Why is this, Sup Forums?
Why is this, Sup Forums?
Because no one wants to be a part of a country that votes for bigoted racists like Drumpf!
Dog fuckers
>2,000 a year.
>thousandths of a percent.
Because you touch yourself at night
Fuck off we're full.
Americans are so lucky. They get Trump AND they get to lose a shit load of their cuck population at the same time.
That an uninformed and unqualified businessman like Trump got this far has very deleterious effects on the psyche of its learned populace.
It's beginning to look like literally any popular retard with bad ideas can be president, and that is scary.
I lived as an expat in Japan during 2011-2012 and we had to report our earnings to the United States IRS, but we weren't taxed on it, since it was earned overseas. Shortly after I got back into the country, I believe it was around 2013 or 2014, they changed that so now you get taxed on income earned while living abroad, which you already have to pay tax on in your home country. If you live in another country and intend to continue living there, renouncing your citizenship is the obvious way to avoid double taxation.
$0.75 has been deposited in your account.
>Liberals leaving to leafland
Good, less Clinton voters
If I had an income in dependent from my location and I earned above a certain amount, I would probably do it as well, or perhaps just live in Puerto Rico for half of the year, just to cut down my taxes to a negligible amount. The US and one other obscure shithole are the only countries in the world that taxes all its citzens at the the full income tax regards where they live.
>home country
*host country
truly making america great again
let's see what they think of the immigration policy now :^)
And you open your ass further to their liberal bullshit
What's the point of this?
Are they actually leaving for some place they like better or are they just virtue signaling for kudos?
When the left says stuff like this over and over and over it gets old. After a long time of it being said, people do their own research and are discovering that Trump isn't a bigoted racist.
I'm still waiting for Brazil to be embarrassed when the Olympics start. You have a shithole country.
>509 people
>A lot
My sides
They're just stamping their feet. Same way they did when Bush was elected and re-elected. Same way others did when Obama was elected and re-elected. Nothing changes.
No point. If you don't have a business reason to emigrate to Canada you can't. Plus if you have any drug charges you probably wouldn't be able to live there long term.
Also leaving the US is hard to do since you still owe taxes up until the point you renounce your citizenship. Most people crying about leaving the US don't know what it actually takes to do it.
I'm not a Brazilian, I travelled here for the Olympic games. Thus far everything's been okay, let's wait and see though.
Also I was only pretending about Trump being a racist. ;^)
deport these faggots to canada, mexico, liberia, or syria
I betcha' most of them weren't white. A lot of anchor babies have complexes about their real homelands, and eventually go back for good.
Who are you trying to convince? Do you actually want these people to stay in our country?
They realizing that you're treated better by being "undocumented."
>mfw democrats in the convention literally harbored and showed off a bunch of illegals, and even one illegal was bragging about himself being illegal until he became a senator
I don't understand how they do not face any punishment for this. It just shows how crooked our justice system is.
509 people.. is this a joke?
Not only that, but even if you renounce citizenship you may still retain US Nationality.
They don't make that explicitly clear because they want to still have some control over you.
this is the media spinning an already common phenomenon of people who work overseas getting double taxed renouncing their citizenship to look like people are moving to canada because of donald trump aka literally hitler. They put the image with the article to suggest canada (where everyone claims they will move to after an election doesnt go their way) so they could push a narrative without actually saying it because they would be called out for being full of shit.
It has nothing to do with election.
For last two years, president Obama started to really go hard on expats' tax returns.
All Americans abroad with certain amount of income have to file their income tax return, and statements that list all their foreign assets. Wealthy Americans who live in low tax countries rather not pay the US income tax.
tfw someone says they're moving to Canada if Trump wins and I get to ask "Why not Mexico?"
A few of the more cunning rats have discerned that the ship is sinking. I lived amongst the burgers for 20 years and always tell people that the US is great... if, and only if, you're in the top 5% or so income bracket or have a very secure job.
Everyone else is more or less hanging on by their fingertips with little to no safety net if they slip.
They're scared trumps going to win, and decided to check out all the better shit we have, like more coffee options than Starbucks, free health care, and the ability to fuck with people dealing with the world's problems, while having little terrorism issues of our own, because we aren't a major target.
Trudeau is starting to see the illegals he wanted trickle in.
When will Canada build a wall?
It's mfw reddit. tfw means that feel when. Lurk more as they used to say.
but his point still stands.
SJWs are racist as the rest of us, but they are hypocrites.
"Move to Mexico" is the perfect response to some faggot saying he's gonna move to Canada if trump is elected.
>>That an uninformed and unqualified community organizer got this far has very deleterious effects on the psyche of its learned populace.
It's beginning to look like literally any marxist nigger with bad ideas can be president, and that is scary.
I know a couple people from the US that said they would never, ever want to go back there if Trump was elected.
Maybe that means something ?
He also forgot his meme arrow. Remember when newfags used to lurk?
>509 Americans renounced their citizenship
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
This is probably a good thing though since 99.9 those people who deserted the US are likely leftists, SJWs, Shill4Hills, limp-wristed cucks and beaners.
Our country only improves as they fuck off.
Honestly, women and blacks.
Despite being probably a sociopath, Clinton et al continue to get elected by educated women and blacks. Clinton obviously did not care about the country when he ran it and sold his entire party out to foreign despots and large banks, leaving the middle class American completely defenseless against both banks and the government's continual encroachment on their rights as Americans (and disposable incomes).
On the other side you have Trump, who is basically a malignant narcissist who has gathered up every angry person who lost their job due to Clinton's globalist policies, in every state and created literally a nightmare incarnate for the key voting blocs of the Democratic party, shifting almost the entirety of the working professional class to the Democratic side.
I am close to renouncing my citizenship as well and moving to Estonia, a nice, underpopulated, young and free nation. The American experiment is over.
In my personal opinion we should have never let blacks into this country and we should never have given women the right to vote. But that's hard to say, because I know women who are personally smarter than me and I know plenty of retarded men (the one's who believe Trump is playing four simultaneous games of 11D Connect 4, and not just an emotionally stunted rich boy with high dopamine levels).
Most women should not vote though because frankly they don't understand what's going on. I have never once in my life had a conversation with a woman who understood what is meant by "International Capitalists control our democracy", let alone cared.
>Maybe that means something ?
That our country is already getting greater.
>guns rights vehemently defended
>tons of shitheads being violent
>get to shoot tons of shitty people
Best country in history, and maybe the best that will ever exist.
Im willing to bet it doesnt have to do with trump but people wanted to leave because of hillary
Higher population than ever before.
not enough, kick the traitors out.
kek, good riddance. gotta shake the rotting fruit from the tree every now and then. hopefully more will follow.
Literally this, no joke.
>1 post by this ID.
No one wants to pays American taxes in addition to the taxes of whatever country they're currently living in.
>Canada is getting the most extreme liberals from the USA, as if their local brand of SJW shitlibs wasn't pozzed enough
Srsly. Needs to be more like 200,000
>durr I don't know how post by ID works
kys fgt
Because smart people exist[spoiler]ed[/spoiler] in America apparently.
I'd get out of the country too if I had the money.
I've driven through Canada 3 times on my way to Alaska.
You're only full of shit.
every election people overreact and do this. saw it alot during bush2. dont lament it anons. they're not americans.
Americans stay, we fight or we die trying. We value Justice and Liberty for all. Amen.
I think Bush put his feet up as well, but it is so unbecoming to the office and what dignity it should have.
Because as total population goes up, if the rate of people doing X doesn't change the amount of people doing X will increase.
As for why someone would renounce their citizenship, it's:
We Burgers are fortunate enough to join a tin-pot little African country as the only two countries that tax ALL citizens equally.
Because FACTA fucked over US expats and the only way to do banking overseas was to drop their citizenship.
I went to Mexico, renounced my citizenship, crossed the border illegally, living the good life now on the taxpayers dollar.