Australians have shit internet in the current year.
How do we fix this mess??
Australians have shit internet in the current year.
How do we fix this mess??
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bitch, if you got 14.4kbps or 28.8kbps dialup modem you can get the entire history of the world and stay up to date in any sphere you want.
streaming video is for faggots
>t. ruined sega dreamcast on a dialup modem
We wait until our pollies who think the internet isn't a necessary part of the modern world die
I don't know, didn't some politician announce he advocates for Australia to get faster internet and catch up with other countries?
What I want to know is how do the poorer European countries have gigabit speeds???
because poorer countries want dem pornoz
>shit internet
>posts god tier dream internet
i hope you're happy
>tfw nbn was meant to be 4 times faster than this
>tfw internet speeds are going to be stagnant for the next 20+ years, ensuring we fall even further behind
At least you don't get jewed over hard for semidecent interwebs
I still don't understand how I live in a town with 150 people and have fiber, yet cities with 100,000's of people are still on adsl????
Kill your family
get on my level
I'm paying $80 a month for that speed + unlimited
i don't get it. that's way faster than my internet. why are you bragging
Stop charging 3 digits for half the speed of my country.
Seriously, was there 4-5 years back.
What the actual Hell, man.
When I lived in Australia for a year I had constant problems with your shitty internet.
We were signed up to a company called Dodo and the internet only seemed to work half the day.
When I called to get it fixed I get transferred to a fucking call centre in INDIA.
Anyway they never fixed anything. Barely used the internet that year I lived in Australia.
Who the fuck googles porn?
Something's not right here.
Dodo are absolute garbage and I believe they were consistently voted one of the worst ISPs
Dodo is pretty shit.
They had to move to the energy sector to stay afloat or they would of gone bankrupt
>struggling to not go extinct
Australia's shitty internet is holding back young people from making a living off making jewtube videos.
quit complaining you faggot.
Yeah they were shit.
Also to get out of the contract they wanted some exorbitant fee as seems to be the case with virtually everything in Australia.
Is that why you all shit post here? Because you can't load YouTube comments?
Fuck you dad
>shit internet
better be fucking glad faggot
pic related i'm paying $70 a moth for this piece of shit.
The free market will fix it :^)
im on dodo
total garbage, don't think they've got a single fucking australian employee any more
moved into a new house in a popular suburb, tried to hook up the net, got told by everyong, telstra, optus, iinet, tpg, fucking EVERYONE that "oh sorry we got no """ports""" left"
no fucking idea what the fuck that meant, called telstra again to explain and they said "lol yeah we sold too much shit in your area, sorry we got no more internet for you".
what the fuck? had no internet for a month, and it took dodo 3 weeks to come and set us up + charging to "connect the house".
fuck this country.
>2.79 Mbps
>faster than 80% of CR
highly, highly recommend you watch this
I've got the best speed in my village
Wait so you're in Limon and getting San Jose service, which is where they run windows 03? Chirst I feel bad for you m8.
Walk into the ocean and do world a favor.
>57 minutes
Shit man why don't I just quit my day job?
Please come home Raj, we miss you
More fiber to last mile, more content providers in the country and peering with them. The key thing is to make smaller players compete and lay fiber on the last mile. The right of way needs to be liberalised.
It's no wonder you criminal cunts couldn't keep up with the shitposting curve.
If we import any more people we won't have to walk, we'll be falling off the edges of the country.
I have 15 mb down 5 up and I live outside of a metroplex with millions of people
>If we import any more people we won't have to walk, we'll be falling off the edges of the country.
That's what you get when you are stupid enough to think that "Indians" are a commodity to import.
Holy fuck that's awesome.
This is what it is in america
I pay for 300 mbps and get maybe 45 if i'm lucky
NBN isn't even rolled out here yet and I'm about 20 minutes away from the city.
t. Google Fiber
I know. Our Government parties are beyond retarded when it comes to immigration.
It's fast enough
imo, its not slow enough to keep you block heads from posting on this fucking board.
fuckin abo kike, FUCK OFF "mate"
Poor baby
And rural Canada
Nice internet, poorfag
I'm the envy of my entire neighborhood with my blistering fast 8mbps
When it rains it drops to 192kbps, 64kbps up.
Centurylink will surely do something for us with those billions they've revived. Right? Right?!
Ditto, but I must be having a good day today. Usually it hovers around 8.
why is australian internet so fucked up
Why is that upload so slow?
They sure are. We stop more Sri Lankans to take refuge in your country than you.
OP's pic is most likely of 50/20 fixed wireless NBN which is often 50/50 if your RSP allows it.
It's a shame upstream rates are so shit in most cases (even on cable) because if it were faster we would have more camwhores.
Labor starting rolling out fiber in the late 80's, mainly for clearer phone lines.
Fast forward nearly 30 years, we're still installing copper adsl in new housing estates and commercial buildings
Just cut my life to pieces
what do you even do with all that speed
>upload slower than download
Do you even FIOS?
$50 a month. I live in the sticks
Our mobile networks have higher upload than download
it's just internet into the homes that it's the opposite way around
I have NBN mates get 100/40 speeds but it is still not enough.
wildlife bites the cables
I'd give 3/4 of my download for your upload tbqh senpai.
He could have been your viceroy
>mfw african shithole has better connection than first world countries
He probably runs hacker programs and steals movies and stuff, I hear some kids are even downloading pornographic material these days
Funnily enough most third world countries do have better net than first world. It's weird how things work sometimes.
And you could have an access to your own market with 1.2 billion consumers but no, you wanted to get some EU dick.
shitty airport WiFi
Would it possibly be because they don't have any existing infrastructure to replace so they can just lay down the new stuff with no issues?
My download is great; upload is shit.
I wasn't even alive to not vote for this faggot
I pay $80/mo for was supposed to be 15Mb/s down.
It's actually around 3Mb down.
Quit fucking whining.
I could pay for 100/40 but there's just no reason for me to have those speeds at the moment
I've spent the last decade adapting to 4 down 0.3 up; these speeds are lightning for me.
Just the fact that the internet is usable when uploading nowadays makes It infinitely better. The days of having to put off uploading until I was going to bed are finally over.
I assume how I feel about the Internet is how people in developing countries feel about other utilities. You just sort of get used to it being shit and have a routine of how to deal with it.
shitty internet is the price i pay for living many miles away from any faggots or shitkins
and yes, i'm fucking terrible with mspaint
Banter aside. Dude, you guys were doing so great with the commonwealth market but losing the empire sent you into the closet. Seriously, what made you think playing America's side kick in American wars was a good thing or getting cucked by EU?
I hope the brexit brings you closer to the commonwealth again. And things get better and stronger between us.
> mfw Spain has better internet than other more "1st world countries"
Woah... so this is the power of the German bailouts
JUST natural monopoly my shit up pham
What sort of stuff are you uploading m80?
Current Germans are Jews, jewing the rest of the EU, that's simple, they HAVE to keep other nations poorer for their benefit, stop with the German meme.
WoW videos
Don't play anymore but gotta get them sick Mage PoV vids for prog kills
thanks user, i learned something new today
Post war shit, over valued pound and American covert war goals crippled us
No problem