Only dumb white men like Trump:
Only dumb white men like Trump:
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low energy shill.. sad
The truth is neither low or high energy: it's just the truth. Now go get your GED and let me see it.
wtf i hate trump now
TIL I'm not a hispanic.
Are you fucks even trying anymore or did you already use up all the ammo you have on him? I honestly can't wait for November when you decide to kill yourself.
When they mean "educated", do they only consider University degrees? Does studying a trade or having a community college education consider you educated?
pls respond
Super low energy non-argument. The white males without college degrees are what's called the working class of America. You know, the ones who've seen their jobs shipped overseas or stolen out from under them for cheap illegal shit skin labor. Why would somebody knowingly vote away their job? Of course the working class white men of the country don't want Hillary. A vote for her is a vote against their own self interest.
Quit being such a faggot, goy.
uneducated means 'haven't been conditioned to agree with them'. i'm fairly certain they wouldn't let your degree 'count' if you held a different opinion
I can't wait for the collective mass suicide of these "liberal orogreasive" kikes. They've had their 8 years of fun in the sun with king nigger. But the day of reckoning is at hand.
(OP) #
Why would I, a young white male, vote for Hillary Clinton? She has nothing of value to offer me, neither does her platform or party. She says fucked shit about whites, tells people on Twitter that they should check their privlege and try and understand what blacks go through or whatever. She's a woman, and a corrupt one that is basically "the system" at work. This has no appeal to me, not like Trump does.
Why the hell would I vote for her over Trump? That's what I don't get about these beta nu-male cuck dudes (you know the type). It's like they have no balls. What does Hillary have to offer them? Atleast women have the whole "girl power", "first female president", "muh vagina" appeal I guess. Minorities also foolishly think they'll get "gibs me data" despite not getting shit from Obama. But why would a white dude care about that, especially with an evil looking old hag like Clinton. Because some dopey ass celebrities are telling them to? Fuck that.
If voting Trump makes me an unintelligent, white male, so be it. I don't really care. I'll vote with my conscience, Clinton and her posse can go fuck themselves.
> (OP) (OP) #
>Why would I, a young white male, vote for Hillary Clinton? She has nothing of value to offer me, neither does her platform or party. She says fucked shit about whites, tells people on Twitter that they should check their privlege and try and understand what blacks go through or whatever. She's a woman, and a corrupt one that is basically "the system" at work. This has no appeal to me, not like Trump does.
>Why the hell would I vote for her over Trump? That's what I don't get about these beta nu-male cuck dudes (you know the type). It's like they have no balls. What does Hillary have to offer them? Atleast women have the whole "girl power", "first female president", "muh vagina" appeal I guess. Minorities also foolishly think they'll get "gibs me data" despite not getting shit from Obama. But why would a white dude care about that, especially with an evil looking old hag like Clinton. Because some dopey ass celebrities are telling them to? Fuck that.
>If voting Trump makes me an unintelligent, white male, so be it. I don't really care. I'll vote with my conscience, Clinton and her posse can go fuck themselves.
>DNC full of people bragging about being retarded and not finishing highschool
>REEEEEE fucking dumb white people
This corrects my record
money well spent
but niggers are dumb?
>Nate Cohn
>checks flag
When will this site rangeban your non-country? Getting real tired of your shit.
Well, they're right... Y'know..
>t. inbred paki
haha racist white people! cause it feeds right into how the unthinking ulcerhole of an audience wants to feel! schweet, haha, yea, only racists like tromb! fucking dull dumbshit idiot hope the NYtimes shitheads burns in hell for a good long while for pushing any&all agendas his bosses impose upon them.