Can somebody please explain why voter id is racist? European countries have it, why is it so evil here?
Voter ID
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Because the people who don't get hem are dumb people who are mostly black so it is racist in the eyes of most of his stupid country
Because then democrats couldn't rig elections as easily
The Democrats would get zero votes if you only allowed American citizens to participate.
Well, our system demands people to show their ID, yet, it is still rigged as fuck. They end up faking IDs with ghost names and even people who are already dead.
Because the Supreme Court is controlled entirely by Jews and Roman Catholics. They have the Protestant population here on the ropes, and they need to consolidate control of the country, so enabling democrats to cheat hard is their best strategy.
You're in a country where the Democratic party can parades illegal on a stage in front of millions of people on TV and immigration services won't touch them.
Obviously these people who don't pay taxes deserve voting rights.
because black people and mexicans are incapable of getting free government issued IDs with 4 years of advance notice
also republicans are the racist ones
>Can somebody please explain why voter id is racist? European countries have it, why is it so evil here?
the argument is that it is an economic challenge for "minorities" and 'special interest groups" to go to the DMV to get an ID
That question is racist. I'm highly offended. Please stop posting immediately.
It doesn't even need to be that complicated. In Canada we'll let you vote with a library card and a recent utilities bill, as long as they both have your name and one has your current address. Most people just use their driver's license, provincial ID card, or military ID.
It's crazy how much of a hot button issue it is in the states, tbhfam.
Because niggers are literally so lazy that they can't get off their asses to obtain one of many free government-accepted IDs or register. And dems like it that way.
If the GOP would stop playing their game and bundle every voter ID law with a free but aggressive (don't register, no SNAP/EBT, no social security, no Obamacare) govt. issued ID program, they'd knock down all the dem's strawman arguments about muh disenfranchisement.
The idea is that leftists believe that there's "poor brown people" that are living their lives, eligible to vote, but for ****some reason**** have no valid form of photo ID. And that for them to get that photo ID would be too expensive for them.
Of course, it's all a scam. These people don't exist. What does exist is MASSIVE voter fraud where you can get workers to vote several times in other people's names. And this fraud occurs every 4 years.
Appeals courts are stacked with leftist activist judges so they rubber stamp these fraud protection schemes.
>If the GOP would stop playing their game and bundle every voter ID law with a free but aggressive (don't register, no SNAP/EBT, no social security, no Obamacare) govt. issued ID program, they'd knock down all the dem's strawman arguments about muh disenfranchisement.
They've tried that in Kentucky I think. Absolutely free state photo ID.
It's still racist.
It has occurred to me that my university is HIGHLY RACIST, as we are required to provide Photo ID at the end of our exams.
Help me fight this indignity #NoMoreID
how is this law a surgically precise racist attack against only black people?
Right, we should let the restrictions stand so Republicans can stage elections.
Ive heard them say its racist because they have to pay for the bus fare
Jesus Christ.
And you're in a country where you can't speak English I guess.
elaborate burger
Because Democrats depend on illegals voting to maintain power. They bus them in and give them money/cigarettes/liquor along with a dead person's name to vote with. There is zero other explanation.
You can't just put something down as "free" and expect people to get off their ass and take it. Dems could just cry that many are "unable" to travel to registration offices due to muh circumstances and the courts believe them. You have to be proactive and reach out. Set up in places where niggers will want to go (the welfare office, local HUD branches). If they want their next welfare check, they gotta sit down, take a pic, and get their ID. Same if they want their sec. 8 app processed. The next time they need to renew their benefits, ID registration. Yes, it'll be costly. But to maintain the integrity of democracy, no price is too high.
Liberals argue that poor people have to work 40+ hours and have no time to get to the DMV. DMV hours tend to be 8-5, typical work hours, so these poor people are at work. They cannot afford to get time off. Or maybe they don't have a car to get there.
Apparently, the fee to get an ID would be a voting tax too.
Canadian this has nothing to do with niggers. All niggers have id's so they can buy their blunts and you need ID to get any kind of housing or really operate at all in society
The dems don't want voter ID strictly because it would stop them from using illegals and dead people to vote
even if somehow voting IDs magically appeared in the hands of every american and were required to vote, you could use the arguement:
"I forgot my ID at home, but the polls close in 5 minutes!"
Never mind the fact that entire fucking ballot boxes can "go missing" that ballot cards can be "misread" and that voting machines can "be hacked" by someone (as though they weren't already pre-programmed with a winner in mind by the manufacturer)
You literally have to show ID to work, rent an apartment, open a bank account, buy beer, buy smokes, get a credit card, buy a gun.
I agree, how the fuck can you function without one?
How much would things change from a republican standpoint if the wall is built, illegals get deported and id becomes a requirement for voting?
It's obviously not.
Nobody is going to test it though.
It's obvious bullshit, but how else are Democraps going to get illegals, and dead people to vote for them?
Dems are clearly afraid of losing the illegal immigrant vote. The majority of niggers have id's
I'm really disappointed in Soros.
He decided he wanted to make his own Jewluminati.
Well, I guess it's time to crash the party.
Watch this....
abra cadabra hackus super packus.
Im pretty sure you also need one to get welfare
>they poor
>they don't understand english
>they don't have time
>they voterbase
My favorite is when they try to fight for prisoners' voting rights. Gee, I wonder what they would want to vote for.
So... If commiting fraud is so fucking easy like that why dont you repulicans use the same fucking tactic to win?? Wtf i mean you are like crying because the game have stupid rules that can be cheated, and watch everyone and their moms abusing it and hacking it, still you only complain instead of becoming the alpha cheater to Win comfortably wtf mang inb4 muh honor fuck you liberals are scum such disease must be cured wihh the taste of their own medicine
>we live in a world where proper ass identification is considered racist, not by college age faggots but by fucking federal judges
Because CLEARLY minorities are so UNDERPRIVILEGED and intellectually INFERIOR that they require (((ASSISTANCE)))
Even though that's a broad and generalizing statement and would be considered racist coming out of the mouth of a conservative.
Not everyone wants a government as corrupt as Mexico.
So Americans, what is stopping thousands of people from other states to fly in and vote Trump? Or to organize in such numbers that they cry about it and change it because its in favor of reps all of a sudden?
They only got away with that because the convention was in sanctuary city Philadelphia. If they had it in a city where police are allowed to enforce the law she would have been arrested on the spot.
>everybody is doing it so it's ok to do it
Evidently, going to a state ID office and getting a free ID is too hard for brown people.
Meanwhile white people have a government id since they turned 15. Some even have multiple government IDs. Like passports and conceal carry permits.
and you know perfectly well that, if blacks began to vote overwhelmingly republican, democrats would push for ID laws while GOP would oppose it due to "muh fredum"
Nothing to do with doing what is right, everything to do with expanding your base or limiting the other
>sanctuary city Philadelphia
I guess that makes sense then, but why the fuck are there sanctuary cities that far north? I thought they'd all be down south near the border, this is just encouraging illegals. You guys need Trump more than I thought
i think you mean black people
But it's racist to allow conceal carry permits as ID and not Student IDs
The city can do whatever the fuck it wants, basically. It's just a way for liberals to pat themselves on the back while actually doing nothing.
Not for Republicans, it's personal for them. In 1960, Nixon lost to Kennedy by ridiculously obvious voter fraud. In Indiana for example, more people voted than there were alive in the state; the Democrats used the names of dead people to win the state.
It's been a Republican issue ever since, and now it's used for illegals, not blacks. You'd know that if you had a country that doesn't vote with coup d'etats.
Student IDs aren't rigorous enough. Any idiot can enroll in a community college and get a photo id saying they are Adolph Hitler.
>required to show ID for proctored exams
>required to show ID to buy alcohol
>required to show ID to buy a gun
>required to show ID to open a bank account
>not required to show ID to vote in a presidential election, because that would be racist
hail satan!
Because the blacks that infest Philly push that Democrat straight ticket button and none of them vote in primaries so normal human beings don't get elected. Every politician from there is either slightly to the right of Lenin or corrupt as fuck.
Because niggers can't be assed to pony up $20 for an ID and furthermore can't be assed to make their way to a Secretary of State. That's literally it, niggers are lazy
Its purely because the dems want to keep their voter fraud.
ID to
>fly on an airplane or use any transportation "guarded" by the TSA
>get prescription drugs
>R rated movies
>enter government buildings
>drive a car
>government welfare benefits
who are these people with out a valid government ID?
The government literally ships illegals around the country and gives them aid and comfort.
I live right outside of DC, the fucking Capitol and every single construction worker here is an illegal. They all have brand new trucks and are buying up houses all over the place.There are whole little cities that have turned completely Mexican that were all white just 10 years ago. Mind you this is in the nations Capitol, while they tell us the illegals are living in the shadows
The government is shipping them in!!
Babies born outside of hospitals don't get birth certificates so those americans can't get photo ID's.
This. The republicans would put everything in their favor if we allow any restrictions. Sad! Change the record, people.
if these people dont have ID's how can they open bank accounts? even if they use the dumb payday loan places to cash their checks they need an ID
The whole reason the government floods the country with immigrants is because they always vote democrat.
If you put barriers up then they lose their majority of voters.
>People actually think this
The elderly mostly. My grandmother never had one because she never drove and you didn't need it back in the day. My father finally made her go get one in case something happened to her so she wouldn't be a Jane Doe and somebody could get in contact to him.
Socialists are completely and utterly convinced that the only reason people vote against them is that they are brainwashed by The Man, so bringing in millions of people untainted by the tyranny of Christianity, white people. Rape culture etc will help fight the establishment.
I can buy guns at a gunshow without showing a license.
they also have no ss #'s, they have a different freeman #
>R rated movies
I have not been carded for those since I was a kid.
So I guess you've never been with Cubans in South Florida?
>walk into hospital with baby
>hi I need a birth certificate for this baby
>enter another
>wait 18 years
>get 10 different ID's
wow that was easy.
Not how it works
> First they redistrict my neighborhood to be with all the Democrat Charlotteans
>THEN they strike down the Voter ID Law
It's enough to make you urinate in whatever restroom you feel like.
You need to show you ID and SS card to even get a job
>$0.05 was deposited into your account. Thank you for correcting the record!
>In Indiana for example, more people voted than there were alive in the state
Surely that should be cause to immediately stop the election and start investigation.
White cathlics see themselves as white before cathlic. We are on the same side.
Glad to be of service :^)
This is just a stepping stone to Hillary stealing the election through voter fraud.
Also the democrats have been running a vote plantation since LBJ. They lost the philosophical argument, so they just started stuffing the ballot boxes.
Neither the Dems or Reps are a Euro/rest-of-the-world style party.
In the rest of the world, a party is an organization. It does things outside of debates and elections. UKIP has charity dinners, the Tories have pedophilia parties, the Greens get together and smoke weed, Christian Democrats do...fuck if I know but you get the point, etc. There is a group structure and it goes out and does things.
Not so in America. In local elections, the D and R are just letters next to your name you flash to get old people to vote for you. In state govt, your """"""""""party""""""""""""' is little more than away to get money. At the Federal level, it becomes really important for funding, but it's still really just about funding. Which is basically what the Democrats and Republicans are. Ideological gang signs. Flashing those gang signs says "I align with people who also flash this sign, and it means I generally accept, believe in, or hold views that include X, Y, and Z".
Only the Republicans are more like twenty gangs (Neo-cons, Libertarians, Conservatives, Fundies, Mormons, I'm-Not-A-Democrats, voter interest candidates, etc) that got together and decided to share their turf and pool all their crime money (funding from various groups) together.
The Democrats are a single gang that, although filled with all sorts of literal and metaphorical dumb niggers who all are constantly fighting each other, move to the tune of the mayor and his pals (Soros and Friends and the DNC). The DNC and Soros and Friends are MUCH more organized than the Republicans.
The Republicans don't pull half the shit the Democrats do not because they're above it, but because they lack the infrastructure to do it and GET AWAY with it.
By preventing Hillary to win you are blocking a greater corruption in your country.
truly cuck mentality:
>if my wife is cheating me is not okay for me to cheat her.
thats racist, probably why a lot of black folks dont got no job, its called systemic racism people
He said your english sucks and he is right. You write like shit.
Mexicans need to start shilling for Trump and the Wall.
It will make Mexico safe again, by harming cartel business and their ability to get firearms.
>Their ability to get firearms
Top kek, the chinese have been giving guns to the cartels for years
That get
Well we can't do anything about that. We can do soemthing about stopping firearms from the USA going to Mexico. Unlike Obama and Holder. We can do it with out harming Americans' right to bear arms.
Praise Kek. The truth has been spoken.
It is racist against dead people and illegals.
And it provides an unfair disadvantage to the voter fraud community.
I knew a few 'free spirit' types in my post-college days. They had ID's I'm sure, but I'm also sure they didn't use them for a decade at least. They were real guys in the sense that they could fix a car, or fix a sink or washer, or anything you needed really. They did oddjobs constantly, either getting paid cash or actually bartering goods. They bought their booze at the local liquor store so never got carded.
They also lived a relatively simple (but seemingly blissful) lives. They didn't do much but chill and hunt or chill and smoke or chill and fish when they weren't doing jobs.
Its a wide world out there, alot of different people kinda live in a whole different reality than you and I, and others living different ones from them. Its what makes life great.
It'd boost their population by like 30 million, surely that giant dump of people can't be very good on a country (even if it's not all at once). More workers yes but that's only good if there's enough jobs, and jobs will be getting removed because of tarrifs.
Because illegal mexicans and fucking transplants should be allowed to decide what goes on in our state, apparently.
We North Carolinians need to build a wall and make New York pay for it.
I was born outside of a hospital. I have a BC notarized by an attending physician. You are wrong.
Why not read the court's decision for yourself? You're a smart guy, right?
tldr is we know whites have cards, and shitskins don't, so let's pass a law effective immediately just in time for the general election. The timing is too obvious.
Whites love to feel like they belong by carrying around 22 cards, just go to your local starbucks and see millenial nucucks proudly swiping their cards to buy their 8 dollar whipped cream mocha lattes
Meanwhile, for better or for worse, (of course it's worse, but it is what it is) a lot of shitskins aren't into having a bunch of ID's and cards for every little thing they do.
Republicans mastered the art form buddy
It did.
Then the Dems shut it down because the city was (and still is) run by Democrats, the fraud was committed by Democrats, the fraud benefited Democrats, the investigation was run by Democrats, the prosecution was staffed with Democrats, and the media was run by Democrats who were being paid to keep quiet by Democrats.
Again, it's not that the Republicans are against this kind of shit, it's that they lack the capital and infrastructure to do it. The Big Jews are far more organized than goobers like the Kochs or LDS, especially since every Democrat candidate is a replaceable clone of every other Democrat.
but the liberals keep saying that more mexicans are good for the economy.
So we should stimulate Mexico's economy with some Mexicans.
Shut up. Go correct the record at reddit.
Without voter ID how do we make sure felons aren't voting?
Why not copy Indiana's voter ID law that the Supreme Court already upheld?
What is the Voting Rights Act for $400, Alex?
LBJ and his Democrats and Progressive Republicans, created the safe black dominated urban districts that Democrats still hold to this day. While also creating the white suburban and rural districts that are republican today.
Any gerrymandering still being done by both parties. Is fighting to eliminate the competitive seats and come out with a permanent majority.
Just look at what happened in California. They changed how Senate districts are drawn. To "fix" gerrymandering done by Republicans. The state government went from republicans being viable, to a permanent democrat SUPER MAJORITY.
Even when several California state government elected officials are arrested at once for corruption, arms trafficking, etc. They have enough Dems to retain majority. So they don't even bother refilling those seats until the next election.
Not an argument.