How high is it gonna go?
How high is it gonna go?
9 billion
WW3 will wipe out a good number of people soon.
this, white people are going to relocate to mars and leave the minorities to develop on their own
Not much higher because birth rate falls dramatically as countries industrialize and standards of living increase.
/this, thread, etc.
A good majority of white people*
WW3 will just be us getting genocided, and then the world governments needing more immigrants to recover the lost numbers for work etc.
>what is exponential rate
You dumb fuck it's all niggers and gooks. Industrialisation did barely anything for white population.
10 Billion before it takes out western economies/sovereignty/stability, then probably 11 billion before Energy shortages.
Aren't we due for another plague sometime soon?
As high as white people allow it to go by subsidizing low IQ nations' existence
Which will be forever because white nations also deny them industrialisation in the form of environmental regulation which makes them dependant on foriegn aid that they use to buy weapons because poltical power is such a huge prize there.
It doesn't matter
The East Siberian arctic shelf is rapidly melting and already entered into a positive feedback loop. Shit tons of methane is going to be released in a rapid timeframe.
Move to Norway if you have the chance. (srs)
>move to Norway
>late 90s
World is having to many babies, make less babies
Oy vey white countries only reproduce at 1.5 babies average! Need immigrants because population should continually increase exponentially or that country will die!
Maybe if we would stop fucking fighting them so much. Poor Ebola-chan
Fake, the world is only 6,000 years old how could there be a population a million years ago.
This is true, the fallacy in your reasoning is you equate industrialization to an increase in standard of living. While this used to be a good rule of thumb in the early 1900s, technology, innovation and methods of exploitation have seen this change - hence why India is still a shithole.
>Not much higher because birth rate falls dramatically as countries industrialize and standards of living increase.
Notice the population spike starts with age of industrialization ..........
>All of the new diseases that have been scaring the world the past two decades have only been affecting the countries with the biggest population growth
>mfw nature is deliberately targeting non-white populations in order to prevent them from getting out of control
>How high is it gonna go?
12 billion with most of that growth in Africa.
>the whiggishly inclined think population dynamics don't apply to people
Phase one of industrialization makes it so the same land can support way more people. Phase two makes people's own time and productivity so valuable that having 8 kids to help on your farm doesn't make any sense.
Third world is seeing huge income and standard of living increases. The economic story of the 21st century is poor countries becoming way less poor and middle income people in rich countries losing out. But anyway, those formerly super poor third worlders are now only a little poor and their time is too valuable to keep cranking out so many kids that are now expensive to raise, etc.
I don't care if China or India is overpopulated, I want a dozen kids why is that a bad thing?
What goes up
Ask a dinosaur.
World is only 6000 years old. If world is billions of years old how are there only billions just now? The rate of people we know we have now in the true 6000 years would be piled one on top of eachother if and when you ignore that and conveniently lie and say muh technology muh 6 gorillion year old unibertha
I'm reading a book series about terrorist wizards who basically create a genocidal cult with a plan to reduce the population of the planet to about half a billion people . They're axe-crazy, left-wing environmentalists. Pretty fun.
But we know right now we can put everybody in the world in texas and live just fine. Therefore it's all planned and science is a religion
The right wing zionist georgia guidestones?
It will self regulate.
As the populations grow, so does violence and disease.
No. They're urban fantasy novellas. I actually wrote them. I don't know why I said I was reading them, except to avoid plugging the books.
Or Venus's clouds.
- 91% of Earth's gravity
- Atmosphere protects against radiation
Since you mentioned India, their population is going to actually stall within the century at 1.6 billion (increase of 400 million from current population). This is in combination with Indias economy just bloating up to either the 2nd or the biggest in the world (depending on when it happens) due to the sheer amount of people.
Though like you said, modernizing doesn't necessarily equat to a better standard of living (which in turn effects population), but it does help.
But remember user, endings are just beginnings!
Doomsayers love posting that chart without the post boomer birthrate plateau.
>that pic
Great movie.
>tfw ywn wake up on Cloud City with your white family and go to work in the methane mines
It's going to decline before the end of the century.
The limiting factor in how much food we can grow, is our phosphor sources. Once we reach Peak Phosphor, fertilizers and farmland prices are going to rise sharply. Which means higher food prices.
there will be famine and war.
The population will take a huge hit and the survivors will be left with a smaller diet.
Phosphor isn't easily renewed either. Since it has a non gaseous replenishment cycle.
So next we will see the Space Colony Age. As we build colonies in space to mine asteroids for depleted resources.
Just as the Prime Directive requires us.
World population is set to peak at around 11 billion before the die off starts.
>be me
>live on trump utopia of mars
>we left that rock behind 10 years ago
>take an orbital tour
>use high powered telescope to view the nations
>the jews control the world now
>what few whites that stayed behind for muh racism are cucked or fucked
>where the jews don't control are festering shit holes
The Earth can only support so many people; the estimates are, at their highest, 10 billion. That's assuming everyone goes vegan, which isn't going to happen. After that, it becomes much harder to feed the world's population, not to mention fresh water will be in great demand. The wars over the next two centuries will be fought over fresh water. Any nation or region with access to a large amount of fresh water is going to go down the shitter real quick. Luckily the US and Canada are sitting pretty with the Great Lakes. But, other countries whose populations are booming and don't have the means to take more land and water are going to see mass famine and death, countries like India and Nigeria. Nature will correct itself this way, and the Earth's population will stabilize. Also note, it's mostly Africa and the Middle East whose populations are skyrocketing. They don't have the means to support it and thus will die out quickly.
Based leaf
>Deers are in any way comparable to humans
Really, nigga?
Or you know, we could science the fuck out of everything and stop all of this.
Just saying.
The UN projects it'll top out at 13 billion people.
Most of us millennials don't qualify for armed service.
They're going to need to invade or bomb the hell out of us to genocide us. It'll be easy, since none of us qualify to fight.