I feel like retreating to WoW and living a comfy fun NEET life......
Is caring about this world blue pilled?
Do whatever you want just make sure to always vote right wing
T. Cuck
bluepilled is "dude you only have one life just dew yew brah xD"
it's also "fuck the forests i need a new walmart here for the goy"
one is the 1% the other is the middle class
It's your life, do what you want.
Just don't expect anything from anyone if your going to be a useless NEET all your life.
Caring about the world is a luxury. If you have the time or the effort to care about the world then you should channel that energy toward something more productive, like unfucking the world.
But hey fuck it, play videogames instead. That's what I do.
Why not just kill yourself? Don't you feel bad for being a burden on your parents? Doesn't their contempt for you make you hate yourself?
Well if you truly didn't care then you wouldn't care about the concept of bluepill and redpill. Take the nopill if you want to escape from the world.
If you can afford it you should do a shit ton of heroin. get addicted to it.
fuck everyone else.
Double, Dog. Dare you
PS. Bro
Bro did you see what i said?
I feel like it might ne the ultimate red pill? What the fuck are we gonna do? Whites have been bred out of areas several times already. There is forces at work that we don't even understand, let alone can fight against. Maybe hedonism is the patrician choice in a plebeian world...
wow this is just getting awkward why aren't you responding?
seriously heroin is fucking awesome.
you probably totally blase corn needles right?
Riding that .. H train?
Excellent and sensible neighbor from the north
Worthless canuck who elected a hipster to make weed lmao legal.
BROS did you see my post?
You trying to get a tweaker buddy? You probably shouldn't do heroin little buddy. It's not good for you.
I'll give you ONE rare pepe for your responses
Wow you know nothing...
Why do you think its such an old thing?
Heroin is awesome!
i like to shove it up my asshole some times.
I guess heroin fags are the only thing worse than weed fags. Fuck off, nobody cares.
thats all i'm aksing. can you not just try something?
It's illegal and I see no compelling reason whatsoever to develop another habit.
But seriously, fuck off. You aren't contributing anything to the discussion. The only difference between you and a weedfag is that heroin is edgy than wee, but you're just as much of a faggot.
so... its basicly me and you in thread at this point.
do you wan.. want to cyber? with me XD
Thanks for the bumps sir
No. But the belief that a politician asking for more money is only out to save the environment is as blue pilled as it gets.
Blue pilled - care about the world
Red pilled - Don't care about the world
Accept your mortality - Care about world again
Accept your spiritual immortality - stop caring again
But user, wow can't be comfy. Its shit and who are you kidding? You'll never have as much fun as you used to.
Im having a very comfy time questing in redgewood tyvm
Yeah, because the world is going to be around for a long as time. Long after we're fuckin' dead. There wasn't anyone around to complain about the hellish landscape of Earth in it's infancy and who gives a fuck about who's around to see it's end?
Why should I care about the world if I accept my mortality? That's asinine.