of the answers will be about meatballs or IKEA, or eating those meatballs at IKEA.
>All that land
>Population 10,000 not counting kangaroos
You guys could handle the BBC: big barren canuckistan.
Eurofags would die.