Get a load of these babes.
What am i looking at
holy shit her knees are about to give in and bend the wrong way if she keeps them locked like that
they are buckling under the weight!
No she wouldn't, she would be a stuck up entitled bitch just like she is now. She would at least be fuckable though
It's been a while since I saw Jurassic Park, is she a velocirapist or a tyrannosore-ass?
I hate seeing fat people stand up.... and their legs bend like that... God it's fucking annoying... at some point, don't people say "okay, maybe I should lay off the twinkles for a couple hours".
Doubt it.
You'd have to be, to lift that frame out of bed.
>I am intahshjafj
Even though I can't see the beast from where I sit, I can infer it's existence from the gravitational pull.
Fat-shaming isn't cool.
It's pretty funny, though.
Yeah, it actually is.
You're both alright m8s
its because she couldn't fucking move
I love you guys.
Compassion would be a pair of pants, eugh.
Unique like all the other pasty 2-4/10s posing in their underwear in this field.
whats wrong with this one?
6.5/10 would give pork sword to
wouldn't hurt, would it
>wrote the "I" first
>realized started writing too big
>had to squeeze everything together towards the end to make it all fit
>indicative of poor foresight and planning abilities
If that shitty 20W iron was on, you wouldn't be holding it that way, and why are you using that on a coin cell battery? Why are you wearing safety glasses? What is a Gaussian distribution?