Why are the people of peace being idle? I kind of miss the bi-daily happenings desu.
Dubs or better predict the next happening.
Why are the people of peace being idle? I kind of miss the bi-daily happenings desu.
Dubs or better predict the next happening.
U.K. Gets hit with a dirty bomb
> there was one muslim habbening, at least in Germany
> "muh, I miss the daily habbenings..."
merkel literally raped to death my mudslimes
By the will of kek, there will be an incident at the spanish-french border that will involve Muslim migrants sometime next week.
Is this a sign?
large scale mudslime happening in Berlin or Hamburg.
Hear my prayers, oh mighty KeK
a bomb explode in a subway somewhere in germany
Didn't you hear? The French (or was it German?) media has started suppressing news of attacks to "not give glory to the attacker"
Trump tower, trump survives but all his low level employees die.
This wouldn't surprise me t b h
Watch out for your own happenings, burger, you're still the ones holding the World Record (9/11) :/
apparently they're at a two week low
Kek is here! But what does it mean...
Chimpout among syrian refugees, over not enough gibsmedat, in Berlin ends in violence
Washington DC
Small happenings, 3 dead here. A few rapes there.
Cover ups on the part of the media and released in doses small enough for the public to get used to the idea and oppose it less ala the french prime minister.
Some low IQ sand nigger might jump the gun and mow down hundreds but that should come later.
Muslim uprising
roll for this
Praise Kek! Be sure to watch the news tomorrow, guys.
Praise him
Oh boy
Thank you satan.
They can't break us, Europeans aren't as pussified as Americans (see 9/11)
>Europeans aren't as pussified as Americans
If that's true, Germany is no longer part of Europe.
While there isn't much of stuff with any particular value in Helsinki. There isn't enough mudslimes for uprising. Not even no-go zones for police and emergency services yet. Suicide bombing would be better IMHO.
I would laugh if this actually happens which is unlikely because rolling repeating digits on an ancient japanese origami imageboard doesn't affect the nature of reality
American happening
Good job!
Hillary Clinton has a full blown Grand Mal seizure on stage/camera
I don't ask for much my Lord Kek, just a small quest
you should have predicted something
no the media is just suppressing it now
there was an article on it a few days ago
mark of the beast confirms
I predicted that is wrong, a heretic and should be purged.
They might be in a "cooling off" period. Too many attacks around the same time frame can provoke a more serious response within targeted countries. For example, France recently announced it would create a new military unit for domestic counter-terrorism.
From what I remember last time we were attacked in a large scale we started a war and killed shit tons of sand niggers
because we are preparing... the czech republic and switzerland allow us to train with firearms... france, northern-western europe and scandinavia give us warriors we can look up to... and germany gives us an example of how it should never be done... believe me... we are in fact rising... but it will most likely be a mix of catholicism, greek ortho and paganism just to defeat the cancer that is islam... I can't say too many things here... but we are training and we will be ready
If doubles, you are incorrect and kek kills you and your mother in your sleep tonight
oh look, i am correct and i will be sleeping peacefully tonight
thanks americunt
I meant these doubles you shitposting criminal scum
>not believing the world is influenced by Sup Forums post numbers
there we go
rip auscunt
Isn't uks discount version of 9/11 soon?
You guys are retarded, all you do is worship some worthless ancient demon thinking that he is creating all this chaos in the world because you rolled a double 77 or a triple 888
what do you do to affect the planet? just shitpost all day waiting happily for more innocent people to get murdered or raped because you are mentally fucked and enjoy that shit and then you try rolling repeating digits for more of that shit after pretending you are angry or sad for the innocent people that died, you are all full of shit
Watch kek give me dubs again
Worship him and you are rewarded
Why are you such a buzzkill man?
>all the amazing shit going on right now isn't due to meme magic
fuck off reddit.
Australia really is the new Canada
>just shitpost all day
You guys don't have room to complain, you don't have multicultural blood baths every other week.
The happening will be in Garmisch-Partenkirchen tonight or tomorrow. There was already a dry run with a suitcase bomb in front of the main shopping center.
Today is the start of the Garmisch Fest Week. Aka everyone get in a large tent and drink.