Isnt this child pornography if she filmed this when the actress was 16?
Isnt this child pornography if she filmed this when the actress was 16?
Did she really? France has different laws I think.
>tfw it's not on YIFY yet
Yup, actress was 16 years old during the nude scenes. Guess I should delete it off my hard drives...
Got mine from megalinks
>Using yify with that terrible video bitrate
She's 19 now. I doubt she was 16 when they shot this.
She was.
giving this a download....
>in college
... uh
If she was 18 would it be regular pornography?
If yes, then yes.
If no, then no.
what the fuck was up with that scene where she is under the sheets and looks like someone is fucking punching her
but then there's nothing
it was awkward as fuck
The french graduate earlier
I assumed it was another initiation since she was shivering, i thought they put her bed outside or something. pretty sure it was the classmates who were waiting for her down the hall that were beating her.
kek, what a shit subreddit. Why aren't you apart of SIG?
but there was nothing
It's okay, she's experienced. On her instagram there are pictures of her kissing some other girl.
>find out girl i met who told me she was 18 was actually 15 when we met
>I'm mid 20s
>She just turned 16
>we flirted a bit but nothing happened
> she's messaging me now every day and calling herself my wife
>I keep letting it happen
>Talks about her virginity and how I'll have to go slow even though I've never agreed to do anything with her
>Tells me she's never even been kissed
>Her purity and forward attitude is making my dick diamond
Brehs help
Whats sig? Recently started downloading films so I use that
Enjoy your jail.
>Whats sig?
You can google it just like I did to find out what megalinks was.
she was supersmarts
Do you love her?
there's nothing to be worried about, don't listen to the retards here and just fuck prime pussy whenever you can like every other adult male
Fuck off faggot.
Just googled it and didn't find anything.
Don't think it matters though since it's probably a private tracker.
>she will never ever nibble on your flesh and drink your blood
I don't think you understand how movies work kid
it was a nightmare you fucking idiots
stick to capeshit
Why are you getting so mad? Just because I didn't spoon feed you like reddit does?
>since it's probably a private tracker.
Not a private tracker but even if it was so what? Why can't you into private trackers.
it was a badly done nightmare then
I liked the movie but there are some jarring scenes and cuts
it was like kubrick but shit
There is nothing wrong with being attracted to 16 year olds
Because I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have the internet to seed.
My googling led me to soitgoes which is a private tracker so I give up.
>private tracker
Not a private tracker
>Because I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have the internet to seed.
You don't have to upload to have a good ratio. Only dumb cucks think that they do.
Do the right thing and tell her to stop texting you because she's too young to be having sex with men in their twenties.
She's not exactly a child, but based on what you said she's about as mature as one. You are the adult and you have to take responsibility here to stop a situation from unfolding that would be bad for both of you.
>it's illegal to fuck 16 year olds in America
>You don't have to upload to have a good ratio. Only dumb cucks think that they do.
My experience in private trackers turned out to be this but I'll do some more looking into the site.
>a legal age girl wants my dick
>i want to give it to her
>w-what do i d-do guys??
try offing yourself my man
Not in the based fly over states thirdie
Fuck you man, I dont care. Megalinks gave me high bitrate shit and remuxs
how can you watch that and not instantly notice it's a nightmare
or did the scene literally seconds after where she gets up all dazed and confused not spell it out for you?
maybe you should stick to stuff your own speed since you can't even comprehend a basic nightmare scene
Jesus Fucking Christ you niggas are dumb. Cannibal. Cravings. Suspense. Any of these words firing up any synapses in you brainlets.
Just watched this today pretty good film I'm scared of college
Google age of consent in your state/country, and report back.
Movie is a terrible snooze fest
Hey man I found the scene shit and uf I was in control of the movie eould cut it
I have the rights to my opinion
pump and dump my man
Nothing wrong with fucking them either
It was a really well made well acted horror movie but lacked the extra x factor or subjective elements for it to be anything but a 4/5 for me. I felt the same way about The Witch, it quality was undeniable but didn't tick all my horror boxes. Raw was quite tame for how people were talking about it too, I wish it went off the rails a bit more. Best recent horror movies for my money is still The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I did really like the black pilled ending to Raw haha "fuuuuuuuuck"
t. Brainlet
>not a single lewd webm
fuck her 16 is legal in 30 states
Guys I'm really worried did anyone else get turned on when she was eating people. I just had an erection the whole time I was watching.
but it is decidedly not pornography.
They have a thing where underage actors' parents can sign off on nudity in a movie. That's a weird loophole in child nudity laws because of "art".
I'm pretty sure that 16 is the legal age in France though
>jailbait being forward to a Sup Forums nerd
this is a sting bro don't do nothing she's a decoy
do you really think they filmed all of this movie in 2013? don't be dense
If I had it on my computer i'd make some webms. that scene with her dancing in the mirror was pure slutkino. I got hard tbqh
Yes definitely. The legal age should be 25 worldwide.
>not knowing vicky
this is the main guy, the love interest
ur literally a cuck if u watch this movie
how has it lasted this much?
how could you have this on your hard drive
Somewhere, an FBI agent is smileing
you have it on your hard drive now
post webm of said scene
>tfw cant tell if underage or not from the thumbnail but it's latenight Sup Forums and has a lot of replies