Which white country has the highest IQ, and why is it New Zealand?
Which white country has the highest IQ, and why is it New Zealand?
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Why donyou guys pronounce the word deck dick?
>new zealand
Democrats and Republicans hate Trump. That's why Trump took Pence to calm the party down. 20 trillion in debt with 46 million people on food stamps and you want to continue the same policies? Trump has a 156 iq, and is Alpha as fuck like an American should be. Sorry potty language and boldness offends your ears.
New Zealand's opinion on America really matters to everyone, trust me. Over here in the US we are absolutely freaking out about this.
Hes retarded. I dont like trump. The president is just a figurehead. what does the president actually do? he vetos laws and controls his party to get laws passed. but if he cannot cooperate with the party, he literally cannot do anything whatsoever. a populist president is a powerless president, ironically. the most important aspect of the government to change social policy is not the president but the supreme court
what is a new zealand?
shut up cunt
fear us
Come over here and vote. We don't check IDs.
It's because you have a lot of British blood in you chaps.
The British rule the world. So many people seem to have forgotten that.
Paul Thomas is a faggot and the Herald is a piece of shit.
>trusting the ((((media))))
Trump is popular here because he'll repeal TPP.
>casual racism etc
Every place is like this
outside of the "multicultural" cities
New Zealanders need to have higher IQ because, unlike the Welsh, they don't have velcro to help with sheep-fucking
So I've always wondered. Where's the old Zealand?
>Which white country has the highest IQ, and why is it New Zealand?
top kike
tip - it isn't NZ you shill
Literally not a single one of those criticisms was an argument.
He's right, you know, Donald. Your only option is to give the delegates to someone willing to answer the calls of millions of Conservative activists across the nation. Your only option is to give the delegates to me.
Now, now, Donald, there's no need to cry. Just hand over the delegates and it will be over quickly.
It's in Holland, the land mass was named by Abel Tasman. Not sure why it's spelled different.
(((the herald))) more lib than stuff.co.nz
Go back to christchurch you cuck
We sank it.
NZ sheep
Who's Paul Thomas? I've never heard of this faggot.
Reading anything other than WhaleOil and the NBR for NZ news is degenerate.
i kinda want to hear seychelles opinion on the american election
That's literally Clinton. Op obviously shilling fag.
wasn't he a porn star in the 80's?
The next president will likely nominate 3 justices tbqhwyf
What's the point of having the highest iq when your country's map still looks like a turd floating in water.
Whale oil is great for my regular Pro Shia Islam fix
>talking about poo
>dat flag
Based India with the self-deprecation
Or a good Anti Trump article
Any country with legal gay 'marriage' cannot be called a white country.
Stupid cunt if Hillary wins America becomes a third world shithole. Liberal scotus will ruin the Country.
We only get A in geography when we are able to shat "New Zealand" and "Japan" on the examination street.
>white countries always have to lecture us on our casual racism
Why is this allowed? I got 40 million spics if you want them, Paul.
I dont know how this image went """""viral""""" in the first place.
Kiwis are notorious for knowing literally nothing about the rest of the world, as a result of living in the most remote fucking place on earth.
Also everyone here knows that the NZ Herald is an absolutely terrible publication.
>talking about whiteness
>dat flag
Based Russia with the self-deprecation
Jew Zealand at it again.
I'm not sure if we should nuke them or Melbourne first.
Have fun with those 20 dollarydo cigarettesbecause your government literally has their hand up your ass
Don't forget about the emus
>NZ Herald.
Literally a rag, I'd trust random anime image boards over that trash, and even then that's not giving their shit methodology credit.
Wtf you probably hate Based Roydon and "Breakfast" too...
I never understood leftists criticizing materialism.
The Marxism/Atheism/Nihilism leftist combo is the most materialistic lifestyle to ever exist.
Left wing Obama knob gobbler, his articles are all pinko trash.
LOL so true. Like when in the '60s Sweden and the USSR lectured the US on racism. Of course the Soviets didn't care anyway, but look at Sweden now. Can't tolerate niggers when they live next door to you!
>a new zealander
literally fucking who?
is this how news works in discount straya land?
>here is some guys opinion on that topic
It's fairly obvious you don't know the dynamics of the situation, user. That phrase is simply respouting leftist propaganda.
I am p sure "New Zealand" is the Canada to Australia's America.
pretty much
>White country with the highest intelligence
>Not Israel
Oy vey, are you an anti-Semite or something?
>Which white country has the highest IQ, and why is it New Zealand?
Don't talk for nz we are not all trash like you
lel, 7 sharp is unironically not bad. I havent seen recently but a while ago they had some coverage of trump when he won the nomination and it wasnt even that negative.
New Zealand isn't even in the top 10 countries.
Most are South East Asian countries. The superior race?
Hey New Zealand, is it worth emigrating to your great country? How's the economy and the job market over there? Your government seems to have its head screwed on. Thoughts?
Sheeps decide everything in New Zealand. Its an ISIS heaven.
>Which white country has the highest IQ?
>South East Asia
Our adverts are actually great though
which is why trump needs to be elected, fucking retard
It's like 30% asian, 30% islander and 30% indian.
It's not even slightly white.
you got a bone to pick paki?
Thanks for the political advice Middle Earth, it's appreciated. I'll let you get back to dealing with those Orcs now.
Trump is a buttfuck.
It kind of sucks that he doesn't know jackshit about the constitution or past presidents or quotes or rulings... he's a buttfuck.
Trump is a racist you fucking stupid Americans!
At least Americans are self-aware
>the Herald
into le bin
What have all the lawyers and career politicians done lately to improve our situation? He's a better shot at fixing things than they are. Back to plebbit now faggot.
Stop spamming pol with this shit. Seriously, how many threads a day do we need.
Also, myself and my three besties, also my parents would all vote Trump in a heartbeat.
>new zealand complaining about casual racism
Lmao that's rich. All the news anchors I've seen from NZ casually make racist quips that would get them fired in America.
desu tho your country is pretty based and I'd love to live there if you could only drive on the correct side of the fucking road.
If I had to guess I'd say 90% of the American population doesn't know New Zealand exists, 9% have probably heard of it once or twice and the remaining 1% know it as shit-Australia.
>one person represents a whole country
>new zealand
i didnt know where new zealand was until like 3 months ago. i thought it was near the phillipines
>Which white country has the highest IQ?
Oz and NZ has lots of smug, rich faggots and cuck whores who've gotten rich off cuck propaganda. That's what's embarrassing.
Their pretentious faggot media is losing money like stink so there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Even cuck faggots are too cheap to shell out a few dollars for the media that supports them lol.
(((New Zealand Herald)))
wtf i hate trump now
>new zealand
pick one Chang
After being in Japan for 3 years and returning home I could suddenly hear our ehcksent really clearly
>mfw the air hostess wont stop going on about the flight dick
We do m8, you lot drive on the wrong side
OD always makes these images with quotes from literal nobodies. It's so retarded.
His boring, poorly written speech represents everything I hate about New Zealand
it's illegal to grow your own garden in new zealand.
illegal to grow your own food. let that sink in for a minute.
end the central bank economy, it's making you a slave.
Yeah but root vegetables are still legal to grow if you have a permit from your local council
>156 iq
Uh, Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales max out at 160, so: NO, Trump is certainly not at 156.
Where did you get that idea?
Fuck off ahmed.
You drive on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY!
Tell me this is a LIE?
>Yeah but root vegetables are still legal to grow if you have a permit from your local council
N O W !!!
God I love how the media spins everything about trump and republicans they can.
If trump had emails come out where he used those racial slurs and terms like Hillary people would be calling for him all over to drop out. And he would be getting shit on from everywhere. Democrats are fucking corrupted beyond belief right now, you got Obama stressing more government power than ever he thinks he's a god damn monarch and he can just do whatever the fuck he wants, were on the same road with Hillary. She is the leader of the people who block and shut anyone down with a differing opinion, when she's president she will work to shut people down who do not agree with her. They will probably rig the election just like they fucked Bernie over.
The sad truth of the matter is Trump is a buttfuck.
Better him than hill but damn can we get somebody that at least knows American history?
Maybe someone that can speak a little more eloquently?
No Donald Trump quote is going to make it to a great book.
This is high school levels of pettiness.
It's a meme, that law does exist but people don't understand common law, if an arrest was made then a judge would set precedent, and none have been because it's not an enforced law. It's like those laws you hear about that ban having an ice cream cone in your back pocket etc.