>one chance at life
>born with brown eyes
One chance at life
>one chance at life
>born in a marxist white minority nation
being american is about following the ideology. dont get caught up in the race warz. watch some bridge of spies bro
>dad has green, most of his family has blue
>mum has brown, most of her family has blue
>I get brown
It's not fair.
>one chance at life
>fuck it up at the age of 20 and become a cripple for life
>One chance at life
>Born as a white male
>one chance at life
>blue eyes but brown hair
>mum has blue/green greyish eyes, dad has brown eyes
>grandfather has brown eyes great grandpa is aryan
>out of the three children in my family I'm the only one to have green in my poop eyes
ill always take hazel over brown
I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat.
I have dirty blond/light brown hair (it's right in between), but my eyes are Shitskin-tier. From five feet you can't tell the difference between my pupil and iris.
>one chance at life
>born as south east Asian
>one chance at life
>I'm here.
>one chance at life
>bushy eyebrows
Half chinese half white. Rip
>one chance at life
>Blond hair
>Blue eyes
>White skin
>Lactose intolerance
>one chance at life
>born in the most cucked time in history
you think you got the shit draw from the gene pool?
>Dad, white
>Mom, white
>Me, brown
I've had gene tests done, so I know i'm actually related to them. Haven't yet traced my heritage yet to find out what I am...
>one chance at life
>born in Mexico
so basically this?
>when u white but u still ugly tho
I have white skin and straight, thick hair. Not a nigger.
But my eyes are nigger eyes.
>one chance in life
>one chance at life
>born a cis white male racist and oppressor
>dad has blue eyes
>mom has green eyes
>I get hazel somehow completely unlike the entire rest of my family
They aren't as bad as most brown eyes, could be worse. More upset about my mutilated dick
>one chance at life
>lifespan does not exceed 2000 years
Take up paragliding bro
>best-case scenario = get rich and famous from SJWs flocking to you and offering you movie/book deals and speaking engagements about """""living life to the fullest"""""
>worst-case scenario = fall, go to hospital, become rich and famous because now you're a double-cripple who """"never let the fear of failure keep him out of the game""""; sell exclusive interview rights for millions and get nurse QTs to feed you tendies forever
>yfw is there really a worst case
my hair is a darker shade of blond but i actually quite like it
Ur dad's a cuck mate. I'm sorry
that's something that can be fixed though...
Just come here legally bruv. You'll make it.
>Half chinese half white
>sees flag
checks out. Now it's time for you to go back, ching chong
>born in wrong country
Sounds like you and your familia are going back south after November, don't let the wall hit ya on the way out.
>one chance at life
>born with blue eyes
Feels good
>one chance at life
>get cancer
I also have brown eyes. Dirty blonde hair I guess.
>kill me
My family's white and has been in the US for longer than the US has been a country. I'm WASP as fuck, not Mexican.
>once chance at life
oh you're right
please get the fuck out of my country you mongrel
what kind?
Rajesh pls go
nut cancer. why even live?
To check those sweet dubs of yours
respawn you dumb faggot
he's right you know. dubs is life
>Father 5'6 blond w/ blue eyes
>Mother 5'3 blond w/ green eyes
>Me 6'1 blond w/ green eyes
Bretty gud.
>one chance at life
>one chance at life
>born with aubern hair, blue eyes, and a chisled jaw
>have a hyper metabolism and the weight of a 12 year old girl
All i've ever wanted was gains
>one chance at life
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>jew nose
>low intelligence
>bad teeth
a-at least I'm white
Your mom sounds cute
>at least I'm white
No, youre british.
>one chance at life
>born social retard
Then eat more.
>one chance at life
>love pretty white boys and would like to dominate
>5" dick
pls kill me
Is happy tree friends even a thing, looking back that was an edgy kid magnet
>one chance at life
>I am a spooky skeleton in a humans body.
You sound like an englishman desu.
>one chance at life
>born with blue eyes and all-around excellent bone structure
>boring virgin weirdo with a smoking habit and no friends
>paternal grandfather had green eyes
>maternal grandmother had blue eyes
>both parents have brown eyes
>my brother ended up with green eyes
>I ended up with brown eyes
Reporting you to Erdogan with screencapped post.
i have dark brown eyes and hair
am i white? :(
>Once chance in life
>Born jewish
Welp, I guess your only choice in life was to shitpost on Sup Forums for money.
>tfw upper class white male
>tfw blonde hair and blue eyes
Feels amazing tbqh
I don't even fucking understand this meme.
>one chance at life
>one chance at life
>>Dad, white
>>Mom, white
>>Me, brown
every time..
>green eyes
>father has brown
>notice his skin looks dark
>thick hair
>starting to feel slightly ashamed of my genes
>find out someone mixed with an indian way down the line
Why couldnt I have blue eyes.
My blood will never be pure.
>one change at life
>bought property in Vancouver prior to housing bubble
This is very common for Irish. Majority of the population has dark hair and light eyes
>right handed
>brown eyes
aint even mad tbqh famalamadingdong
Well, you dont understand Brazil then.
Literally nothing wrong with making hapas with chinky qts.
I guess I've commited white genocide. I'm a blonde hair blue eyed American and all of my recorded ancestry traces back to Germany. I married a half mexican half German woman. My daughter has brown hair and brown eyes. I don't care. My wife is a traditional lady and plans to homeschool our kid.
Both of my parents have brown hair but are just as German as me.
>one chance at life
No, I understand Brazil fine. It's a corrupt nigger shithole where they give everything to the rich and hurt the middle and lower classes on the regular with open bribery in the government. But then they blame "socialism". So basically America.
Blue Eyes
Brown hair
100% European genes
8in cock
The individual people who racemix, despite being race traitors are not guilty of genocide themselves.
The government who enabled so many people to mix races however, is.
You sound like the reality of marxist socialism when put into practice upsets you.
You must be new here.
>Literally nothing wrong with making hapas with chinky qts
>sees flag
checks out. Now it's time for you to go back, ching chong
It's actually pretty uncommon for men of even 100% Western/Northern European ancestry to maintain really blond hair into adulthood. I know mine went from like white blond as a kid to dirty blond at 25 now.
Line it with velvet and make it a coin purse.
enjor ur swat raid
Your destiny is earned, not given.
>one chance at life
>moms spaghetti
>One chance in life
>doesn't get repeating numbers at the end of the post
At least they got the nuclear blast in the background right.
Bushy eyebrows are attractive though
We won't know until after the autopsy.
>One chance at life
>born half mexican
>brown eyes
>dark hair
>tan too easily so even tho im pale i have olivenigger skin on my arms and legs
>basically a turk even tho im probably >70% european
>one chance at life on Earth
>Brown eyes brow hair
>Doesn't matter because Jesus loves me
Feels good man
>green eyes
>6' tall
>blonde hair
>receding hairline
just kidding
im mostly asian and italian and a few other things. i cry everytime
Kek kys fucking nigger eyed piece of shit
>tfw light green eyes and light brown hair
>tfw more masterrace than the masterrace
>one chance at life
>born in fucking brazil, also one of the shittier states
>parents are white, born fucking brown with dark hair/eyes
>sister is white and blonde with brown eyes
i wonder how hitler felt about blonde jews
I'm sorry, I don't speak shitpost or buzzword.
>one chance in life
>blond with green eyes
>wizard-tier socially awkward virgin