So hat are Sup Forums's thoughts on plus-sized people?
I personally believe there's nothing wrong with being plus-sized. Not everyone has the time or the will to lose that weight. People should feel comfortable in their own skin. I noticed this issue particularly affects women. Women are often sexualized, and by many men, are all expected to look like supermodels. Those are just unrealistic standards; real women come at any size or shape.
Xavier Reyes
Jason Hernandez
No one asked for your opinion.
Chase Green
You don't need time to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less. While exercising has uncountable health benefits, it's not the most efficient way to lose weight.
Also, fuck fat people.
William Butler
That's disgusting, fat people shouldn't wear just anything but wear clothing that for their size and doesn't reveal fat chunks .
>t. Someone who you so be fat
Daniel Robinson
I like them. The more of them there are, the more my value goes up. Plus they remove themselves from the gene pool pretty quickly and efficiently.
Mason Diaz
Angel Fisher
I don't care be fat if you want, hopefully disease cuts your miserable life in half.
Samuel Edwards
>fat people should wear clothing that's for their size and doesn't reveal fat chunks
Plus-sized individuals have higher body temperatures, so it's not fair for them to have to put on more clothing to cover their beautiful curves.
Dylan Perez
Disgusting. Nothing cute about heart disease and diabetes. Body positivity is the reason obesity is so high in the US; when people didn't get coddled for being fat mass obesity was a non issue.
Andrew Parker
I don't care what you wear, but for goodness sake, stop rant or do "open letter" on kikebook about how miserable your life is because you're fat. You made that choice so own that consequence.
Jackson Wood
>who you so be fat
What did he mean by this
Liam Lopez
No, but you do ask for tax money when you get sick you fat fuck
Adam Reyes
Nolan Moore
I didnt ask you to disgust me
Dylan White
Being proud that you are fat is like being proud that you have aids, or cancer.
You do not deserve praise for this. You deserve pity, and people, be they of virtuous heart should help you find your direction unto the path of salvation.
Your praise comes from removing yourself from the fire. Surviving adversity, such as cancer, such as AIDS, being aided and perhaps cured by the virtuous and in that the praise is shared. All that is worthy of praise: To help one's-self and others to find salvation from such travesties.
To accept this sickness is to be a burden upon all, especially those who care for you the most. This is worthy of pity and admonishment.
Jayden Brooks
Lucas Martinez
That is not excuse, if they have higher body temperature then that's a problem they should be fixing by doing everything to loose weight.
Someone who use to be fat*
Sorry, I'm sleepy
Gavin Long
>your approval isn't necessary
And yet here you've pasted your grotesque form where it's visible for everyone to see. You may not need my approval, but you have my disgust in full force.
Justin Kelly
Frankly, however free you want society to be, being overweight should always be discouraged, and obesity even more discouraged, maybe even to the point of being shunned.
There is absolutely no real benefit to being overweight, both to the overweight person or anyone else. Health issues abound, forces the normalization of large clothing, wide and excessively sturdy seats.
People who are overweight have no one but themselves to blame, and are in full control of fixing the problem. They are not to be lauded.
Josiah Anderson
>(((Goldberg))) >(you)
Robert Jones
I don't feel disgust as much as I feel sorry for her. Being someone who works almost daily to lose weight, reversing my diabetes to the point where the doctor might change my diagnosis to pre-diabetic, I see a person who is going towards a future of pain.
What being overweight can do to you. It is a nightmare. When you start dropping that weight, you feel as though you are waking up. All the pain. All the problems. She is only shorting her own life and it's overall quality. You only get one go at it. Why befoul it like that? Why not try and walk a better path?
Josiah Williams
I'm paying $12,000 a year for health care insurance for one $300 annual checkup, for which I still have to pony up $60. Why? Because of dried up old hags who insist on squeezing out autistic little shits, and fat people.
William Wood
I feel disgust because these people have forsaken self-improvement and embraced self-righteousness. Their indulgence is nothing but an excuse to escape from the reality that good health and a longer life are only available to those willing to shed blood, sweat and tears.
Easton Evans
Nigga you dumb
Jackson Jackson
It's like they've tried to force an average size onesie on, it's ripped and they were too lazy to take it back off.
Jayden Reed
I also didn't ask to taste my breakfast again, so I guess we're even
Camden King
>Plus sized
They're obese. End of story. Euphemisms will only hinder their potential recovery
James Long
just stop giving them food once they become an inconvenience for others that's an easy concept, works here
Lincoln Bennett
There's chubby, there's fat, and there's obeast.
Despite what anyone says, 99.9% of the time, if you are fat, it's because you choose to be. Simply taking in too many calories than you are burning.
I don't care about fat people as long as they aren't delusional and know that they are fat because they did it to themselves.
Also, supermodel bodies are not unrealistic/impossible.
Jacob Ross
Whenever i see a girl with hams like that, i think "man, she'd make a nice barbecue" :/
Nathaniel Sanders
I have assets to protect beyond a urine-soaked seat cushion and an eMachines Pentium IV, asshat.
Robert Baker
I don't really have a problem with them as long as they're healthy
Ryder Thomas
I'm fat but Jesus, at least I have shame.
Lincoln Torres
Much respect to you for making an effort to get healthy. I have a lot of respect for all the people who make a genuine effort to better themselves in any way they canand I believe in the positive reinforcement of that. The people that spout this "fat pride unlocks" are the ones I have contempt for.
Cooper Adams
You'll also pay $60 when you end up needing $150,000 for a major surgery mr. Cadillac.
Robert Diaz
Fat pride bullocks*
Andrew Robinson
I also didn't ask to see that gross hambeast but I still have to
Jeremiah Wood
Kek'd and check'd
Elijah King
>when you know it's a troll thread but you just gotta respond
there's a difference between being plus sized and being a straight hamplanet.
That bitch is borderline hamplanet.
William Jenkins
Holy fuck!
Her legs look like someone grunted out two huge arsehole ripping turds
Ryder Diaz
Imagine the steaks you'd slice off those legs :/
Thomas Gray
See, this isn't actually that bad. If you know how to dress yourself properly, you can still look good.
>good not equating attractive
Hudson Moore
This is now a /fit/ FPH thread
Nicholas Richardson
Fat people will come in handy after we run out of oil. Lard can be burned, you know
Aiden Richardson
I don't need your permission to speak my opinion. #wesaywhatwewant
Dominic Reyes
Landon Richardson
Evan Butler
Fat people should be considered addicts, and need to be stigmatized just like any other substance abuser. The only difference is, atleast some addicts can keep their habit on the down low for awhile. Fat people are literally carrying their habit around with them all day. Zero sympathy for these people. I hate fat fucks who are in and out of the hospital, raising health insurance premiums, then turn around and hop on a mobility scooter and pick up a 2 liter of coke and a bag of cheetos.
John Miller
>Not everyone has the time or the will to not die an early death
William Wright
Dylan Ross
I'd bury myself in that ass
Benjamin Perry
lmfao her fucking pose
Landon Gutierrez
I actually had a two-hour discussion in which she claimed that fat shaming was a big problem, body positivity is necessary and there will be no genders in the future and men will soon wear bras, skirts and makeup.
I really couldn't argue against her because she had no points other than "women started wearing pants in ww2, and never before, obviously times are changing."
I told her that "body positivity" was a disservice to women, since it just convinces them to be conforming instead of trying to improve their hideous asses. She got quite angry.
Lincoln Green
Which came first the mcdonalds or the fat dude
Gabriel Torres
>I had a two hour discussion with my girlfriend*
Jaxson Lopez
Go back to tumblr faggot Sage
Levi Wright
Fuck fat people. Eating right is not hard. That said, having a healthy weight is most important, not being thin or thick. A healthy weight consists of muscle and a very limited amount of superfluous body fat. Natural selection has strayed too far from our species.