A short little essay I wrote just now. Tell me what you think.
How to Fix The Western Economies
Are you in fucking middle school or something?
Sorry in advance if this isn't the best written essay of all time. It's 3:30am here and I haven't had a cup of tea for 4 hours.
Nice edgy libertardian rant. I rate it an AynRandfapfic/10
Seems like a textbook answer but it seems only superficially correct. I don't believe letting the market become free-er (as if this were actually well-defined) would be a panacea. We know from the fundamental theorems of welfare economics that it's not particularly important what the state of affairs is, an equilibrium will be found. Changing the market conditions will do something, but that something is only find some other equilibrium.
The market allocates resources by the pricing mechanism. Interfering with this does indeed lead to some problems, *relative* to the pricing mechanism. But there is no law of nature which says that laisse faire economy will give us our desired outcomes, it will only lead to efficient pricing, and ONLY pricing for property. If you want efficient clean air allocation, then clean air must be property. I'd love to hear your recommendation for that legislation and how it would be enforced.
People want more out of their lives than efficient resource allocation. Making a social welfare function identical with a pricing function seems to me to be a degenerate solution to social management, and anyway radically unstable politically, for once you have a government strong enough to define and defend property you already have a government strong enough to do all the things our government does today that is considered so onerous by certain members of the population.
Implement socialism.
The state is a spook
A fully free market puts production solely in China or the 3rd world when economic equilibrium is reached
This isn't good for the working class of western nations
Which in turn leads to post industrial shit holes
Which leads to lower birth rates
Which leads to the collapse of the economy
Why would it put production in China?
look id delete the post now if i still could.
i get it. im a fucking moron etc. who is dumb as shit and shouldn't try to write when he knows nothing.
It will move to wherever is the cheapest for production.
That's what is happening now but he said a fully free market would move production to China. I don't see why it'd still move there if you cut a lot of the red tape that exists now in the west.
Slave wages
No health and safety costs
Artificially devalued currency
Put me to sleep
You'd have to cut every bit of red tape and reintroduce child labour, 0 min wage, no upper hour limits, no health and safety regs etc. etc.
It's fine mate, you're just expressing your understanding and having a discussion of it afterwards.
The fact that you're taking on board what others have said is a good thing. As long as you continue to grow don't let anyone make you think you're a "dumb shit"
Three issues:
1. Pollution and efficient subsidies. A free market must account for negative and positive externalities. Our current system certainly doesn't do this well, but your system might not do it at all, depending on your definition of free market. Solutions could include Pigou taxes, centralized government spending and pigou subsidies.
2. Natural opportunities can be owned, unless you accept the Lockean proviso. This leads to quite a few problems- the prices of land and other opportunities only increases from year to year, thieving the general population of the value of their natural heritage. This is also mispricing, and inefficient. Solutions include LVT, collectivized land ownership and anti-monopoly legislation.
3. Free trade puts our workers at a bargaining disadvantage when China persecutes its workers by limiting their ability to unionize. Until we conquer China or embargo them into raising wages for their people, the value of labor worldwide is mispriced, because only capital is capable of colluding internationally. This can be solved by (reasonable, temporary) economic nationalism, global government or international cooperation of national syndicates.
Other than this, you are basically right.
Well shit, user. You tried your best. Nothing is permanent on Sup Forums.
Thanks man. It wasn't so much a discussion as it was a fucking assault though. I've tried to grow for my entire life and I'm still getting nowhere. I ought to just give up
Thanks, but honestly I'm going back to the drawing board entirely, if I even bother to try this again
It's Sup Forums, people are hostile
You could post your favourite colour is Blue and you'd have people threatening to rape your family while you watch
I think most people on here agree we need a freer economy, and that most of the rules and regulations put in place are written by people connected to the government, not necessarily by honest public servants in the government.
Don't take anything on here too seriously, everyone and everything gets shit on.
Maybe they would be more receptive if you posted it in the body of your post.
IDK though, I've been doing that for a while and none of my threads have gotten a single (you).
Good on you for trying to bring actual conversation to Sup Forums