Trump trying to dodge the debates

>Trump trying to dodge the debates

Commission on Presidential Debates, nonpartisan and nonprofit, sets the debate schedule for the gen election, not the Democratic Party.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck, where the fuck is Paul "detaching your kneecap" Manafort?

>Implying that Clinton won't try to pull some strings to get her way.
Dnc was supposed to be unbiased, we saw how that went.

Their entire strategy is to say nothing and do nothing until the election and hope that millions of dollars of ads work against Trump. He can't sit back and let them get away with it. If they don't want to debate, he needs to show up anyway and rail her ass the entire time.

I hope when Trump comes into power, he abolishes useless shit like debates. There is no need to debate with an Emperor.

He will also bring the media back in line, probably pass laws that forbid them from disrespecting the leadership

Based Trump.

>tfw somebody saved my image

>slew of media outlets have been outed as being in bed at the beck and call of the democratic party

Dems were already caught. Nobody is buying it anymore.

>Trump wants the debate dates moved to weekends when the Elites can't be sure that 90% of the plebs will be watching the Bread & Circus
>Elites would rather have plebs read """unbiased""" articles about how the debate went than watch the debate themselves

>American political institutions

I'm just hoping Trump releases his tax returns right before the first debate (I'm talking minutes before) so the Dems are scrambling to find something else to throw at him.


>trying to dodge
I think you're misinterpreting what's going on here bud.

>An election cycle where an organization that set debate schedules, the DNC, that was supposed to be nonpartisan and impartial was actually promoting Clinton

>Mock Trump for saying the debate schedule is bias in favor of Hilary

No wonder politicians get away with so much in burgerland, you guys have the memory of goldfish.

>Watching NFL when Brady isn't playing

Well who else was the Democrats going to get to show them how to cheat during a live broadcast?

Brady is literally our guy and a Trump loyalist.

>Trying to dodge

Hillary wishes

Brady is a Trump supporter
stay mad

>america watches football instead of the debates.
>america hears/reads about the debates the next day in the (((news media))).

oh hell no!

Trump tweets out link to video of the debate the next day along with some outrageous thing to market it. More end up watching it anyway. Clinton outplayed again.


>implying the NFL won't flex the game time

The ratings for Trump vs Hillary would rival the Super Bowl. Everyone is going to watch it, and the NFL won't risk losing their audience for a Sunday night game.

Hillary is 100% fucked.

>mfw the Don forces the debates to be re-scheduled just so he can have NFL banter with Tom Brady

Sunday debate? I don't remember no Sunday debate. Meet us at 8pm on Thursday or I've got cement shoes

>nonpartisan and nonprofit
Why are these organizations almost always predominately liberal?

>nonpartisan and nonprofit

oh just like NPR right?

The first debate has already been canceled unless a new venue is found.

Hillary does poorly in debates when she can't just look at a teleprompter

"The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is a private firm."

What is wrong with moving the debates to prime-time television?

>$14.55 was deposited into your account

Any board or commission is only as non-partisan as its members.

Also did some quick homework, links below:

While it appears that the debate dates were selected before the NFL dates on paper, I don't follow both organizations closely enough and do not know of precedents where event days would be moved.

First debate has a minor conflict with Falcons / Saints game (mid/west coast impacted), which isn't as bad as Trump makes it sound, but the Oct 9th debate is a pretty bad conflict with 4-5 games that interfere with all coasts depending on game run time.

"As usual, Trump & the Republicans are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NBA games"

>Really makes you think!?

>>Elites would rather have plebs read """unbiased""" articles about how the debate went than watch the debate themselves
Jesus christ that's fucking devious

Wew lad!

Might need to get a Pulp Fiction kit on standyby for all those Red Pills you just took...