>Source: CNN
Its cute you think we care. The wikileaks of the DNC emails proved Hillary's campaign was colluding with CNN, you really think we accept them as a legitimate source after that?
>Source: CNN
Its cute you think we care. The wikileaks of the DNC emails proved Hillary's campaign was colluding with CNN, you really think we accept them as a legitimate source after that?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey, I think you're at the wrong website, let me help redirect you.
every time.
>economists can correctly model the economy
>economists can correctly predict what will happen within the next month
>economists can correctly predict what will happen within the next four years based upon rough proposals from people who don't write the fucking budget
For anyone who was too ignorant to actually read the article, her proposals talk investing in more education, infrastructure, and workers. And investing in infrastructure can lead to more jobs. Also, btw conservative trolls, Moody's is a independent research group.
>Horsey comic
You can do better.
The difference is that Trump will at least try to create jobs. Hillary, in accordance with the DNC's strategy, will deliberately destroy them so the party gets more pro-welfare votes.
Go ask Horsey if he'll go into the 2d porn industry. Post results.
Shes got sum pretty lips don't she?
>3- Home prices would fall.
and this isnt a good thing for millenials? shouldnt they support trump
>4- Stock market would plummet.
so millinials can afford to invest in stocks
>1- 3.5 million Americans will lose their job.
so we deflate the job market for millenials
>2- Unemployment will jump back to 7%.
its at like 25%
>5- More than 1/3 of the proposed tax cuts on personal income will go to the top 1% income earners.
this is a lie
There should be a jew star on the tablet screen
Those are Trump's policies, verbatim. What was that cunt saying about infrastructure when she started her campaign, or even two months ago?
CNN = Clinton News Network
>btw conservative trolls, Moody's is a independent research group.
Thanks, correct the record troll.
interesting how, by virtue of being correct, Trump has gotten all of his opponents to claim to have the same policies as him - first with the primary where he convinced all of the other candidates to say that they would build a wall, now with Clinton saying she'll fight against TPP and invest in infrastructure and lower taxes
But she won't lol. she was fiercely pro TPP two months ago and her VP was pro TPP up until last week. see through the lie on this obvious flip flop please
it sorta looks like stuff by JAB.
Home prices would fall?
Fuck yeah dude I would love to buy a house. Can't wait!
It proves Trump and Assange are colliding with the Russian government.
> About 3.5 million Americans would lose their jobs
>The plan to limit immigration and deport up to 11 million illegal immigrants
Okay, are the illegals going to be deported and free up millions of jobs, or are people going to lose their jobs?
Or can I just not understand because I'm not an initiate in the mysteries of the economy?
>1-3.5 million """"Americans"""" will lose their jobs
Illegals don't count
Horsey is such a faggot
haha old people are stupid
>home prices would fall
oh no, the rich home owners!
>stock market would plummet
oh no, the rich merchants!
Houses are way too fucking expensive; there's a reason house-ownership has been falling for such a long time.
Also, >CNN
>not colluding with Hillary
>Keep in mind I'm not a Clinton supporter. This what Trump's job making abilities will do
>4 Stock market would plummet
>having to mention that you aren't a Clinton supporter
Red flag right there.
Imagine living in a world where people work for a "news" website, then spout unfounded opinions of the future
I am now impotent. Thank you user.
>3.5 million "americans"
>unemployment will jump to 7%
...do they actually think it isn't higher than that already? Besides, making jobs just for the sake of making jobs doesn't help one bit. It just makes everyone competent extremely pissed off.
>Home prices would fall
>hurr why don't millennials buy houses
Is this bad? This makes it easier for young people
>Stock market would plummet
I thought everyone would prefer that the rich lose money. Does this not please the libs?
>1% will save average of $275k, 99% will save $2500
That's still $2500 more saved than you would have otherwise. I wish they would stop bitching that the rich are still richer than their entitled asses.
I don't understand Sup Forums. If Hillary can promise all of this and for a bright future, why isn't Obama doing this now? Surely, it would help his legacy, or it is just a huge scam and politics. I will go with the latter.
Well I guess that means i'm #runningforthehills now
>demonizing the messenger instead of adressing the messages contents
I hate you faggot.
Save it, you fucking faggot.
>The global financial crisis of the late 2000s brought increased scrutiny to credit rating agencies' assessments of complex structured finance securities. Moody's and its close competitors were subject to criticism following large downgrade actions beginning in July 2007. According to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, 73% of the mortgage-backed securities Moody's had rated triple-A in 2006 were downgraded to junk by 2010. In its "Conclusions on Chapter 8", the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission stated: "There was a clear failure of corporate governance at Moody’s, which did not ensure the quality of its ratings on tens of thousands of mortgage-backed securities and CDOs."
They're clueless dipshits, just like you.
Conservative trolls? Do you not know where you are?
His revised tax plan hasn't yet been released.
It's a Moody's report you twat.
>Shilling for Clinton News Network
I've got a surprise for you
He's in a dreary office building with likeminded individuals trying to correct the record.
It's called an educated guess. They are not perfect but the balance of probability is that they are very likely right. In the absence of any better guesses we can use theirs.
wtf? this post has completely changed my outlook.
I am now left wing views only.
t. op
they don't get to correct the record from home?
can you weigh in on this, do you get to correct the record from home? Their guesses are completely worthless and have no use by the way.
MY response to the girl would have to be
>only if I can show you Clinton's emails... wait
Wow, nope?
>>Moody's Analytics is an independent research group, but the lead author of the report on Clinton is Mark Zandi, who donated $2,700 to her campaign last year, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.
>>Zandi was a vocal supporter of the stimulus package President Obama deployed during the financial crisis of 2009
Wow it's fucking nothing
>Trump is too vague
>"improve the infrastructure! "
Why do you people even bother, this is the hive, you can't sway us.
A recession is going to happen regardless of who becomes President
They are not very likely right. A large amount of responsibility for the housing market crash that decimated the entire global economy can be lain directly at their feet. Such an egregious failure on their part casts a massive aspersion on any future remarks they make in the entire economic field, especially in the absence of any serious systematic change in how they do things or who they employ since then.
The fact that they can still be considered credible in any way is a powerful indictment of our system, and we're better off using the predictions of any random jackoff with no record than them.
when is horsey going to give up and start drawing porn?
literally Brexit tactics
If trump's economic plan is such shit then why do billionaires like Carl Icahn, Wilbur Ross, and Peter Thiel endorse him.
Keep in mind that these are people who have a lot of money in the markets and would lose lots in a downturn.
>Muh russians
not mentioning Seth Rich
Hey, it's Debbie here! We've added $0.25 to your account, the next post will be $0.50!
Thanks for supporting Hillary's campaign!
Its not very educated. More like a SWAG
Scientific Wild Ass Guess.
Even then... with little to no policy details its not accurate
>falling home prices
time to buy a house
How does it make you feel your boss Shitlery was gonna by off Marco?
Thanks leaf. Nice find
Right that's why they're getting fucking rich by predicting the market instead of pumping out bullshit analysis that is wrong most of the time
Charles Riley (Author):
Moody's Analytics: en.wikipedia.org
Parent company is Moody's corporation. CEO is Raymond W. McDaniel Jr. en.wikipedia.org
He sits on the board of directors for Council for Economic Education: en.wikipedia.org
>The Moody’s Foundation is recognized by President Clinton for fulfilling its microfinance commitment at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference >In his introduction of Fran, President Clinton said “In 2010, Moody’s committed to conducting ten pro bono ratings for microfinance institutions, two of them are currently underway. Many of us have invested a lot of time and a considerable amount of money in microfinance and believe in it deeply. The good work put forth by Moody’s and The Moody’s Foundation will help us know what works and how we can make this money go as far as possible"
>3- Home prices would fall.
>4- Stock market would plummet.
Given how overvalued everything is wouldn't this actually be a good thing in the longer term?
At the bottom of the pdf you have Clinton welcoming Frans Laserson to the podium at the conference. She appears to be something of a vice president or colleague of Raymond McDaniel.
>Moody's, S&P May Need Stricter Regulation, Dodd Says
>Federal regulators may need more authority to ensure Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service and other credit-rating companies aren't biased in assessing the risks of bonds backed by subprime mortgages and other assets, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said today.
Miss Frans Laserson?
>Ms. Laserson is an active member of The Women’s Forum of New York, The Clinton Global Initiative,
Philanthropy New York CEO Roundtable, the Corporate Contributions Council and the Global Social Investing Council of the Conference Board.
>The Clinton Global Initiative
>Keep in mind I'm not a Clinton supporter.
You're in the wrong neighborhood, shill
>having a plan
Do people actually think this cunt gives a shit about anyone? She's done nothing but make this country worse throughout her time in public office.
Completely agree. Shit is fucking nuts right now. Both of these things need to happen to even things out. Home price have gone up 2-300% in my area.
fixed it for you to more accurately represent millennial attitudes
> Moody's
Fuck you, faggot.
That sounds a lot like what people predicted Brexit was going to cause.
Funny, article doesn't actually link to the moody's analysis
Partially delivered
So what? Do you think people have forgotten that the US paid Communism to continue to exist?
Our government is the same enemy as the USSR was, and Putin wants to end that shit. Russians were fucking shitsmeared by the Soviet Union far harder than anyone else.
Fuck our god awful traitor government, anyone who currently supports it is a pest to this nation and a blight to its people.