Masseffect Blue pill or Red?

Was Masseffect a warning of whats to come in our time? Reapers (Muslims hordes) The council (EU/UN) and so on, is Masseffect Blue Pill or Red?

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What are you sliding?

this is one of the greatest shitposts I've ever seen

Would that make Trump the commander?

Seek professional help user.

It was a warning that big corporate is going to destroy us.

>by the third game you can't even be a space racist
>you can just be a nice guy or an asshole about diversity
>shittier outcomes for people who made "intolerant" decisions in earlier games

The geth are BLM. Quarians are college educated liberals who engineered their own death. Collectors are israel. The DNC is the big vagina plant that was indoctrinating people in mass effect one.

>exterminating the existential threats created by vermin races and AI
>shittier outcomes

No user, you are the bluepilled

Wouldn't BLM be the Valtor or what ever they're called, the things in the blood pact

Blue pill, too much gay shit.

I don't know I only played the first two games


I'm reporting this, so let's see what happens. Other than that, TIM did nothing wrong, and control is the best ending.

That's an insult to reapers

>collectors are israel
quarians are literally space-jews in diaspora

the only races worth being racist to are batarians, vorcha, and volus

you got blacks, muslims, and jews

You do realise that control and synthesis aren't real endings. They are hallucinations

Only destroy lets you character live.

I did not spend the past three games trying to kill the Reapers only to let the fuckers live in the end. Pushed the red button without hesitation.

No, I don't realize that. Those aren't hallucinations and the EC made that crystal clear.

Why am I even discussing this? Mass Effect 3's ending was horrible, and I didn't even play these games, lol.

But that was one shot at authoritarianism, and you might as well have taken it.

It's fucking Bioware, of course it's bluepilled as shit.

ME is the ultimate kike blue pill

by the 3rd game, you are basically shilling multiculturalism to the point of INTEGRATING WITH THE REAPERS

The extended cut is also a hallucination.

Red is destroy therefore destroy is the redpilled ending.

Control is bluepilled and synthesis is multiculturalism

>Why am I even discussing this? Mass Effect 3's ending was horrible, and I didn't even play these games, lol.

Because you are losing the argument and want to spend disinfo

>Reapers (Muslims hordes)
No everybody's sapce-waifu was from a race of space muslims. They accidentally invented robot muslim terrorists when they linked their VIs together and became an AI hivemind. Legion aka ISIS-bot is actually a pretty cool guy.

the entire sequence after the death ray is in your mind

you either yield to indoctrination (blue and green) or reject it (red or doing nothing)

ID theory is bullshit. Every plot hole in every narrative could be solved with "it was all a dream." The evidence against ID theory is overwhelming. The ending is still terrible despite it.

>Implying Indoctrination theory isn't just desperate fans clawing at straws the explain the most anti-climatic shitty end to hours of work and emotional development.

I want to believe the indoctrination theory, but in the end the easiest solution is often the correct one. Bioware fucked up.


Control ending and synthesis aren't real.

You just got indoctrinated in real life if you chose them. They are designed to make you think you won.

Destroy is the only canon ending

True Sup Forumsacks choose destroy

If Sup Forums has the option to kill all Jews and their leftist husks and non white minions.

Leaving the world safe from kikery forever

I know it's been 4 years, but seriously, what the fuck was Bioware thinking?

They took my favorite franchise of all time and shat on it and their fanbase within two minutes

the shit ending only makes sense that way

even from a gameplay perspective, the mechanics from either the small fight part or the convo dont follow the normal game mechanics (you can't take the last renegade or paragon option unless some arbitrary convo options have been taken in the past, regardless of your score either way)

Considering the Reapers would have just destroyed all species, (or all but one), anyway, they didn't "win."

Mass effect 1 was redpilled

Don't even bother with the shitty other two

You are just a bluepill.

Accept that destroy is the only true ending.

synthesis is what Saren wanted and a trick
Control was a lie made up by the catalyst.

>hey go jump into this lazer
>hey go touch that electric cable

You are JIDF for disagreeing with me because jewish shills try to demonise or attack the destroy ending

Because promoting the control or synthesis ending promotes Orwellianism and multiculturalism in real life

Destroy promotes a real holocaust and final destruction of the Jews and schemers

Again, you could solve every plot hole in every narrative by saying it was just a dream. There are plenty of inconsistencies with saying that Sheperd was indoctrinated, and it doesn't make the ending better, just consistent with head canon that cannot be established.

This bait is rated J for jewish.

The reapers wouldn't be able to do anything. They are dead schlomo

Destroy kills the reapers exclusively. And leaves organics safe and alive

control is fucking stupid
>shepard dies
>because overlord and gain control of reapers
>rebuild earth with said reapers

>family dies during reaper invasion
>they get turned into space zombies
>they attack you and nearly kill you
>suddenly they stop
>they're fine now and remember everything

>everyone is now part machine and part organic and has glowing eyes and some tencho pattern all over their body
>literally what
>shepard also dies

>blow up the reapers and all synthetics (geth and EDI aswell)
>galaxy is saved
>shepard lives

>happy ending mod
>shepard opens the citadel arms and the catalyst is docked
>he passes out from injuries
>normany swoops in to save shep before citadel blows
>citadel blows and kills ONLY reapers, geth and EDI are fine
>he lives with his waifu and galaxy is saved
>no gayass starchild bullshit

reminder the mass effect endings were literally written on a napkin and a coffeeshop and that they are not canon

happy ending mod is the only canon and fuck you if you think otherwise

Honestly, I'm just participating in the circlejerk. All the endings are terrible because the game was rushed and written by retards.

>Destroy promotes a real holocaust and final destruction of the Jews and schemers

nah. destroy means hope

Hope galactic civ can rebuild without falling into another synthetic vs organic cycle. And fuck geth, they are shifty as fuck

headcannon is all that is left if you still want to like ME

No I think control and synthesis should be removed from the game.

Destroy should be the only option.

Butthurt control ending/synthesis fag

If fucking Shepard managed to somehow survive a exploding space station point blank then for all I care the Geth and EDI lived too

It's a sign that tells us to [spoiler]not join Galactic Community and strike out on our own[/spoiler]

This. Cerberus was the ultimate redpill

In the in-game original destroy ending, how would Shepard even survive that? He didn't have a helmet or a spacesuit, and didn't the Citadel blow up and fall to earth?

whoops wrong image

They are sliding the whole board, and since they have an organized front they are succeeding.

>Implying I chose control or Synthesis.
Actually, I chose destroy, but for different reasons. Calling someone a jew for having different opinions is a staple of Sup Forums

I hope you didn't write all that because you were triggered by my response. As I've already said, I didn't play these games and I realize that all the endings were terrible.

Krogans are niggers. Quarians are gypsys. Asari's breeding strategy is made to wipe out other races.

All xenos must die and the universe must be controlled by the human masterrace.

Hopefully the future won't have negros.

>They cut out a large chunk Anderson's dialogue before he passes away

>if you still want to like ME
There's your problem right there. ME was dead when they decided to have just a collection of character stories with daddy issues than actually have a coherent narrative. Mass Effect 3's ending made it deader than dead.

First one red pilled. 2 is Meh.

3 is absolute C.uck tier

you absolute cuck
the other options meant you were indoctrinated by the reapers

it was a fucking jew trick where they pretended to offer you power and they ended up with complete control...and you fell for it?

never vote again

The entire endings should be have been removed from the game and replaced. Only having destroy doesn't significantly improve the ending or the fate of the galacy.

>fictional video game with a multicultural cast of heroes against xenophobic opponents
doesn't bode good

>final game gives you three choices that are pretty much exactly the same
>previous choices don't change anything
don't fix the genophage, krogans are niggers.

Maybe you didn't see my other responses, but I'm just mememing. Besides that, ID theory is bullshit.

Human: "What are you!?"

God: "I am the omnipresent creator of everything. I have given you free will but I know all and I will punish you in eternal hell despite knowing what you are going to do!"

Human: "What?!?"

God: "..."

God: "I am beyond your comprehension!"

he only survives destroy if you have enough war assets (like +3000 I think) and topped off your multiplayer percentage to 100%
even then it's a fucking dumb scene
this fucking ending is triggering
four plus years later and I still bitch about it on a daily basis

it doesnt matter. its a way the last game makes sense, without the cringy happy ending

i chose for things to make sense, even if not in the exact way bioware intended

Mass Effect: a shit
I heard it was that same kind of turn-based/real-time like KOTOR. Fuck that noise. Be one or the othsr.

Again, you could take any narrative and pretend it makes sense by eliminating plot holes by saying they didn't actually happen.

How is ME1 red pilled in any way, shape, or form?

The asari are so beautiful though

I just want to marry one and raise our blue children

Mass effect is gay as aids and so are you blue pill baby

He got a pretty awesome last line, though. His whole death goes to show what a waste of a character he was in ME3. He could have been there helping you, and maybe tries to usurp you in the final part of the game, all because he think he's doign what is genuinely best for earth.

Instead he somehow gets indoctrinated despite repeatedly being show the effects of Reaper tech on organic. Why would he have let any reaper tech come within a solar system of him?

Fucking hacks.

It's much more real-time, especially ME2 and ME3.

Shepard can't be gay?

of course. except I.T just fits very well with the past 2 games. and like i mentioned earlier, mechanically you aint even playing the same game after the death ray part. even the convo paragon/regenade mechanics follow different rules. it makes sense for it to be in your head

you can be a racist asshole with no detriments to your char development

Have to take the suit rat with you and you can't kill her, though.

its established in comics/novels that he was indoctrinated much earlier while investigating a reaper artifact (similar to object Rho)

It was kinda weird how Renegade got increasingly shit on through the series. It's like the legitimately forgot why they implemented it in the first place.

>The Paragon is the idealistic, daeontological way of doing things. Not only do you have to have the right goal, you have to accomplish it in the right way. Willing to go against his crew for the perceived good of the greater galaxy.
>Renegade is results oriented, consequentialist-justified character with a touch of anti-authoritarianism and righteous spitefulness. Known to put crew ahead of others for the sake of a the greater mission success.

>Paragon is a Jedi Knight hero who only does the 'right' thing without any consequences for being idealistic
>Renegade is a fucking asshole for absolutely no reason, even to his own crew, and is sometimes punished for being as pragmatic as possible

Hudson is a fucking hack.

>except I.T just fits very well with the past 2 games.
No, it doesn't. The evidence against it is much stronger than the evidence for it, unless your a delusional fanboy and have to make shit up so your precious fictional universe makes sense.

you really don't know much about mass effect then
it's a tps with powers

there is literally no turn based aspect

Dispite any way the writers might try to steer you towards the series itself presents a world that you can dissect for yourself.

Some species are pretty fucked up and I feel there's a lot of well deserved racism given to certain species. Says a lot about us in a way.

>Oy vey someone stole my credit chit

Fuggin forgot pic

Oh, that makes it all better. Thank god they retconned him into being a villain despite the writing of THEIR OWN FUCKING GAME


you keep saying there is evidence, while avoiding any specifics. why?

I hope you don't mean that, user. Otherwise you're gonna have to be purged.

It's written by a jewish land whale and the fact that I have to explain this to you proves that you are new as fuck.

EA is bluepill central.

Because I really don't want to debate this with you.

Post this in the url bar and watch it for about five minutes.

You do realize that asari reproduce asexually and only have daughters right?

Wait, wait wait. I played it quite long time ago, but im pretty sure i purged galaxy from space gypsies, robots and space niggers
Ah, and also bugs.



>her dad will die before shes 1/10th of the way through her life


>explains why the game mechanics shift into a dream sequence
>explains why the child's voice is a mixture of both ashley's and kaiden's voice
>explains why it gives no new info, only stuff you already know
>explains why the child is so defensive against you taking the red option
>explains why you survive if you chose Destroy (you never went up into the citadel)
>has nice thematic symmetry with what saren/tim/anderson represent

waiting for you to prove me wrong


Was he right Sup Forums??

>quarians are muslims
no they are gypsies

They steal
Are nomadic
Have diseases

This undercuts all the evidence for Indoctrination theory.

Also, did you see the video? It presents various pieces of evidence to show how the game's narrative deliberately makes an effort to show why Shepard is not indoctrinated.

No, he was poorly written in the 3rd game.

you didnt post any vid

and again you dont say HOW it "undercuts" anything

>explains why the game mechanics shift into a dream sequence
He was having a dream. This is more plausible than Shepard being indoctrinated, which the game made an effort to show was not happening to him.

>explains why the child's voice is a mixture of both ashley's and kaiden's voice
Which child? Are you talking about Starchild?

>explains why it gives no new info, only stuff you already know
What are you talking about?

>explains why you survive if you chose Destroy (you never went up into the citadel)
It really isn't plausible that Shepard survived, so I guess you can imagine whatever you want.

>has nice thematic symmetry with what saren/tim/anderson represent
Anderson wasn't indoctrinated, so I don't see the point of this.

Oh mean to post this.

I wish I knew love

Ending would've been slightly less shit if they just cut out the green ending. But they wanted to ram in their diversity propaganda.

>explains why you survive if you chose Destroy (you never went up into the citadel)
I don't know why it's more plausible to say that Shepard survived than he didn't go up to the citadel. He probably would have died in the attack on the transporter. You would have to keep going backwards and backwards into what point he was supposed to be indoctrinated, to where it's clear you're just making things up because what was presented makes little sense.

By transporter, I meant the Conduit used to transport up to the Citadel.

>He was having a dream. This is more plausible than Shepard being indoctrinated, which the game made an effort to show was not happening to him.


>Which child?

How many children you talk to near the end? 1 or 10 or 1000?

>What are you talking about

About the ending

>not plausible

it is plausible if you never went up there

>Anderson wasnt...
