How do we fix the blacks?
How do we fix the blacks?
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genetically engineer the nigger out of their brains
Don't and let them slaughter themselves while they get left behind by the rest of humanity
Take away welfare to eliminate breeding-for-profit, and continue buying drugs from them until they kill eachother off.
kill them...
You can't fix niggers, you can only fix the world by removing them.
Place them in the environment where only the smart and intelligent survive.
>Take away welfare to eliminate breeding-for-profit,
seen people of low tier white guilty of this
also, if they're breeding for profit why is their population % more or less steady in America?
is their attrition rate that high?
The same way my vet "fixed" my cat?
with bullets
kill all the fucking niggers i hate living near them niggers ruin everything
it could be just that easy but the people running things won't let that happen.
There is nothing wrong in that picture op
Just dudes hanging out
Sterilise every citizen at birth with a drug that can only be reversed by the government when the person is married and earns enough money to get them off of welfare.
The rap scene has devestated the black community. I went to nice public high school in Indianapolis, had about 40% black, 45% white.
I would say nearly ALL the nigs wanted to be rappers and that was their goal in life. Sad as fuck. Purge that cancerous community.
Mandatory military service, for everyone.
The abortion rate in black America is higher than the birth rate. Half their race doesn't even exist.
Killing each other just as fast as they're breeding senpai
deport them to Africa and isolate Africa by sinking smuggler boats.
Hey guys
well there's lots of things we can do:
1. free abortion, sterilization, birth control pills, implants, and abortion pills.
2. pay people to be sterilized.
3. set up genius serm banks.
4. keep criminals in jail longer (so they can't breed).
Black here. Welfare as it is now has got to go. It will be tough for a while afterwords, but it's needed.
>is their attrition rate that high?
>25th trimester abortions
Well I've learned a new term for describing why the nignogs kill each other off.
Whoops, mistargeted
There are niggers among us. Act natural. Don't show fear.
by stealing their women and red pilling them. pic related.
why do you wear the mask?
With 7.62x39
Sup Forums has been a black board for years now....
Getting rid of welfare is the first step.
Then you segregate them from everyone else in the country and withdraw the police force from their neighborhoods.
After a while, when the violence continues and there is no one to blame but themselves, then maybe they can be fixed.
By breeding them with whites
by arming every god-fearing warm-blooded blonde-haired blue-eyed american with a gun of their choice
1861 will happen again
Howdy, you look underaged.
End government handouts and reject the idolization of gangbangers who are currently being all but endorsed by society at large.
We'll come up with a final solution.
Look at me! I am the Sup Forums now
The only people having more than two kids are those willing to abuse the welfare system (mormon cults, hispanics, blacks) and the rich.
Yes their attrition rate is that high. They are killing eachother and spending their lives in jail. They really have only a short breeding window, like a fruit fly.
>Not .50 cal
And I though you burger love freedom
You know those are like suburban, right?
You don't get those clothes acting like a nigga.
i was a product of low-tier-pretty-much-as-trash-as it-gets white trash parents.
i grew up listening to black sabbath in a single wide, knowing that my parents were trash and i needed to be better than them. and i became better than them. not but much, im an iron worker but i did surpass my parents bullshit and grew up to own a house and not a trailer. i think i did well.
A bullet would fix them
Remove rap culture
to do this
Remove jews
hnnngghhh like Stacey Dash
You look like one of those antifa faggots.
We don't.
Hey kid. Do you know the difference between black people and niggers? Judging by everything in the background of your pic I'm guessing you do.
Good job user, i look up to you and people like you, hope it means something
Show you're tiny nigger dick
Send em all to Liberia is a start.
Use ancient runes to curse the coons
You can buy gas masks on amazon too
Home made suppressors and throw away 22 pistols
Drop these niggers one by one.
Cops certainly wont care.
Living well, union bro. Thinking right and living well. Family can be the number one thing that drags us down and the hardest to shake off. Good for you.
Seriously homie, why do your fellow black peeps act like massive fucking faggots.
As hood as they sound, they're begging to get shot in the face, with no remorse, and certainly no qualms about it.
You need to tell niggers to stop fucking it up for black people.
Did anyone else hear Morgan freeman speak at the DNC convention. Broke my heart.
good for you buddy, similar story here.
>Nigger sleeping'
He wont wake up for days..
No, that's how you make a Jew.
By making them White
>by stealing their women
Wrong. All that does is destroy white genes by infusing them with nigger DNA. Doesn't matter if it results in another Stacey Dash.
The nigger abortion rate is as high as their birth rate, but we can do better. Pay sheboons to abort every pregnancy. Forget welfare when a sheboon can make more gettin' knocked up then gettin' paid per abortion, plus the abortion is free!
After enough abortions the sheboon's repro system will be wrecked, making this plan a good investment of tax dollars.
If I remove it would you die?
feels good.
I have a slice of property in the woods. 7 acres max.
but i live among white folk with like interests and i can rip my banshee through their back yards into the woods in the early hours of the day and instead of them calling the cops theyll fire up their own ATV's and chase me down to meet me at the local quarry to fire off some rifle rounds with me.
genocide is the only answer. or send them back to africa since they love and miss it so much.
lol as if nigs are nigs just cus of rap.
It is why the word nigger gets used so much.
That's why I laugh every time some asks have /po/ocks ever used the world outside the internet.
All niggers have call other niggers it at one time or another.
Gtfo nigger
That doesn't fix anything. That just wastes white genes and still leaves you with low-IQ niggers.
Show dick for proof
If you're so much interested in nigger dick just google any word.
Or roleplay as a femanon and post a fake time stamp pic of "your" tits and all the nigs on here will show you their Sup Forums teir dicks.
well, Northern Europe finally calmed down after about 1500 years of ceaseless warfare. So there's that.
>that hairline
whoa theres white women on /pol
Being that you live in the country, I'm assuming you have to travel a lot for work?
Makes them play jazz and shit again. OK nope that would require skill. You can't.
best post ITT
And use the death penalty more. They can't breed if they're dead.
This. Can you imagine if abortion was outlawed? We'd have had the second civil war probably in the 90s.
Send them back to Africa.
I see you enjoy ebin trolling the stormcucks huh?
Trump or Clinton?
Lol its only because im laying down
nice to see some diversity on /pol
>3. set up genius sperm banks
Why hasn't this been done before?
Abortion+stupidity is doing it
I want a trump super-pac to secretly fund jill stein so she can take votes away from hillary
You have to prove you belong here: who is Thomas Sowell and what do you think of him?
Do you live in the South?
What is the ethnic makeup of your neighborhood?
Just curious why does you head look like you might be thin but your fingers look like you might be fat?
Hi black guy
I'm not trying to be hateful, I just have a genuine question for you. If the government gave you say, $50,000 to move to Liberia or South Africa or something would you do it?
Get rid of BET
>send in the bot
Breed them out of existence