Can someone tell me, why does Sup Forums think Taylor Swift is an Aryan princess?
Can someone tell me, why does Sup Forums think Taylor Swift is an Aryan princess?
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Close enough.
Close enough.
It's obvious.
She collects boyfriends, wonder if she also collects stds
cuz she a white blonde bruh
Dated 3 men in last 6 years
fuck off.
Fucking hell, Porty bring bantz
Media said that not us.
Lol her eyes have somehow gotten even closer together as she's got older. Wtf.
No one really likes Transvestite Swift. It's just bait, user.
>On that list it doesn't have Calvin Harris or tom hiddleston.
>12 boyfriends KNOWN since 2012
You can fuck off diabeetus
Also Anorexia is never sexy or attractive.
Oh jeez a flat ass, no way her excellent talent and personality could make up for that.
Do not talk shit about our Queen Jamal.
The reason "he" is going through so many boyfriends is because when it comes time to fuck, the boyfriend discovers that Tranny Swift is actually a man and they fuckin bail.
>excellent talent and personality
I like her music and attitude towards niggers.
She's literally the Queen of this board you faggot.
She's not anorexic you peasant. She's just naturally thin.
Dwight Yoakam Concave Negative Ass Syndrome
shut up, gypsie
All these haters. Kek.
I only listen to le epic brutal death metal
God, you're such a cringe lord
Get off pol
Mmm the bulge of her little ute
Shut up, Jose.
Get your tools ready.
>anyone who isnt a fat mcdonalds addict is anorexic
tumblr feminist detected
dude no shit i could land taylor swift if it wasnt for her fame and $$
Why would I be jealous of a no ass, multiculturalist transvestite?
I bet you're one of those fags that don't listen to modern music. Kek. Enjoy your Beatles fag.
Fuggin gross dude. Looks like my sister.
>having a non-virgin as a waifu
top cuck nigger
Literally a dude
t. Jamal. When will you be deported back to Africa?
great artist.
> implying based Taylor would even look at you
Kek. All of her boyfriends have been top-tier.
that pic is fake, right?
Because she's the most famous girl in the planet. You probably love that whore Katy Perra and Kanye West
> implying you wouldn't marry Taylor if she wanted you
Kek. Are there even virgin girls left in America?
I love you guys. Almost a Hispanic version of SE Asia.
I want to marry a Mexican girlfriend.
>Actually defending that cunt.
Errrmerrgaahhwwd. She posted on Sup Forums a few times--get over it. Onee-san didn't notice you or give a flying fuck what you think.
Fucking gross. Jesus Christ.
She's probably a fucking autist who eventually drives off her boyfriends with her weird autistic ways. If she knew of Sup Forums she'd be making fembot threads in /r9k/.
>come to Sup Forums after having a argument with a half-nigger and her nigger husband and fine it full of race traitors who talk shit about a white woman who just looking for the one guy who'll love her unconditionally.
Sup Forums why even lurk if you are all such haters I'll just shake it off and go lurk Sup Forums again.
yeah I get it, but
was very close to being pic related. Fat, missing teeth, mulatto baby having SNOW WHITE TRASH.
I went to middle school with a dozen slam pigs that looked exactly like that. Fucking basic white bitches.
Cultural appropriation.
nice try
>cgi hand gave it away
She's your queen because you're fucking subhuman. A less-than-you subhuman would be perceived as a goddess to your weak mind. Anyone with any sense would know that Taylor Swift is not any where close to a queen. She's disgusting. Anyone who's on the left is. Never should they ever be considered queen/king of the Right Wing.
Zucc off
>Taylor Swift is not any where close to a queen. She's disgusting. Anyone who's on the left is.
I can't argue with you about your opinions when it comes to this queen stuff or if you think someone is disgusting but you should know better then to label someone left or right without proof.
Shit dude, how is your economy doing?
People used to not be such fat-asses that someone would consider that anorexic.
Hey- it's a pic of a young dog thebounty hunter
>Transvestite Swift
Fair point. My bad, I just thought Taylor was a Hillary supporter like every other music personality.
If you think that goblin looks like this then you're definitely stupid.
God bless plastic surgery.
Yes no endorsements for candidates or commenting on divisive topics because all that matters is profits.
If truly left or progressive no way there wouldn't be article promoting degeneracy.
More than likely independent.
Everything done is to remain the top selling pop star.