How come intellectuals and liberals keep saying Buddhism is the best of the major religions? As someone hitherto exposed only to Abrahamic religions, Is it something worth looking into?
How come intellectuals and liberals keep saying Buddhism is the best of the major religions...
It's just self-hate
Budhism is the Vaporwave of religions.
>liberals love buddhism
>buddhists hate muslims
Just remind them that Buddhists remove kebab
hello have been involved with it since age 13, 25 now ask w/e you want
i'd have said it's the lack of dogma, and i still have problems with most chinese branches even though you're not supposed to.
It's fundementally peaceful and isn't based on retcons by Prophets if you stick to just what Buddha said. Later mystics however are shit.
Cool religion, Taoism is the best though. Its basically Christianity without a god.
>retcons by Prophets
this is the biggest problem for the faith honestly
fucking pureland. whoops can't say that
Liberals no longer love buddhism because they realized it hates Islam and liberals currently love Islam the most.
they fell for buddhism is philosophy meme
Liberals becoming Buddhist is virtue signaling. It's fucking easy to read about Buddhism and no one is going to call you out if you just say your a Buddhist. You also get moral high ground in liberal communities beacause of how "peaceful" and "proggessive" you are.
Why are her tits so damn big?
everybody who has to live near muslims hates muslims, including other muslims.
Buddhism is so fractured it may as well be meaningless as a cover term.
Theravada has very little in common with Mahayana.
Throw in other influences, like Chinese, Japanese shinto & zen, it's even further broken down
Took this thread long enough
Damn I forgot about this semen demon
I personally don't give a shit about it, but I respect its emphasis on self-enlightenment, which what I think attracts so much attention to it.
Dude I was surprised myself that's why I posted it
Unless you get into the later stuff. Modern Taoists usually believe in it supernaturally.
People ruin what's good.
Clean the shit off your floor, and watch/listen/follow some yoga for beginners sessions on youtube. Meditate.
They have yet to be enlightened.
Because none of them understand buddhism... they think it's peaceful... yet they fight harder against Islam than the west has done for 500 years... they literally burn mudslimes, just for being mudslimes....
silicone desu
I don't. They're just people who don't eat during Ramadan over here.
anything that isn't too heavily influenced by local pagan belief is legitimate in my book. zen is respectable because it's distinct from shinto
chinese offshoots basically went full retard though, and tibetan buddhism was just a political system. they even just adopted the previous gods as guardians of buddhist faith
Nah breh, dem titties are au natural
Because liberals hate success.
If Muslims had colonized the world they'd be crying about Christianphobia.
You have no truth. (Buddha)
Buddhism is strictly for escapist fags
>Leftist Faggots not being ignorant to the world accept the one up their own asshole with their head
1:30 for the Buddhist perspective.
What is the best kind of meditation? It seems like every branch reccomends something a little different (from what I know Therevada places a lot of emphasis on concentration practices while in Zen they use Koans or "just sitting")
It's just Christianity sans monotheism.
They're self-hating cucks but they can't deny the fact that Christianity is the best religion so they pick the alt version.
Because libs have bought into the shitty new age pacifist quasi-atheist version of Buddhism and see it as a reflection of their own ideas.
They forget that a lot of Buddhists throughout history have been hardcore motherfuckers with evil gods.
Because Buddhism doesn't require you to do shit. It's literally just a feel-good, do whatever the fuck I want and not feel bad for it religion. Liberals don't give a shit about morality or truth and neither does Buddhism.
At least, the bastardized version of Buddhism Americans practice.
It has actual practices seen as being good to take part in rather than the passive beliefs of Christianity. Dissolution into deity can be found as being something outlined in their teachings in a non vague manner leading to things like this.
Their most advanced practice is said to allow one to reach atemporal being.
If everyone on earth were enlightened at this moment, progress would grind to a halt and we would all die of starvation with smiles on our faces.
Buddhism is not a religion for the masses.
>buddhists hate muslims
>A single outspoken buddhist has criticized muslims
now THOSE are some titties
Western meme Buddhism has little in common with actual traditional Eastern Buddhism, which is an actual complete faith with morals and rituals rather than free love bullshit.
Buddhism is definitely a prime example of less is more
Seeing her other pics was a dissapointment, her boobjob is poorly done.
because lots of people have never met an actual buddhist before, same with sikhs, zorastrians and mormons. they're all just goofyball religions people have only read about.
Buddism is the most redpilled philosophy.
It's just too redpilled.
you sound like one those american liberal types who read something on facebook
Carver? Nah they're fake. You might be thinking of Fiore or Milani.
Secular buddhism? Yeah it's like the zero-fat, same great taste, includes aspertame, may cause brain cancer, version of buddhism.
Buddhism is pretty chill, agnostic and easily converted into an atheistic philosophy. It shares many precepts with Stoicism and in general is a useful way of mentally approaching life in a different way than the western norm.
Easily best religion due to non-violence and amount of wisdom that can improve the lives of those who practice it.
much better than anything with (((god))) in it.
Ive met a real mormon in Idaho. Yup. Varily i say unto you, an angel of the prophet i did meet. Varily... Varily
How can it be peaceful when there are monks in Thailand that butcher people with long knifes because they have a different religion?
Buddhism is best religion obviously. Islam is worst religion and existential threat to human progress.
This. Real buddhists are pretty hardcore. You can't badmouth that shit at all in thailand without starting some shit. It's also very frowned upon to take pictures of buddha statues.
haven't heard of that
>asian muslims
We're talking about dunecoon muslims
because the protocols of zion dictate that all diety based religion must end. buddism is a philosophy without a diety so it's a bridge to steal from abraham religions and lead people into athiesm.
Muslims are the reason why the Buddhists
were driven out of their Holyland in
India/Pakistan/Central Asia/Afghan, their Holy
sites/Centres of Higher Learning/ Universities/
Monuments/ Temples destroyed or converted to
Islamic BS, not to mention Jizya and Forced
The ones in Myanmar/SEA and Tibet are the
ones who managed to escape in-time. Is it no surprise they are a bit more wary of the Mallam?
>believe that live is inherently a circle of suffering which can only be escaped through hard work
Severely undermasturbated post
>Religion is comletely fine
>a bunch of outsiders start worshipping it and changing shit to fit what they want (cherrypicking)
>religion becomes politicized , changed even further to control NOT what people can and can't do but what the will and will NOT do
its strange that people are so confident they can't be manipulated
There is no Eastern solution.
>liberals love muslims
>muslims hate liberals
Don't expect too much sense from these dipshits.
I love that Buddhists acknowledge that some conflicts can only be resolved with a stern hand. Fucking based.
Eat shit, the ineffectual pussy known as Ghandi.
That's Myanmar you silly kraut
Also the people
They're killing are Islamic fundamentalists.
You figure it out
crazy preachy cult fuckers. all over idaho.
I nearly shit myself in japan when some missionaries wandering around spotted me and started making a bee line for me. Literally ran from them and somehow managed to get lost in the sea of japs. Was pretty funny to see jap reactions to me crouching and trying to hide among them too.
Please elaborate.
It honestly depends.
The Zen/Chan/Mahayana Traditions tend to be pretty lax, chill and shit.
The Theravada are the fundamentalists. Some
of them are pretty hardcore, esp if they are
ingrained in the political/traditional power
structure (See: Tibet/Thailand)
ITT: angry white people who dont know anything about Buddhism
It happens all over SEA, also in Myanmar. There are violent sects of Bhuddist monks that attack Muslims
>I love that Buddhists acknowledge that some conflicts can only be resolved with a stern hand. Fucking based.
the reasoning is killing is in and of itself never a good thing.
but the difference between an existential crisis and a moral one are massive. people kill wolves and poisonous snakes not because they hate them but because otherwise those animals are going to kill you
Buddhism isn't a religion you tard and you don't know shit about Buddhists.
The newly appointed Panchen Lama (second most powerful figure in Buddhism after Dalai Lama) is a direct shill for the Chinese Communist Party. China used to persecute and try to genocide Buddhists, but now that the CCP has gotten one of their pawns into a position of power, the CCP is suddenly tolerating and encouraging Buddhism.
When the Dalai Lama (Who is anti-CCP) dies, the Panchen Lama will get to choose who's the next Dalai Lama. Meaning that the CCP will get to choose the next Dalai Lama and control all of the Buddhists. Buddhism is literally going to be a tool for communists to control hippie westerners and Tibetans. Be warned!
I think Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion. the original Buddha had some good knowledge and wise words pertaining to life, and I've learned a lot from Buddhism and some of its practices, but I'm not a Buddhist.
I do follow parts of like 8 different religions though. I actually have a hand carved frog charm that I carry around with me now
you should know why
These sorts of discussion rarely discuss the actual tenets of Buddhism.
The Buddha said: We suffer because of our attachment to phenomena that are fundamentally impermanent.
He also said that by following the Eightfold Path, this suffering would be eliminated.
Does anyone disagree with the core of the Buddha's teachings?
>life is suffering
shes one of those never topless porn models so I'm not sure how you made that assessment
>control is illusion
How retarded can you be to think that Buddhism is centered around Tibet?
The ancient Buddhist Holyland in India is destroyed. There is no centre of power for Buddhist on this Planet.
I swear it's always the fucking leafs that manages to outdo the Americans in spewing pretentious false intellectual BS
pick one and only one
Buddhism is meh, meditation is good though.
>Buddhism isn't a religion
Religion is simply philosophy + the supernatural. Buddhism absolutely fits the bill, although arguably most of the supernatural elements were tacked on by people other than the Buddha himself.
The Buddha did not say this.
>what is the Eternal Return
This is only for the Tibetan branch of Mahayana Buddhism. It has no bearing at all on places like Thailand, Japan, Cambodia, Laos, srilanka, Myanmar, etc.
>Buddhists hate Muslims
only the ones in Burma, everywhere else they are neutral-ok with them
Even Dalai Lama condemned what Mayanmar is doing
Isn't it?
I think Sup Forums is secretely gay tbqh
>the buddha
>Is it something worth looking into?
Buddhism is sheltered first realization of how fucked up everything is.
Famiglia, I got bad news for you
>"the" buddha
>Is it something worth looking into?
No. Jesus is the only way, there is no other. Mohamad, Buddah, all of them are burning in hell.
Because "love and peace dude!" And no gods. And Eastern stuff is cooler than western. Libs have culturally appropriated buddhism, taoism, yoga, etc. Those white privileged shitlords.
Tibet is Mahayana
Greater vehicle is far more fundamentalist than lesser vehicle Theravada. Like another another said earlier Mahayana was a political force / religion.
Just look up some of the things Dalai Lama says about gays it would make the pope blush and is ISIS level thought.
I don't follow the religion but it seems it's all about inner peace. I wouldn't call it a religion but a way of life. Now I have heard about them killing Muslims. But it's obvious why they do it.
They are more akin to Testimonials/Parables than religious dogma, esp. the older uncorrupted texts. The Diamond and Heart Sutra are all you need to function as a Human Being.
It's best you take the 'supernatural' encounters
with a pinch of salt as over the long centuries,
the tales have been mixed with regional/local
traditions and superstitions (Esp. in
>my impotent power fantasy will make me feel better about me wasting my time with something that might not even be real
Enjoy, Gonzales.
Buddhism has good aspects to it,
meditation and thought experiments,
but the cosmology is whatever.
take the good parts and do your own thing
To all the retards ITT, Buddhism is not a religion. Religion is defined as the belief of God or Gods. Buddhism does not have a God or Gods.
The Dalai Lama is a very popular figure in the West and a good portion of Buddhist Westerners look up to him! Soon he will be a puppet for the CCP. Both Buddhist believers of Theravada and Mahayana believe that the words of the Dalai Lama hold moral authority. Be careful!!