Does pol know any good red pilled movies? I'm running dry on things to watch

does pol know any good red pilled movies? I'm running dry on things to watch.
bonus points for history themed

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Bee Movie.

fuck you. if my thread is gonna die please let it pass on in peace. without disgracing it like this. you only make me feel worse

Dont think so mate.

Just watch Master and Commander again

The Big Short is now on Netflix. It shows how the (((big banks))) fucked over Americans during the financial crisis in 2008.

I just did for like tenth time last week. I'm not ready to go again yet

Read a fucking book.

Clinton Cash.

no. it's 2016

You ever see Irreversible? French film. Give it a look.

I just watch westerns, they never get old to me

Movies are a devils invention.

Stay away from it

I watch them all the time. I even bought a new cable package just for the western channel. but I need some variety eventually. know what I'm sayin?

Based hue. Too many emotions and movement in movies. Not for real adults.


The Flowers of War. Shows barbaric orientals going on a rampage and a strong white man needs to save the Christians.

Côte d'Ivoire is pretty rare so I'm saving your flag and reversing it ok?

Get Plato and read

Angry Birds. Now stop asking questions.

Is there technology in Basil to watch one?

Enemy of the State
The Patriot
Last of the Mohecans
Conspiracy Theory
>trigger warning for Sup Forumslacks
Sicko & Fahrenheit 9/11

I know what you mean occasionally I'll watch discovery or history channel, american heros channel has some good programs too.

Apocalypse Now

You could watch "the fountain" (2006) or "the man who sleeps" (1974)

Pretty much any Clint Eastwood movie
Dirty Harry is one of my favourite red pilled movies ever

Avatar, it teaches you that people who have the wrong skin colour are iredeemably evil, and that they can only redem themselves by completely abandoning their heritage and identity.

Watch There Will Be Blood

Kingdom of Heaven was at least moderately accurate, though they did embellish Balian, mainly because there's pretty much nothing that's known about him. But Reynald? Spot on; dude was legitimately crazy, and seems to have had virtually every form of psychosis modern doctors have terms for. Even their depiction of Saladin, for the few scenes he was in it, was spot on (note: he was not an axe-crazy Islamist, and was extremely popular in Europe, and well-known for upholding chivalric ideals).

You could also try They Live.

>a book

No, for true redpill you must read multiple conflicting books.

I like old kung-fu films

I'm ignoring the 'redpilled' part of the question, that's just what I like watching

Start with 1984 and Brazil (satire version of 1984. Very good)

There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men, Birdman, Akira, Raging Bull, and Lawrence of Arabia are some favorites, but that's just off the top of my head.

The Act of Killing is awful. Don't watch it.

> The Act of Killing is awful. Don't watch it.

It's at the top of my list of films to watch. How so?

You literally can't go wrong with Goodfellas or Raging Bull

Gangs of New York

the list in no particular order. An user on Sup Forums posted a list of movies for people to get started with. I've been using that and adding onto it whenever I watch other things.

Also, OP, watching film (and getting cultured) in general is the best way to get redpilled.

Aguirre: the wrath of god

ignore the x's by the way. Just means I watched it.


This is also top quality


There will be blood


It doesn't get more red pilled than this



Syriana is disturbingly on point even today

>haven't seen Silence of the Lambs, The Deer Hunter, or Goodfellas
Also, Casino is a cheap rip off of Goodfellas. The only good parts are the ones that have Scorsese's mother and Joe Pesci in them

watch jurassic park

Dog Day Afternoon is also really good if you're looking for something not too serious

Just watched 13 hours...pretty good flick


>Casino is a cheap rip off of Goodfellas
I thought it was way better, Joe Pesci really killed it, great performance

Also, no one suggested The Usual Suspects ?

"and just like that, he's gone"

Hunny I shrunk the kids
Home Alone series
Anything National Lampoon. Especially if the Griswolds are involved.
All Police Academy movies
Revenge of the Nerds series
Week End at Bernies
American Ninja series

>the century of the self
>about the works of Sigmund Freud


Literally at the top of my stack, cant be the only one that cruises around listening to the strings piece at the end

Apocalypse Now


It's definitely a redpill documentary.


This movie is a litmus test for whiteness. All the white people I know loved it. All the brown people I know thought it was boring

Wtf does lord of the rings have to do with literally anything?

Empire of Dust

I highly recommend "Zero Theorem," it's by the same guy who did Brazil (Terry Gilliam, based former Monty python)

this fucked me up

Falling down is a must see

My favorite war movie is Das Boot

I really liked Brazil and Zero Theorem. Also High-Rise is really good.

Das Boot is seriously good shit

I don't really watch film, just have them on in the background while I do other stuff, but I watched Das Boot, several times in fact

It was a rough one man, my dad made me sit through it as a kid. Hated it at the time but looking back I'm so glad I watched it

Not redpill aside from illustrating the humanity of German soldiers, but truly a great film in every sense of the word.


Why the fuck did they change the name from The Military Channel to American Heroes Network?

Sounds so fuckin cheesy

Can vouch for the following movies being good because I've seen them.

Dr. Strangelove
The Matrix
Falling Down
The World At War
The Wave (it's alright but pretty c*cked at the end)
Defamation (really good movie about kikery made by a kike)
Apocalypse Now
Taxi Driver

Citizen four

Empire of Dust
Gran Torino

Solid film but a bit overrated in retrospect. Probably a bit more revolutionary in its own time?

Came here to post this. But read Heart of Darkness first, just to see how well they adapted that last part and how many times Conrad puts the word "nigger" on paper.






you've probably watched it desu

>mfw watching Africa Addio
>mfw realizing if shit was so bad then how it must be now

Two fives say the Death Wish series is the feel good hit of the 21st century.

find less boring brown friends

They Live is the greatest Sup Forums film

Watch anime weebshit.
Mob Psycho 100 is pretty good.


the history channel shit: barbarians rising was pretty good.

>fight club
>Sup Forums suggested
>"improving yourself is masturbatory :^)"

Empire of Dust


Falling Down
Fight Club
Wall Street
Boiler Room
Wolf of Wall Street
Glengary Glen Ross
Enron: Smartest guys in the room
Birth of a Nation
Das Boot
Blackhawk Down
Passion of the Christ

Just curious, /k/ does movie nights, if I set up something similar would you racist frogs watch movies with me?


Strong womyn character gets her ass handed to her and gets redpilled about the Mexican drug cartels

Bump for more movies

Get triggered by watching the new independence day. The scene in pic related really russled my jimmies.

>Falling Down
>he kills the nazi

All of those movies suck ass

The best redpilling movie from Latin America this decade: Santiago Mitre's El Estudiante (The Student).

It tells the story of a student from a backwards province who, after entering public college, discovers the world of student unions and universitary elections, getting heavily adicted to it. I found it to be an amazing film as it projects from the small scale of college politics unto the big picture of global politics, how adictive is power, the inherent inmorality of dealing with it under this frame and finally, whatever you do, to expect never ending banal and meaningless results.


Watch "Being John Malkovich" then the next day watch "Adaptation" to have your mind blown.


>The narrator doesn't kill Tyler at the end

Nigger detected

Read any literature that was written before the cultural degeneration of the west. There are also a few modern books that pay no heed to fashionable modern beliefs.

I would recommend the Flashman series of books.