/poltv/ BTFO
/poltv/ BTFO
Please stop making the same thread over and over again
Dropped to 94. It's going down, down, down....
these threads never have enough pictures of gal's feets
>implying reddit tomatoes reviewers aren't just trying to push their agenda like with Get Out, Dear White People, Ghostbusters 2016, etc.
It won't even break 100m in the box office
Right...now you pajeets have that angle to play.
Not bad...for a CUNT
Whole movie is SJW propaganda about STRONG WOMYN
>Buoyed by Gal Gadot's charismatic performance
praise kek
It's going down because of pol shills are angry. More, non-bias, reviewers will keep it high.
this. cultural marxism strikes again
pedes, this is getting out of hand.
>Sup Forums likes the DCEU
>Sup Forums hates feminism
>the new DCEU movie is about feminism
All the wittle dwumfty babies must be so confused by this lol.
you know i have no problem watching a movie with female leads, but i cannot stand it when they throw that shit in your face, why cant they just make a good movie and leave their messages out of it
>It's going down because of pol shills are angry.
actually most of the rotten reviews are complaining that it isn't rad-feminist enough and doesn't embrace misandry.
If you don't want thought provoking messages watch a flick instead.
name one such movie then
>>Sup Forums likes the DCEU
No we don't, Sup Forumsedditor
haha o man. Are these fags blind? Why are they all doing the same thing
so when justice league gets a low score how will DC fanboys spin the news? with a high score for WW they can't keep going with the "reviewers hate DC" stuff again
Alien/s is usually he best example of this.
Any word from the only review that matters, though?