Christmas edition
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need a gf lads
actually all you cunts are wrong. Anne Frank is still alive, and is living in the US
>and the paperwork proves there was extermination in those camps
So are they benders or not, lads?
>me Co-ethics die, I wan ethno state now!
Fucking russians just hacked Christmas!
wankers they are
yes we do
Need a bf lads
Proper legends mate, proper lads.
>the gas chambers didn't exist
>the gas chambers were to remove lice from prisoners
>but the prisoners died from lice infection and other related diseases
>also from exhaustion
>but they were just work camps
>and no work got done because they starved to death
>they could handle lice removal but couldnt feed prisoners
at least be consistent retards. Or just admit you hate jews.
any scots here?
Good ol' leftypol selfishness putting a child in a lifetime of misery just to give one person a few hours reprieve
>Sometimes we have to do what's best for our own mental health - that includes in labour, when a woman is frightened and in a great deal of pain. That pain, fear and stress can also ham a delivery and displacing that stress is sometimes something that needs to be done. It's not all about the baby all the time.
what do muslims do on christmas day then
>>and the paperwork proves there was extermination in those camps
Hate kuffir
any chicanos here?
Nah. We used to, but not these days.
Everyone works in an office, no more fishermen and sailors.
post on /brit/ about holocaust denial
jews are gay dead arseholes
Alright, Shlomo. Calm down there. No one here unironically denies the Holocaust. Reckon everyone's jut taking the piss, because you're getting bothered by it. It's just memes, lad.
business idea: a hunting show with two different white nationalists every week, called the Ethnobait
Muslim mate of mine from work is married to a white bitch and he just goes along with the tradition. Good lad. Not all Muslims are evil
any candy ass roody poo man in
back from church lads
I don't see what you're trying to say here. I'm a donald trump maga redditor for telling this potato nigger that the camps during WWII had extermination programmes?
normies are so stupid
Think they're non-sexual. Only care about food and bikes.
did your grandad die in a camp lad?
>ugh Anne Frank wrote her diary with a fountain pen, look at this article about how this anti semite was proven wrong
>uhhh no sweaty the ballpoint pen was invented in the late 1800s you dumb yank
would you
REQUIRE a kinda chubby gf
yeah he fell off the guard post
Wish Azula would demolish my bollocks.
No, but I'm a Chicano at heart
He should watch out.
>Muslim shopkeeper who wished his 'beloved Christian nation' a Happy Easter is stabbed 30 times by a FELLOW MUSLIM who sat laughing on his dying victim's chest
you bent bent bent shite head you bent bent shit you gay shit bolock
need a young liz gf
howling at you mate
you can just stop responding you know?
/brit/ is a holocaust denial general, simple as
>dunno who you're responding to or what about, but you literally live in a country that is about to holocaust the whites at any point
>and frankly I couldn't even care if they do. you've no business living in south africa. why do you even want to live in some nigger shithole without running water and scant electricity and dangerous animals roaming free everywhere?
try anorexia centers
This irish potato nigger normie thinks South Africa is in the midst of a white genocide. back to Sup Forums
Looks a bit like my mum. So no.
What is your family’s Christmas tradition?
got some RLC
why is xvg shit? because of the McAfee pump? seems like it has some merit being "completely anonymous"
>uhhh no sweaty the ballpoint pen was invented in the late 1800s you dumb yank
It literally was though.
Even then, it was still published three years before the biro pen was invented.
what's this about?
watching the boy in the striped pjyamas
thats my go to christmas feel good movie
massacring afrikaner farmers
pick a nation for my next kaiserreich game lads
woah im really impressed by your post because you namedropped abbreviations you must be so smart
Wish the sc*entists would keep their theory of gravity straight or just admit they hate god
> he's not a mothers boy
fucking detest that gay god cunt
Christmas song power rankings.
1. East 17 - Stay Another Day.
2. Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry
3. Wham! - Last Christmas
4. The Pogues Featuring Kirsty MacColl - Fairytale of New York
9001. Others
90001. Carey's shit song
900001. Slade
just got white genocided
it's funny because its completely wrong
thanks, i learned about them all by myself xx
Kys slade is great
I'm the last white man in America, I subsist off of mayonnaise and twinkes AMA
Why exactly is this something you're proud of?
love both god and his son jesus christ and shall be celebrating the birth of jesus christ on the morrow
like carol of the bells me
Only the Wham and Pogues songs belong in the top 900001.
who do you choose
>no the darkness
it is
not gay haha but he was pretty attractive
Because wh*teoids deserve it, this is a Latin American country now, hope you can Habla Español homes
Do you subsist off of them?
burning to death
No percentage points
All doctored to hide his smallpox ridden mug.
Do you retarded beaners realize white people even as a small minority would absolutely fuck your shit up in a war?
the gf
your gf should be hanged
Hispanic migration is literally the growth of an underclass and the only Hispanics I've ever liked recognize this instead of reveling in the growth of LA RAZA.
btw most interracial hispanic relationships involve white men.
What will America be like once whites are the minority? It's coming and apparently there's no chance to reverse the demographic switch. Will America ultimately crumble?
I have a big propensity to have nosebleeds
do I have cancer, lads?
just been hired to kill lisicki
Are Hispanics that bad, I've never met one
how come soldiers don't write on their helmets anymore? Stricter uniform standards these days?
aha funny you mention that