Asian actor mad about new Matt Damon movie "The great wall" kek no pun intended.
Asian actor mad about new Matt Damon movie "The great wall" kek no pun intended.
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i was kinda piss off that the great wall was actually built to fend off monsters n sheet
t. chink
she's fodder
throw her in a cage and
let the niggers gang rape her to death
>blackwashing everywhere nowadays
>not a peep from msm
>a single white actor playing a fictional white character
But it's literally a Chinese film from Chinkywood or whatever they call themselves.
Everyone watching the electric jew needs to be killed.
When will these liberal asian women learn?
As much as Democrats pander to minorities, they don't give a literal fuck about Asians because they're too little of us in the states to swing a vote.
funny how this movie is funded by chinese money
Wow her name is Wu? Seriously?
I'm not sure but from what google tells me the writer of the story appears to be a white woman...
asians are the next wave of sjws
Gosh, I hope not.
Wtf, I hate Asian women now.
The fucking movie is backed by asians.
I don't care what this cunt has to say. She can join us in blaming the jews since they run hollywood anyway
t. chinknadian
you have to go back
Writer of the story is "Elizebeth Mann" Almost certainly a white woman.
If a white person wrote the story should we not get to choose who we allow in our stories?
lmao another white invention being appropriated by non-whites.
SJW Asians should be shot on sight. The Chinese people would probably thank us.
They wouldn't be complaining if it was a black actor.
>Great Wall of Text
I've seen alot of SJW asian females. They are usually culturally western, even if they live in Asia.
there is a reason no one listens to these fucking cry babies, they are weak, entitled faggots with the worst kind of first world problems that correlate to exactly no ones life anywhere, then they get mad and throw tantrums when no one cares. seriously, fuck these goddamn thought control left cock-suckers who just want to suck the joy out of everything around them, I hope she gets a brick to the back of her head.
>we like our colour and culture
Then why does she care about a movie? tv/film is white culture, go do a play about the great wall
>talk to Asian girl online.
>can say things I never would around any white girl I've ever met.
>isn't actually interested in politics but is disgusted by degenerates.
Fuck this gay Earth. I thought the chinks knew better than that.
>highly marketable actor in a high budget movie
jesus christ i want to kill all these fucking assholes
I would say most of them do, This chick is from LA and is an actress so naturally she's a pawn of the hollywood cartels.
>Chinese director
>Chinese production companies
>Why da white man gotsta be puttin dey own in owuh movies?
Matt Damn's a big name, it makes perfect financial sense to put him in a movie like this to attract attention it may not get otherwise. Why the fuck does this chink even care, shouldn't she be glad her people's film industry is taking off?
It looks like only the bad parts of Western culture are spreading to Asia. It's sad; I thought they would be the ones to rebuild if the West ever fell.
Nah asians arent enough of victims to be pandered to.
>It's sad; I thought they would be the ones to rebuild if the West ever fell.
They won't rebuild modern western culture. They'll look at it and say "what fools these white men were". Our place in history will be as an example to the next generation of chinks how not to run a society.
I don't think that they are, there's just nothing more pathetic than a liberal Asian as the democrats won't even provide the lip service they give to nogs or spics, and we're also fucked by affirmative action.
I might be making this up but I'm pretty sure Asian women are above white women on the "privilege ladder" because of the yellow fever meme.
She is being silly. If a good actor is available for a role, then the good actor should play the role. They don't need to cast a worse actor just to meet a quota.
She defines herself as a "POC", not as a Chinese.
She's an Asian-American retard.
Chinese people have an entire fucking country with a billion of them. They're not an oppressed minority.
That's what I meant. They would take our place and possibly create a society that won't be overrun by 3rd world cultures. When the West fall, it will be gone forever. We can only hope that the survivors rise above the degenerate and create a new society.
IKR. Asians make more money than whites in this country. Their primary stereotype is being good at math. They are by no means oppressed.
You need to actually get acting jobs to be an "actor".
>hurr i hate when black people are shoehorned into muh fantasy movies where they clearly don't belong
> it's ok when white people do it
kill yourself faggot
>They are by no means oppressed
Except when they're applying to med school because niggers and spics are favored for diversity points.
Whites aren't the only ones that suffer from affirmative action.
I guess you're right. Asians, remarkably, get better grades than whites on average. It's b/c of affirmative action that they aren't the ones filling up the best colleges.
Not at all what he implied you dumb nigger
How on Earth did you get that from what he said?
Constance Wu.
Hottie. 9/10
>complaining about racism
filthy american asians, only in america
>talk to Asian girl
>tell her White privilege isn't real
Forgot last part
>she cries
The end.
The story was written by a white woman.
What's this shit about?
Do Matt Damon travel to China and singlehandlely build the great wall in a new movie or something?
Tell her to make her own shitty movie no one wants to watch. Name your cinemaland gookwood.
matt damon is a faggot. he made a zoo movie and went all retarded, wants to ban guns. boycot his shit.
Just ban movies, already. I grow weary of this game.
I think I hate SJW Asians more than SJW niggers.
How fucking dare they.
This is true.
>a lot of kikebook friends support Sanders, Shillary and Weedman
>My own brother hates Trump
>My cousin is a fat feminist and posts tumblr shit
>Have a friend who did well in Straya with a white gf complaining about how asians are discriminated in the date game(wow no wonder she so didn't date you)
>more and more girls identifying as feminist
Song dynasty same time as Marco Polo. They're bitching because one white guy is in the movie and has an important role. If Google and IMDB are a good source it's based off a Kafka short story
idk what any of this is about
>Its a movie funded by china, China owns Legendary
>Director is Chinese
Can this disgusting american-chink just shut the fuck up, its not made hollywood jews.
It's funny how they complain about things like this, but they still come crawling for the white cock.
she has a white bf kek
Just watched the trailer
>Chinks using propaganda fantasy films to show Mongolians were monsters, chinks were innocent victims
Westernised-Asians are some of the most whiniest people on this planet. "Waahh, someone had the audacity to ask which country I come from!", "Waahh, someone thought I was Chinese when I'm really from Laos!!!"
Fuck off.
Yeah so you asians need to vote Republican. Your pretty wealthy for the most part and smart I don't understand why y'all even vote Democrat?
Same deal here. She's so bland and malleable when it comes to politics, I can easily sway her against muslims and niggers just by listing off facts and statistics.
+1 friendo.
It is bullshit though.
It's like having a movie set during the third crusade where King Richard's most trusted knight is a black guy
hey hey, it's hard for them. you know, with parents who help them with their studies and then constantly not being stopped by the police
also the saracens are replaced with dinosaurs
I got props from a bunch of Laotians the other day because I inquired about what non-english language they were speaking in the motel lobby. I remarked that it couldn't possibly be Chinese because I'd be covering my ears in pain the entire morning.
They were really stoked that I was a white fellow talking shit on the Chinese language for sounding awful, and for asking where they were from. They tried to start explaining where Laos is geographically, and I let them know that I was well-aware.
That made them even happier.
but yeah im done blogging sry about that, i've also had some really shitty asians come in too
not nearly as bad as the fucking Slavs that somehow make it to the southeast US and want to bang hookers in a room and fuck it up