Getting to the point where I don't know what to believe anymore.
>Moon landing
>Flat Earth
>World controlled by a few powerful men
>Media fueling race wars
>3rd Wave Feminism killing society
>History being rewritten to keep the masses ignorant
>Any Religion
>and many more topics/issues
How do I wrap my head around these. I get some of these are pretty far out there but sometimes you can come across compelling evidence that seems to support the idea. Faced with all of this information how do you process it Sup Forums.
Getting to the point where I don't know what to believe anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
The rule of thumb is don't believe anything posted here.
Just don't be so fucking impressionable
The Earth isn't flat, retard.
It is Growing though. The reason Dinosaurs and other ancient animals were so big was because the Earth had less Gravity back then.
It get overwhelming quickly. Take a break. Go outside. Walk around. As long as you take some time off you'll feel much better.
Lurk moar fgt
Sounds like you need some eastern philosophy
search porn of it
if its real there will be
if not, no
>inb4 earth is round fagget
You can't deny there is some sort of truth to the shit. The evidence is all over the place.
Sometimes I feel that everything that exist is not real
You are a simpleton. That's your fundamental problem.
Better vote for Hillary.
What did he MEAN by this?
>The reason Dinosaurs and other ancient animals were so big was because the Earth had less Gravity back then.
Also the earth was smaller so dinosaurs looked huge. These days they'd look like ants.
The new generation is so fucked in the head.
Ok....what do you think are valid points for a flat earth? And I don't need all these vids. I know most arguments by now. Just name the ones you think are valid
Trying to understand the fruits of human nature to any meaningful degree through the very mechanism it's born from just creates a hazy confusion
add the jews controlling the world and the holocaust and that's me
Evolution is true. Learn about archaeology and go to museums. From there science, especially physics are key to building a worldview that can be entirely trusted.
Earth is round.There is no magic or (((god))). Read Machiavelli's The Prince. Understand power politics. Follow the money.
Most people are amoral, (not immoral) and do not care about what is best for everyone, just themselves and the ingroup (tribe). However people can be easily manipulated to care about any group if them feel for them.
>moon landing: we did land there
>earth is round, duh.
>World controlled by a few: (((probably))) but it's not a vice grip, mostly done to make money.
>Media is a sickness, race war incoming
>3rd wave feminism is dissolving society, fight back.
>History has always been rewritten. facts are facts, but the important part is the emotional response, easily manipulated.
>(((god))) is a lie.
> Most things aren't true conspiracies but a conspiracy of similar goals.
Occam's Razor is a very useful tool.
This senpai. Go to a library.
How can i trust the internet if it could so easily be used to manipulate me?
>there are people who unironically fell for the flat earth meme
and especially fucking
> Understand power politics. Follow the money.
Most people are amoral, (not immoral) and do not care about what is best for everyone, just themselves and the ingroup (tribe).
Looked up Occam's Razor; damn that is a very awesome perspective
Also read Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of the Illuminati.
Preface states what RAW believes. "I do not believe in anything. The moment you believe something is the moment rational thought stops."
>Flat Earth
It's time to get off Sup Forums, you clearly aren't mentally sound.
Hanlon's Razor is also very useful.
Just know hilldog worships an ancient semitic diety who had children sacrificed to it.
check out the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Then a lot of these will all make sense.
>tfw this makes as much sense, if not less than, flat earth
1. It is true but the real footage was never shown. They found out alien ruins and shit.
2.Flath earth is a psy-op
3.The illuminati control the world
4. Yes
5. Yes, cultural marxism
6. Yes
7. Jesus is Lord and He is real.
1. so... it's more likely that fake footage was created to hide that there are alien ruins, as opposed to the footage actually just being faked and we never made it there?
summed up pretty good
Everything in this post is disinfo.
Don't believe a word.