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Cheeds feed and seed?
I guess cos it rhymes idk famz.
can this meme just die? It's not a complicated joke for Christ's sake.
Assuming Chuck's establishment had a similar rhyming scheme, what do you think the name of his store was?
Chucks fuck and suck
Chuck's Cuck & Yuck
It's an unfunny joke.
That's silly, why would you just immediately assume that? It's obvious that the store was formerly named "Chuck's" and nothing else
park and pay and park and additional books
>It's an unfunny joke.
Kill yourself.
Chuck's Luck and Cuck
>Formerly known as beddit
That doesn't work because beddit isn't an actual name of anything. You're just forcing the issue in a retarded way.
It was Chuck's Feed and Seed you morons. The joke is how Sneed accidentally rhymes with while Chuck didn't at all and is just a random normal name.
Chuck is who owns the store but Sneed is the family name as the store is passed from generation to generation.
>the joke is chuck rhymes with fuck huh huh huh
yeah that sure is the type of quality jokes the simpsons were known for
yesterday, about the Simpsons clip with the jet fighters who blew themselves up, the user was right in his analysis. This is after all the Simpsons, a satire on the u.s.
Charlie's Barley and Parsley
you'd think they'd get this by the 9000th time it's been posted
>everything has to be a "joke"
it's just worldbuilding
Um, can you not?
If Chuck's name is on the sign then it's reasonable to assume his store had a similar inventory to Sneed's otherwise what would be the point of mentioning him on the sign at all?
So chances are the store was called Chuck's Feed & Seed
Chuck's Feed & Seed.
>an entirely different establishment selling an entirely different product feels the need to add "Formerly X" to indicate the previous, unrelated business that used to stand there.
The "Formerly" addition is typically used when the same restaurant changes names or ownership. Why in hell's name Feed and Seed would be in any way related to Fuck and Suck is beyond me
Dude its chuck suck and fuck. If you can't understand a basic joke like that you might have problems
Why would an animal seed store make reference to the fact it used to be a brothel?
Chuck's Fuck and Cuck is the most logical.
Sneed's takes the first letter of Sneed to make the last word, and an F to make the first word.
Because it's funny. It's not a real store you autist, it's a gag in a fictional cartoon
Immersion broken.
what the fuck is this
The episode writer explaining the joke.
well hes wrong
But it doesnt make sense!
So lets say store A sold carrots and then went bankrupt and then the building housed a store that sold dvd players, the sign wouldnt say "dvd store formerly carrot store".
The only time you use the "formerly" thing is when the store is still the same but the owner changed.
So it used to be Chuck's feed & seed.
Dude shut up
b-but he wrote it
its non-native english speakers not understanding alliteration, right? That's why this is a MAYMAY, right?
Or maybe the feed & Seed is secretly still a Fuck & Suck store!
>feed and seed
>feed 'em seed
(t/n: "seed" is another term for "semen.")
No it's just people pretending not to get it.
>non-native english speakers not understanding alliteration
do you think you're the only country that knows alliteration?
we're onto something here
I'll feed and seed your ass gay boy
So long, dental plan!
me on the left
>Assuming Chuck's establishment had a similar rhyming scheme
Why would you assume that? There's no extrapolation to be made from the information we're given.
>Formerly Chucks
It's way more probably that it was either "Chucks" or "Chucks Feed and Seed". The probability of anything else would be drastically smaller since we're basing any other assumption on no evidence or information.
if you're pretending please stop
Why are you doing this
The joke was literally explained by the guy who wrote it
its the postbaneposter mentality. baneposting is dead so they want a new maymay to run for five years.
You guys could at least sage.
I forget on account of the entire board being total shit and saging not really doing anything to help anything, ever.
You faggots take the worst part of anything and turn it into a meme for fucks sake
Just wew lad and sage, the other baboons browsing this board will copy it like a dank new meme.like that guy who convinced newfags that "reddit spacing" exists.
why would you assume that?
check these
i disagree, i never got it until user explained it
> you share a board with this kind of person
I am not joking when I say that you must have some sort of mental handicap.
Is it dyslexia?
>He doesn't know death of the author
Chuck's Muck and Buck.
There, it fits the rustic aesthetic.
What is this, some new leddit may may ? Fuck off kid, maybe you can learn a thing or two if you lurk enough. But then again you must be a virgin Loser with no friends, so you will type an angry response to back up your new epic author meme.
Chuck's Muckruckers.
>Actually watched the episode this is from yesterday
>Homer grows mutant Tomatos
Jesus christ end the Simpsons now
It's a good episode you dolt
Chuckruckers is a really good restaurant. I dont know why they were making fun of it.
What, Tomacco?
No its not
You almost fit in
It is
>Sup Forums start forcing the ´´no way fag`` leon picture now even tough the image was created like 1-2 years ago
>now Sup Forums is trying to force this one even tough the screenshot was here for like years and years ago
Whats up with Sup Forums catching memes waaay too late?
>Sup Forums start forcing the ´´no way fag`` leon picture now even tough the image was created like 1-2 years ago
I think that's because the creator remade it except less funny but he kept spamming it so people noticed it and started making parodies.
Your first expectation is that since the name of the store rhymes, Sneed must have named it after himself in a humorous fashion. However, you read on to discover that the store had a previous ownership, by someone with a name that does not rhyme, meaning the current naming of the store is not intentional but a coincidence. This subversion of the viewer's initial assumption elecits a humorous response.
The above is the only correct explanation and if you disagree then please explain why there would ever be a store that forces whoever is the current owner at the time to sell products that rhyme with their own name, and to rename the store as such each time it gets inherited by someone else. All this just to justify saying the phrase "suck and fuck" which isn't even funny.
It's a 20 years old episode you fucking moron.
if you know it explain it, otherwise dont bother commenting
>chuck's suck and fuck
I know most people are trolling but there's no way old Simpsons would ever make a joke like that especially in the fucking 90s. It's not a believable troll.
the joke is, get this, the joke is, are you ready? the joke is...CHUCK.. rhymes with FUCK
Seriously tough, I don't get it either and neither does anyone else
I dont get it
We became reddit, and reddit became Sup Forums.
What was the last time you saw OC around here?
>being this dumb
Sup Forums needs a meme renaissance, I feel like vomiting from seeing the same shit reposted every day for years on end.
when I first came to Sup Forums back in the days everyone was posting that one garfield pipe meme
whatever happened to that?
That's a post modern masterpiece of art you fucking pleb.
I thought the same thing, but the episode writer confirmed it to be Chuck's Fuck and Suck. It's still a shitty, out of place joke which requires and unusual amount of thought.
Is this the worst meme in Sup Forums history?
Chuck's Fhuck and Shuck.
that makes no sense
but what would the animals eat?
The writer saying it means something now doesn't confirm it. It's been nearly 20 years, he could've forgotten or he's lying about it to fuck with people. Anyone else involved in the production wouldn't allow a "fuck" wordplay joke to be aired during 90s Simpsons if the writer stated that was the meaning of the joke.
The meaning is surely that the place used to be called "Chuck's feed and seed" and just happened to later be owned by someone named Sneed (so that it coincidentally rhymed).
At this point I can't even understand whether these posts are baits or if the people are just fucking retarded.