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I think he's bumbed that her stealing one election didn't have a big enough impact.
Rest probably wont matter either.
She's literally murdered thousands in coups and wars. And yet people don't care. Where do you go from there?
Someone needs to hack assange and retrieve the remaining files
A week before the election prob.
September 6th
There's nothing left, Assange lied.
Assange is a liar and a schill... he promised leaks for 5 days straight and didn't deliver.
Then he promised after she had her coronation he would drop some material to take the queen bitch down....
I'm never going back to the US if Hillary is president
Please tell me things will be ok user
Are you niggers forgetting Hillary's campaign supposedly just got hacked... There has got to be juicy shit on there. The fact that it would. Be from her campaign wouldn't allow any plausible deniability.
>Believing an aussie shitposter
>I'm never going back to the US if Hillary is president
nobody cares lol
It would be stupid to leak the Clinton camps own emails and shit until wikileaks gives the DNC and Clinton time to fuck themselves and paint themselves into a corner by obsessing over Russian hackers.
Give her time to rally and campaign and put her "positions" on record, so they can be negated by her own campaign materials thereafter.
Expect the next leak before the first debate.
>le he's just waiting for the right moment meme
assange fucked up
He already leaked the DNC's emails- which were hacked by the same party that attacked the DCCC. Therefore, it is a certainty that the next batch Assange has alluded to is indeed the Clinton campaigns own emails and internal memos; again, it would be pointless to leak them now.
This is just speculation on my part, but I believe that he is purposely waiting for one of two reasons. The first and most plausible reason is that the DNC just ended and all the major news networks are still covering it and her speech, so releasing them now just means that there's a greater chance of the leaks getting ignored by the MSM. The second reason is he may be trying to bait Clinton. I doubt this will happen, but if she hypothetically takes the bait and says there are no more leaks, not only will Assange double down and release what he has, Clinton would also notify the normies that don't normally give a damn about this kind of stuff and would be giving even more ammunition to Trump. Patience is a virtue; the leaks will come when the time is right.
It will be just as earth shattering as the DC Madame
one less white male in america
Moloch says it will be insignificant.
October 26, 2016
Two weeks before the general.
Hillary's birthday.
It will have something to do with Chris Dodd and the MPAA that finally brings her down. Donations to the Clinton Foundation made in exchange for state information on "pirates." Possibly using the military/law enforcement to go after them in exchange for donations to the foundation.
Screen cap this.
KEK is angry with us.. We've done something to upset him so he has stopped the happenings.
Please forgive us.
>yfw hillary could shoot someone on fifth and main and not lose any support
Tell me more, user. Why would the Clinton Foundation know about movie pirating?
It was written that there would be a dry spell of happenings, followed by a major happening. Have faith, user. Kek is with us.
>Two weeks before the general.
That would probably happen if assange were on trump's side, but he's not.
I'm pretty sure he's saving them for when trump is elected so that she can actually be arrested, avoiding the possibility that Obama will pardon her
moloch has no jurisdiction here
Checked and witnessed.
>Why would the Clinton Foundation know about movie pirating?
The Clinton "Foundation" doesn't know anything about pirates. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, does.
Ok.. I'm calm now... thank you.
I will patiently wait for her destruction.
Please take this rare in thanks.
Dude, it was so clearly a bluff. The FBI caught Hillary dead to rights passing out classified information in her emails, and simply refused to indict. Didn't even claim lack of evidence, just refused.
be gone false prophet
Assange can't upload the leaks until his FSB handler finishes raping his asshole on the reg.
I love this shit. J-law's boobs and Hillary's emails on the same day would be the zenith
Why thank you. I will gladly add this to my collection.
He has to wait until November. Look at how quickly everything has cooled down since the first leaks. He has to leak it right before the election so there can be no damage control by the Liberal media.
The Dems haven't gotten themselves into a full frothing frenzy yet, especially since today was yet another hack.
The more they pull from Democratic sites, the more completely a reveal comes at the end. Considering how many truth bullets it'll take to kill the Clinton campaign, I'm guessing they're gonna take every bit they can get and then empty the full info clip into the skull of the DNC.
Only then will there be a true happening. It would be one of the first great victories of the Information Age.
He released the emails
Got his publicity and fame sa
The end
He needs to let the DNC fully embrace her, and a point of no return.
If he had taken her down before last week, the superdelegates might have ditched her for Bernie, who polled much much more favorably.
There were two new hacks, DCCC or something and Clinton's campaign
>What are business trips
>He needs to let the DNC fully embrace her
As if the e-mails didn't show they did that months ago
He has to be careful in leaking now that every major media is claiming he's doing it on part of the Russian government to rig the elections.
I really just hope everything at once just crashes into her.
Requesting MAGA hat and caption "Yo Assange ya got anymore of those leaks man"
^^ All of these.
If Assange is an intelligent person (I'm inclined to believe he is), then he's doing exactly what I would do, and here's why:
The way every leak works is that the news covers it and then "They" go on damage control. People see the makeup and pretty lights and either believe the lies or naturally stop caring. For damage control to be effective, you have to know what the actual damage is. You can't spin an effective and believable lie if you yourself don't know all the facts inside and out.
By leaking everything all at once, you encounter the two disadvantages as mentioned. 1) You lay all your cards on the table. "They" then know what the damage is and can spin the narrative and lies in their favor, all wrapped up in a nice little bow. 2) The public gets slammed with the revelation of the leaks... but same as before, amazingly, "They" do their damage control and the public soon stops giving a shit.
By leaking things in a spoon-fed, calculated fashion, Assange can keep the odds in his, and arguably the public's, favor. 1) "They" are forced to control the damage based only on what was leaked, with the fact that spinning an effective lie becomes impossible because later leaks can unravel them in short order. 2) It keeps the leaks and shady business in the spotlight. As soon as "They" begin fixing the damage and the public interest subsides, you release another leak, guaranteeing more air time and visibility, thereby keeping the public engaged indefinitely.
George Bush murdered hundreds of thousands for the same reason and you never went after him for it. Face it, Hillary is the least corrupt candidate for president from the two major parties.
Funny, I haven't seen any evidence of political corruption from Trump's campaign. Nice bandwagon fallacy, btw.