So, Harambe is performing her human standup comedian act at a local casino next month. My question is what kinda legal trouble could I get in if I show up in a gorilla mask and throw a banana at her?
So, Harambe is performing her human standup comedian act at a local casino next month...
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None at all. Post video on youtube
Legal trouble? None
Probably going to get your ass beat by a horde of American pavement apes however
Bring some backup so whiteknights don't get cocky. Also they need to film it.
>"You see, racism is real! BLM is more necessary today than it was yesterday!"
OP, please. Nothing can happen to you. Say it was freedom of speech and you were protesting her getting Milo banned off Twatter and protesting the new Shitbusters
aw shit sir mix a lot
Why would ANYONE pay $60 to look and listen to THAT?!
This will be in Pocola, Oklahoma. I doubt anyone even shows up. There are not very many spooks around here.
Kek wills it
Blacklisted by the casino, MAYBE something if the banana connects with her. Otherwise nothing
Sounds like fun then
Does she do that insipid "sistah" humor or does she do that insipid "white folk" humor?
This. Conceal carry a gun in your boot, or something of the sort.
You are more than likely going to get attacked by some angry niggers.
Thinking about going subtle and having her sign a banana for me.
save your money for the sir mix a lot show
As long as you shout, "it's just a prank. I have a camera" you'll be fine
I thought Hillary killed her
I think... let it go user. Life is too short
$59? Since when the fuck is she worth Kevin Hart money? That's insanity.
Prosecuter might try to charge you with assault, and maybe tack on hate crime charges.
As long as you don't do anything physical you'll probably just get tossed out.
>human standup
You'll just look like an ass and she'll probably have a snappy comeback and show you up in front of a crowd of sympathetic fans who paid to see her show.
Learn to choose your battles.
>My question is what kinda legal trouble could I get in if I show up in a gorilla mask and throw a banana at her?
Ag (racial bias) assault/battery depending on how their statutes are organized.
She could sue you for a tort or two as well. Wearing the mask is cool. Throwing something is a bad move.
t. professional kike
dont throw shit you pussy faggot. dont interrupt her act either you faggot. dressing like an ape would be funny.
throwing shoes is for muslims
so he should do what a nigger do and just beat the shit out of her and rape her. THen he won't get a hate crime charge??
>throw a banana at her
assault at most. Don't throw the banana and just start jumping around like an ape
Film it and say its for comedy/art, you'll be fine then
>also get her to sign a copy of pic related instead
Dont throw a banana at her, but pleast wear agorilla mask with a tshirt that has a banana on it and film yourself
What I really want to know about that pic... Is what happened to the kid? They are clearly flat lining....
And did this happen before or after they continued to go around and take pictures? ... or even worse, did they not notice?
I dont get why Sup Forums gets mad at Leslie, he is smart enough to have a solo standup act, and its not like she is being forced to do it, like bulls in bullfighting. This is not animal cruelty if he is enjoying it
sir mixalot is looking a little bit euphoric
She's so irrelevant now that the movie is over, it's either going to be jokes about race or muh vagina
>wanting to become the next zimmerman
Took me a second to figure out why she was putting on a show. Then I rememebered she's a comedian.
>he is smart enough to have a solo standup act,
Hollywood Jews are propping her up. She's not funny and liberals can't spend too much pretending like she is
Will never forget George Bushs stylish dodge of that guys shoe.
And that "you got another one?" look
Can't even make fun of wresting fans now, now I just feel bad
wow, all those shitty movies made adam sandler younger and deader
Why would you give her money? Ignore her and she will be gone.
God that face is tormenting. His hope is gone but his smile remains.
This sucks, because you can clearly see how bad Kristen Wiig felt about this whole stunt in the hospital, it sucks that she got involved in this crap
Who cares. Do it, you will be a fucking legend
As a person who was in a children's hospital alot during my childhood I can tell you it's a shameless photo op to promote the movie.
I even saw Ole Godzillary back in the 90's when she was 1st lady and they stopped sick kids from riding the elevator with her. Saw Shaq there too but he didn't have any cameramen with him but he was cool.
These retards got all dressed up and bothered a bunch of terminally ill kids who don't give a fuck about fake Ghostbusters.
60 fucking dollars ? seriously ?
the banana throwing could be construed as assault, but if you just pulled out a mask as she took the stage and just wore it through her routine, it would piss her off.
Jesus its almost like an abo
don't actually throw it at her, just throw a few on the stage and you'll be fine
become a legend op
>I harrass comedians online because I have nothing better to do with my life
This. Storm the stage, control the stage. She can't do shit. If she touches you scream rape. The police won't do anything and won't come quick enough. Event security is probably a bunch of underpaid losers that only signed up to check tickets and won't do shit to stop it.
The absolute worse case scenario is you get charged with disorderly conduct or the venue / act tries to take you to civil court.
Oh hey Tyrone
Put a baby on the stage next to her and let the zookeepers shoot her
Show up as one of the old zoot suit ghostbusters & ask for tracy
Just heckle her like a normal person.
lol. 10/10
BTW, never heard of her before Ghostbusters.
Is she that famous in the US that she can justify a 60 dollaridoos entrance fee ?
>I'll call him Tyrone! T-that'll show him I'm not a pathetic fuck-up
This. Just sit with the mask on, and if she starts chimping out proclaim you identify as a gorilla and call her a bigot.
bonus point if he claim he identify himself as an attack helicopter then shit on himself and collapse on the floor crying
Ugly/fat black women are promoted as "beautiful" celebrities, like the woman from Precious. This doesn't happen with white females.
Like the phenomenon of putting every black lead actor in a dress in some point in his career, I feel this is subtle/subconscious racism from the left.
Get her to sign this OC of mine OP
Pic related, the kid is flat lining - Is that number bad? Would the kid have died?
>I can tell you it's a shameless photo op to promote the movie
It seems, blame the womyn PR manager
Not asystole or "flatline". That's probably het normal sinus rhythm. Though it really does look like a weak v-fib.
>and she'll probably have a snappy comeback and show you up
I take it you didn't see her "comebacks" on twitter.
I just zoomed in on it and enhanced what I could
Looks like it's showing 124 / 56
Pic related or see
That's a pretty funny joke by her I will admit
Honestly could be a hate crime
Thats blood pressure. Kids got hypotension like a mug.
>file name
>sides gone
Even if the new Ghostbusters would've been a great movie, it still wouldn't make sense to have them visit cuz nobody saw it yet
Stand up at casinos is the dying end of a stand up career.
I think she's been doing stand up since the 80s.
say that to Andy Kauffman
no legal trouble but you'll definitely end up on a 2016 youtube cringe collection
$59??? They're getting ripped off, I payed less than half that to see way better stand up acts
Milo should show up
>not wanting to be zimzam
>yfw you payed 30 bucks to see Aerosmith + Slash on stage
Hit her with the banana and Sup Forums will pay your legal fees
Are you kidding ? he will be witnessed and brought to walhalla
who cares. I wanna see sir mix-a-lot
You can see on the pic small breaks in the wave (after it returns to 'normal' following what I'm guessing was an ectopic event at the far left) if you look very carefully and zoomed in where you should see the qrs, given you can make out the q and s dips, but not the r wave peak, presumably the reason it can't be seen is an extremely low r amplitude.
Together with 124/56 showing isolated diastolic hypertension and the pulse pressure, I'd take a best guess at some form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy leading to heart failure. Could possibly be wpw if the troughs on the wave are just the s and the r peak is qr slope, image not clear enough to make out, far leas likely than HCM anyway.
Not dead yet but dead soon without a transplant if it is the former which I most suspect it is off the information given.
Probably dead now.
With that picture quality it's ambiguous at best, but I wager it's just normal sinus.
124/56 is a pretty normal blood pressure Senpai. The blue line is showing pulse oximetry wave form, a good one too. He's getting enough oxygen.
He's not dead, but I'm sure he wishes he was.
Isolated diastolic hypotension*
56 is far too low for a normal systolic at the same time. Not normal at all.
Goddamn do it. She can't ban you from real life!
Ever notice that they never show attractive dark-skinned women in the media?
For some reason, the choice is always between attractive, light-skinned "black" women and women like Leslie Jones.
We get it pointdexter, you watched a shiton of Dr House episodes
do this and underneath your mask put on blackface.
hurting the cause of exposing this sort of bullshit
act like a dickhead and the left just gets to use you to paint everyone who disagrees with them as a racist cunt
House gets just about every single medical diagnostic or procedure wrong in the vast majority of episodes, muhammad.
I can see how you would not know better been as your prophet says that camel urine cures all diseases and ailments.
Some of us have these things called 'jobs' instead of jihad.
Ibn ihr sharmota.
>Tickets starting at $59
You're gonna have to pay a lot more than that to get close enough for her to see you wearing a gorilla mask.
why be cruel just because you're a racist? do you want to give others like her and sympathize with her more power against you? do you like behaving like a raging jihadist that terrorizes people just because they're not like you?
stop being a faggot and grow the fuck up.
The worst thing you can do to her is not show up nor talk about this shit.
If her movie failed to fill in seats her stand up act will be even worse, i kinda feel bad for her she seems like your average standard black woman though she has kikes behind her, any negative remarks shall be used to promote her and sell sensasionalist clickbait articles.
Ah, someone got mad enough to run his fat fingers on a keyboard, pretending he has a life.
Don't worry Rahjeet, you are safe
are you going to cry?
>grow up
The irony is just too fucking strunk