So this is the power of the white man

so this is the power of the white man...

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Why didn't he buy a bellow?


Yes, the understand that working hard now will put them better off later. Why do you think were the dominate breed?

fuck out of here Brazil, you got Olympics and Zika to fuck up.

But yeah, this guys vids legit

His whole deal is making stuff completely from scratch. Every tool he uses he made himself in previous videos.

His channel is about making things from nothing
He literally started with some land and he made a house, garden, tools,pots etc

>nigs couldn't invent this in 50.000 years

>buy cuck

Get out of my /diy/

>talk shit about amazing youtube channel

Fuck brazil.

YES! A new video! Thanks OP, I love that guy.

this is oddly comfy
i could fall asleep right now

>Why didn't he buy a bellow?

He wanted a handicap, to do things the most difficult way possible, to prove that he could still be a success.

Talking shit about him? Where?

This guy is insane. He built a mud hut, kiln, chimney and everything just using rocks sticks and mud.

in four minutes and thirty two seconds he rivaled everything that native americans accomplished in a thousand years. Feels good to be white.

Stupid white man can't even build a mud cell phone charger.

He assumed you were saying the white man is unimpressive.

In that one video he's accomplished more than 10,000 years of Native Brazilians could. He discovered Metal.

We all know you'd want to take his seed to improve your lot.


O que é que esse preto tá fazendo no Sup Forums?

Yes but can he go to space?

Why didnt he buy a trailer?

I don't get it, some Africans still don't realize that if you live close to water, you don't have to walk 20 miles to get it each day.

Fucking beautiful.


>tfw in 2000 years you will witness Primitive man reach the space age

At the rate he's going he'll do it in 5.

Don't you mean minutes? I mean, he just straight up skipped the Bronze Age.

I love primitive technology. So comfy yet so informative at the same time, the fact that he never talks and just shows is the icing on the cake

Holy shit yes! I've been anxiously waiting for this guy to make his way to metallurgy.

any day now he'll be in space

From a basic hut to metal in one year. Mars 2017 confirmed.

Love his vids.

one of my favorite tubers, based australian alpha

>local white man accomplishes more technological development in 1 year than africa has in 50,000

shit races that haven't developed beyond the iron age should be put to the sword


Not worth 1/10 of the effort and work it took to make that shit. Just blowing on the fire or making a fan out of a tree branch or palm leaves or some shit would've been as and very likely more effective.

dumb americuck

I really wish I could do something like that guy, but I'm afraid of having all the shit I built up destroyed by some idiot or some cartel people, and there's also bears, mountain lions and even fucking jaguars where I live.

this retard thinks you can achieve temperatures high enough to produce iron ore by blowing on your campfire KEK

>I mean, he just straight up skipped the Bronze Age.

Good point, next stop industrial revolution

That about page is hilarious
>Q.For the mud huts what stops the rain washing the mud walls away?
>A.The roof.


>>technology doesn't change for 10s of thousands of years

>>put a white man out in the woods with nothing and he's sending rockets into space in less than a week terraforming other planets

That's a cuck right there. Pure beta

t. Tyrone Daquan 'gibsmemoney' Jackson

My god.

What is a mere hobby for the white man is a way of life for shitskins. He's doing a far more efficient job of pretty much everything than the people that rely on this lifestyle, and he's doing it for fucking fun.

after it is done it is less effort, than doing the things you said.
Remember he will do this many times to get a multitude of metals.

Also, we hunted and killed every dangerous animal near population centers.

Why didn't Mexico? You indians have been there longer than we have been here, yes?

>mexicans still afraid of cats in 2016

youre from the south

>Tosses bone into the air in slow mo
>Cuts to orbiting space station

We hunt for sport. Our ancestors long ago killed off our natural predators in our native lands. We choose hard to hit game. Ducks, Rabbits, Pheasants. The largest animals here are those we breed to be large.

They hunt for survival. They're slaves to their environment, not masters of it.

that was fucking sick

Why didn't he just turn on the heater?

He's doing this in Australia, though.

They have to live far enough that people aren't inclined to use it as a toilet probably. They can't control themselves.

nigger you cant keep the temperature high enough to smelt the metal if you blow on it you fucking inbred cunt

meanwhile in the comments

>white man plays with sticks and mud innawoods for a few months
>makes more technological breakthroughs than the collective society of millions of niggers over the course of tens of thousands of years
you can't make this shit up

What's funny is the little shack and farm he has built is more advanced than anything the aboriginals built in 40,000 years.

also, captcha

What was that nugget he made at the end?

Was he trying to gather a sizable iron supply or something? Looked like he was extracting iron to me, but I know jack shit.

this is one of the few actually good youtube channels. It's informative, comfy, and the very best part is he doesn't pad shit out with shitty talking.
It's not some piece of shit barking for 10 minutes with jumpcuts everywhere, it's just some dude doing exactly what the video description details, showing every step. No stupid music, just cool shit to learn.

jesus christ, in some days he developed more technology than africa in a thousand years

Call me when he makes a difference engine.

To be fair, he has 1000's of years of human experience and knowledge at his disposal.

Knowing what I know now, I could have developed Newtonian Mechanics 100's of years before Newton, but if I was thrown back into the 1600's with no independent knowledge, I probably couldn't.

And they still can't. There are uncontacted nig nog tribes that still haven't even invented fire.

The political correctness fringe to pretend that all human races are equally intelligent really is preposterous isn't it?

>new primitive technology is out

we gotta wait man.his next video could be his series from the start and youll know just how awesome he is.

Thus the black mans downfall is his inability to come up with a theory. It would be a monumental mission for these tribes to move closer to water, but it is possible with some use of the Prefrontal Cortex.

is this about some guy living in the NT?

he got iron-enriched mud and smelted the iron into little balls

>Not worth 1/10 of the effort and work it took to make that shit
The challenge is why he's doing it, you fucking window-licker.

Wait one fucking minute.

He mixed Charcoal with the Iron.

He's skipped the Bronze Age. He's skipped the Iron Age. He's gone straight to steel!

But how did he make the camera?

Gonna make a black power rifle to shoot those balls in the next episode?

>1 upload per month
Iron dagger in 2017.

Read the description m8

the thing he made in the end is more innovative and impressive than anything niggers did

He's in QLD, m8

No he hasn't
He reduced the iron oxide rich slurry into sponge iron
He didn't get it hot enough to turn liquid and absorb carbon

Literally this

>What was that nugget he made at the end?

If you click on his description for the vid he give a pretty detailed description of the smelting

>Then I collected orange iron bacteria from the creek (iron oxide), mixed it with charcoal powder (carbon to reduce oxide to metal) and wood ash (flux to lower the meting point) and formed it into a cylindrical brick. I filled the furnace with charcoal, put the ore brick in and commenced firing.

>The ore brick melted and produced slag with tiny, 1mm sized specs of iron through it

Because Mexicans dont feel like killing their own native species on purpose?


Pretty much. They still just use their soup cooler to blow on the flame.

that white guy just did more in a day than the entire black race has done throughout the course of human history


>maybe sing a song about your stove?
Holy kek


because he watched a how-to on the internet

According to the comments, this guy does plan to make Iron tools at some point.

How does he sift through the ash to find the metal. Carefully?

Cucked by animals?

This generation is so fucked


And then he did it.

The difference between animals and humans.

Hell Yeah!

What a privileged piece of shit

Living next to water in Africa is a death sentence. It attracts too many predators in addition to dangerous herbivores.
There is also currently a massive maneating croc patrolling the entire length of the Nile devouring everything and everyone that gets close without hesitation. Several of his victims have been found maimed or drowned but uneaten, some even had traces of being chased down on land just to be killed and left to rot. He's been seen killing and eating other adult crocs multiple times and has overcome all trapping attempts, even playing with one of the cages meant for him before vanishing into the river. He's getting close to surpassing the top kill spree for a single maneater in all history.
A Frenchman is trying to capture him alive to breed him so his unique size, aggression, and lack of inhibition can be passed on. I can't imagine why anyone would want to give this abomination children.

>that white guy just did more in a day than the entire black race has done throughout the course of human history

Lol what someone took the time to type his?