>I'm an atheist conservative
I'm an atheist conservative
>I'm a reactionary Christian who has embraced hatred as part of my identity
>embraced hatred
I'm a gay Gnostic
>>atheist conservative
Stalin is that you?
why are you so sure god doesn't exist? why can't you just be agnostic?
>I have no argument so I will post nothing but fedora tipping
>I'm an open borders Catholic cuck
dats me too.
>tfw I thought I was alone
Are we anomalies?
>king james bible
I really like this image. Mind if I save it?
whats wrong with KJV?
Its censored goy shit
top fucking kek
>muslims and christians are different i promise!
Haha. Axe hats.
Me too, we're a rare bunch I think
Pic unrelated
I'm a Jewish liberal
>catholics and christians are the same i promise!
I'm a nationalist, not a conservative.
No; I'm with you. I don't know that I'd say full-on conservative - I don't give a shit about whether or not someone is gay; I find abortion an unfortunate phenomenon but in some instances it's better for the child to have never known the poverty, abuse, neglect, etc. into which it may have otherwise been born; couple other thinks irk me about conservatism - but I generally lean, and vote, that direction.
The right seems to love lumping all atheists in with the SJWy idiocy of the modern left; an atheist in the conservative ranks is usually regarded with genuine curiosity (at best) or outright hostility (at worst).
I think there's a lot more of us out there than even we might think
Why does this monster have a kid in its car?
Me too.
We're a growing demo. Atheists are traditionally liberal, but the feminism/sjw phenomenon polarized and divided the shit out of us. We used to be largely unified behind the Four Horsemen. But now we've got atheism plus and people like PZ Meyers and Rebecca Watson on one side and youtube atheists like Thunderfoot and Sarcuck on the other.
Even though many of the youtube atheists are still nominally liberal, most of their rhetoric any more is anti-sjw and anti-Islam. Because that's what their audience wants to hear.
Feminism/social justice does this. They infiltrate something and turn it from being about that subject into being about feminism/social justice. Video games, anarchism, punk rock... they're an infectious lot. But it causes a backlash and we get shit like gamer gate and atheist conservatives in response.
Maybe it'll all work out for the best and they'll push the political spectrum too far and cause the ultimate backlash. A wave of nationalism that will sweep through the west and uncuck us before it's too late.
I have limited time on this Earth. I prefer to engage in conversation with other intellectuals. I don't have time to listen and process every single person's opinion on every matter. I have a natural mental filter mechanism, as do you, and every other person in this world. For example, I highly doubt you would engage in a political debate with a deranged lunatic in the streets. So why would I engage with a deranged lunatic on Sup Forums about religion?
>he doesn't know that love in a Christian context means to will the good of someone, meaning that to love atheists means to harass them constantly into reading some Christian writing by legit writers
Mah tendies
This is exactly me. I just became much more conservative this year, though. I was previously a leftard lib. So glad I took that redpill.
I don't even know who you're talking about, I don't follow youtube "celebs".
But that whole SJW thing is certainly true. I'm also an anti-feminist; have been for years.
>I have limited time on this Earth. I prefer to engage in conversation with other intellectuals.
>other intellectuals
Agnostic nationalist masterrace here
I've always been non-religious and always bent towards the conservatives, mostly because they aren't as obsessed with spending other peoples' money.
The conservatives' obsession with abortion never made sense though. It's poor uneducated people mostly who are finding themselves preggers with unwanted children. Let them abort so we don't have more retards growing up in their parent's footsteps and wanting hand outs. Duh.
Conservatives aren't even consistent with being pro-life anyway. Save the low class crack babies but the death penalty is ok? Make up your minds, religious nutters.
I returned to the States after working in Europe. Nothing prepared me for how hard and fast my cultural-Marxist educational background would collapse before my very eyes. And oddly enough, it was in Europe that my wishy-washy deism/agnosticism/whatever you'd call it got thrown in the trash and replaced with a fervent atheism (and especially after the big attacks in France on 11/13, with antitheism).
Europe: so bluepilled you'll get redpilled
I think they are usually based.
LIBERAL atheists are the purest form of fedora.
Atheist conservative Republicans piss off you types to no end and it's hilarious. Why can't you accept people like that exist? You can have the lifestyle without believing in God.
(((god))) is a lie
If, instead of having a healthy social life or whatever, you had been following trends in the atheist "community" and watching atheist videos on YouTube or reading atheist blogs from the start of the "New Atheists" movement until now, you would have been witness to a massive schism in the community.
It's difficult to pinpoint when exactly it started (maybe elevatorgate), but dyed haired gender bending freaks started popping up in mass and prominent figures began embracing sjw rhetoric. Conventions went from being filled with fedoracore neck beards to being filled with anti-white anti-male privilege checkers.
In response, most of the old youtube atheists like The Amazing Atheist and Thunderdfoot that were so popular back in the 00's shifted from bashing creationists and republicans to bashing sjw's and Islam apologists.
So we're a growing demo. Some of the best anti-feminist/sjw material out there is made by atheists now.
I'm an atheist national socialist. Fite me
I cant understand how people beleive in ibrahimic relegind, its obviously just semetic/egyptian/persian folkore . If the ibrahmic god was actually a god he would have prophets and books like the bible in china , pagan europe , america , sub sahran africa ...
I was 14 once too.